So how’s ‘community’ experienced at Aptos churches & coffee houses?

The most important things in life, as you know,  cannot be bought and one of those is a sense of  ‘community’.   People experience   ‘community’ variously – one way is by participating in  a church.

Another way  is by   going to a coffee house with  or without  friends. So how is ‘community’ experienced variously in Aptos ?  How’s   it working or not working where you live and work?

Churches — which typically meet once a week — are one way people experience  ‘community’. Below are 3 examples of how ‘community’ is  currently celebrated variously by  three Aptos, CA churches. Some ways work better than others at creating   ‘community’.

1)    In some churches, people attending   services  look  like masked bandits,  everyone  stays  carefully 6′ apart and most   leave   the premises  as soon  as services are over. No singing and no touching or hugging others is encouraged.

2)  Church attendees connect only  via the Internet  with  Zoom type meetings offered.  All in-person church related meetings which existed prior to the pandemic have been cancelled.

3) Some thing  different from the above two.      Some  people wear masks   and most  do  not.  Plenty of chit chat and  ‘how are you?’ conversation afterwards  with flexible  social distancing.  Things sort of start on time with considerable attention to the needs of children.   People recognize and welcome each other by name.    Lots of families  are present  with lots of children interacting  informally.  Consideration is given about   issues related to  the pandemic with few hard and fixed rules.

Resurrection Catholic  fits into category #1.    In-person services continue at  Resurrection Catholic in Aptos, CA.  Resurrection Catholic now   goes out of doors to celebrate community,    It  celebrates services outdoors   during the week (Tues. -Fri at 10 am) and also   out of doors on weekends (Sat at 5  pm and Sun. 10:15 am).  You can also attend services from home via Zoom or YouTube.   Important:  For in-person services,  be sure to bring and use your mask at Resurrection;  you may have difficulty knowing who is standing 6 feet away from you. People leave services without much chit chat. You need to make a reservations ahead of time to attend Sat. 5 pm and Sun. 10:15 services.  Click the link in the paragraph above for reservations.

St. John’s Episcopal  fits into category #2.   There’s still no in-person services held  by the  Episcopalians in Aptos, CA.    Located across Highway #1 off State Beach Drive (next to the new skateboard park in Aptos) , the Episcopalians offer   Zoom services only   to create ‘community’.  For their most recent Zoom service, click HERE.    There’s no mention in  St. John’s most recent e-news   when in-person community services  will occur.  No in-person meetings of any kind are happening currently.  Mother Tracy puts out a weekly email concerning worship services for the coming week.

Trinity Covenant Church (TCC)   fits into category #3.     Trinity Covenant  offers several  ways to connect on Sundays either  in-person  or  via Zoom on the internet.  Trinity Covenant,  located just off highway #1 and Seascape Blvd,  holds  weekly  service on Sundays at 10 AM.

Services ‘sort of’ start on time. Cars and people float  into the church  parking lot and building with the service largely starting  close to  10 AM.     Well behaved children get up during the service to get paper, pencils and crayons.    People  sit  (some wear masks, many do not)  either  inside the   building,  outside at patio tables, in their cars in the parking lot or hear the service from home via Zoom.  There’s live music  with singing and  Troy Martin, the pastor,  preaches from a raised area  in the auditorium.   Families sit together (lots of children)  with substantial social distancing in between families.    People ‘say hi’ and chat informally   after services.  Newcomers are recognized and welcomed readily.   A number of  church families  recently  returned from time together at Big Sur, CA.

And what about  how ‘community’ as experience in  coffee houses in Aptos?  Pacific Coffee Roasting Co comes first to mind with Norma Jean’s Coffee a close second.  Yes there are plenty of other coffee houses.

The Pacific Coffee Roasting House keeps all things flexible.  There are a few tables inside.  You used to be able to bring your own mug and now you cannot.  You have to wear a mask inside but not outside on the patio.   Located near the Aptos library, next door to Frank’s Pharmacy  and within walking distance of a Best Western motel, you will hear various languages spoken on the patio outside Pacific Coffee Roasting Co.   Most people do not wear masks as they share conversation, food and company. With a Zamian’s restaurant a stone’s throw away the patio area attracts people throughout the day.  It’s a popular place in Aptos, CA  to experience ‘a sense of community’ without masks.

written by Cameron Jackson





COVID-19 death rate lowered to about double that of flu

The COVID-19 death rate  was lowered recently  by  the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  to  about double that of flu.    The lowered death rate for the virus is vastly   lower from the initial 2+ million that were estimated to die from COVID-19. Currently, 5.4 MILLION have contracted it and 348 thousand have died world wide. 

A thought:  We don’t  close the  entire USA economy because of the flu (which kills between 30-60 THOUSAND a year)  and, had  the CDC and public officials known  the correct numbers,  we would not have closed the entire USA  economy over a death rate  double the flu.

