Jehad means a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels, President Obama. Why does Obama consistently minimize the terrorists acts done by Muslims against America?

Why does President Obama consistently minimize the attacks by Islamic radicals?

Asked, What do you think of jehad? President Obama said, “Jehad has a lot of meanings and is subject to a lot of interpretations..”

If you Google the word it says, jihad: a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels
jihad: a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal

What say you? Asked about jehad, President Obama says that Islam a religion of peace, justice, firmness and tolerance. Do you agree? Or is jehad a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels?

The reality is that there have been 25-30 attacks by Muslims shouting Allah is God! as they attack and kill non-Muslims.

Where is the web site listing all the thousands of peace loving, tolerant Muslims who condem these acts of violence?

Yes, there is a lone Muslim M.D. in Arizona with a web site who affirms that there are moderate Islams. Let’s hope that more moderate Muslims speak up!

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[…]     In response to the Ohio State jehad killings, CNN Camrota  wants non-Muslim women to wear head scarfs  in solidarity with Muslim […]

11 years ago

Jihad does not mean holy war. That is a western interpretation and not the true meaning. The Muslim faith is a peaceful faith, but like other religions it gets subverted by some and used to further their own ends. The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and do not try to impose their will on others.
I am not Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer. I am just someone that believes the actual truth of every situation needs told.