Firenze Sage: a chicken in every pot? How help Venezuela? God only knows…


” A chicken in every pot…”  Venezuela?  USA?

What cost for:  A chicken in every pot? Venezuela?  USA?

People in Venezuela are starving  and  cannot afford chicken or milk for their children.

First stated by Henry IV of France as, “I want there to be no peasant in my realm so poor that he will not have a chicken in his pot every Sunday,” and later in the United States during the Hoover campaign for presidency as part of an advertisement.

The cost of chicken is about $1.28 per pound in the USA.

So — what can people do so Venezuela kids have “a chicken in every pot”?

What has the Trump administration done?

  • The Trump Administration has imposed a range of sanctions on the Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela, including sanctions targeting Maduro and other senior government officials.


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