Given what we know now — that  COVID-19 has a double the flu rate — what stops or slows the  re-opening up fully and quickly?

Politics?     Democrats are looking  ahead to  the USA  2020 elections.  Back of their minds:  How can the Democrats get votes by blaming Trump?

Remember, the original numbers  estimating COVID-19 deaths were based on computer models.    The real numbers that suggest a death rate similar  to flu  are based on data of actual deaths.

The same Democrat run states –  including California  and New  York –that are loudest in demanding a USA  federal rescue have hurt themselves  the most with long, strict lockdowns and tax spend policies.

Blue states run by Democrats  reopen slower.  They represent about 1/3 of the economy.  About 2/3 in New York and New Jersey  half of leisure and hospitality jobs in CA disappeared between Feb. and April compared to  43% in Florida.

Is this a political tactic?   People dependent upon the government  for groceries and rent are more likely to vote Democrat in the 2020 elections.

Some churches in CA have pushed back and the Gov. has changed course.   CA Gov. Newsom  relaxed rules which will allow churches in CA  re-open with strict rules.  Various CA  churches  have sued  Newsom and planned to open by  May 31, Pentecost Sunday.

So what to do when out in public?    Wash hands and social distance.  Those changes  seem sensible.

Wearing masks seems problematic.  Taking in clean air is a lot harder to do with a mask on.     Persons with breathing difficulties  will have even  more difficulties.   The USA has lots of children with asthma issues.   Turning one’s head  and covering one’s mouth are easier to do  and these were practices taught eons ago.  Those practices  could be resurrected.

Don’t forget where the COVID-19 virus came from:  China.  Chinese officials and politicians  locked down China and protected their country   from the virus and at the same time they  loosed the virus on the world. Now over 190 countries have dead citizens because of Chinese policies.

Will China be held  accountable? If we can’t change China we can change our policies.  Let’s make sure our medicines are made in the USA and not in China.

Your thoughts?    email 





video game lights replace candles in Aptos, CA catholic church


plastic candles

Video game plastic  lights replace  candles in an Aptos, CA catholic  church.

Will the pastoral candle be next?  How about recyclable  plastic wafers?

When heat is applied to a wick contained in wax a candle lights.  It emits smoke, light and heat.  The smoke rises to the heavens….symbolizing early sacrifices to God.

To replace candles with what amounts to a cheap video game ….  one wonders why?  Bean counters?  Cost? Saving money?

What to do:  Let the congregation decide.  Put the candles next to the video game lights and allow people to vote.

Ask people:   Do you want to punch a plastic button or light a candle?


Free Speech at universities & churches


Freedom of speech

Censorship of conservative voices.   Your voice has no merit and we will censor your voice  – that happens more and more  in university settings and other public settings  –including   churches.

Don’t like someone’s opinion?  Make more speech.  That’s the essence of freedom to speak.

Administration at U.C. Berkeley  recently spent  $60o K to protect free speech when Ben Shapiro, a conservative writer,  spoke at U.C. Berkeley. As of 9/23/2017,   is not clear whether the Free Speech Week sponsored by Berkeley Patriot student group  will go forward.

What about  churches?

Are ‘conservative’ voices treated  equally — and  respectfully —  as ‘liberal’ voices in your church?

If some church member raises concerns about an issue  are they  greeted respectfully  with  ‘let’s talk about that…” or are they treated indirectly  with derision, ignoring the person and quick  hostile comments followed by walking away.

An example that happened recently: The church volunteer person  who sends out email regarding events of interest to the  parishioners was asked  more than once  to put a link to a specific  post concerning  an  event.  Response in person was ‘our parishioners are older and don’t do links…’   Oh?  The following week the email sent out by that volunteer contained a link to a newly created church related   blog.  Is that censorship? I think so.

How do churches handle conflict? With listening and prayer we hope.  And respect for the other person’s opinion.   And supportive of freedom to speak.  That takes active steps since the elections in November, 2016.

Increasingly, churches start their church board  meetings with a Covenant  how people will talk to each other.

How might respectful discourse be encouraged in all church related meetings?   At coffee hour?  When two or three church Members gather to make decisions  planning future  events?

Weigh in.  Express your views on this topic and other topics.

Monterey Bay Forum is exactly that  — a Forum  for the expression of different views.   Some people write under a pen name.   One high school youth publishes on Birds.  One ex-policeman now an  R.N. writes about his career changes.  There are many voices expressed on the Forum.  Licensed Psychologist  Cameron Jackson writes under her own name — on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and through other avenues.

Your voice is welcome.

Many of the  most popular posts (most read over time)  on Monterey Bay Forum relate to Freedom.  Wonder why?    Probably because the domain name  is    That’s probably why we see readers  popping up from all over the world and all over the U.S.A.

written by Cameron Jackson




