That Trump lowers flag until sunset 8/8 shows ignorance of neo-nazi symbol 88?

American flag at half mast today until dusk August 8.
It doesn’t get loonier than this!
Analyst Finds Hidden Nazi Message in Trump Honoring Victims by lowering flag until dusk August 8.    The analyst  says:
“And I’ll give you an example of that. We have to understand the adversary and the threat we’re dealing with. And if we don’t understand how they think, we’ll never understand how to counter them. So, it’s little things and language and messaging that matters. The President said that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8th.
That’s 8/8. Now, I’m not going to imply that he did this deliberately but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House. The numbers “88” are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet and, to them, the numbers “88” together stand for “Heil Hitler.” So, we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8.”
Firenze Sage    This is a high ranking ex FBI lunatic. What has happened to law enforcement when psychotics have guns and subpoenas.

Trump still beats Clinton a Wash Post poll finds


Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton meets with civil rights leaders at the National Urban League in the Manhattan borough of New York City, February 16, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar - RTX277XM
Trump still beats Hilary 43% to 40% in Washington Post poll – were election today.

Vote for Trump or Hilary today?  The Washington Post does a survey:

“The new survey finds 46 percent saying they voted for Clinton and 43 percent for Trump, similar to her two-point national vote margin.

“Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton.


Paul Bedard writes in the April 23, 2017 that Donald Trump is the least popular president in modern times.  It’s not until almost at the end of the article that Bedard writes that Hilary Clinton would still lose to  Trump.


Ok Trump, Nehemiah re-built walls in 52 days so you get 100!


re-build the walls was first job Nehemiah did
re-build the walls was first job Nehemiah did

So how long will it take Trump to re-build our walls of defense?  

On Day 1, Trump listened to these words of advise delivered at an episcopal church across from the White House:

“President-elect and Mrs. Trump, Vice-President-elect and Mrs. Pence, families and friends, it’s an honor to be with you on this historic day.

“President-elect Trump, I remember that it was exactly one year ago this weekend that I was with you on your Citation jet flying around Iowa before the first caucus or primary vote was cast. After our Wendy’s cheeseburgers, I said that I believed that you would be the next President of the United States. And if that happened, it would be because God had placed you there.

As the prophet Daniel said, it is God who removes and establishes leaders.

Today─one year later─God has raised you and Vice-President-elect Pence up for a great, eternal purpose.

“When I think of you, President-elect Trump, I am reminded of another great leader God chose thousands of years ago in Israel. The nation had been in bondage for decades, the infrastructure of the country was in shambles, and God raised up a powerful leader to restore the nation.

And the man God chose was neither a politician nor a priest. Instead, God chose a builder whose name was Nehemiah.


And the first step of rebuilding the nation was the building of a great wall. God instructed Nehemiah to build a wall around Jerusalem to protect its citizens from enemy attack. You see, God is NOT against building walls!

And the Old Testament book of Nehemiah records how Nehemiah completed that massive project in record time—just 52 days.

Why was Nehemiah so successful in building the wall and rebuilding the nation?

I. Nehemiah Refused To Allow His Critics To Distract Him

Someone has said there are three guaranteed ways to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.

Any true leader is going to face criticism.

President-elect Trump, you have had your share of critics from the day you announced you were running for President, but you’ve confounded them at every turn. First, they said you couldn’t win the nomination, but you ended up garnering the most votes of any Republican in history. Then they said that was a fluke, but you couldn’t win the election. And you handily defeated your opponent. And now your critics say you can’t possibly succeed in your agenda.

Nehemiah had his own share of critics. Two of his chief antagonists were named Sanballat and Tobiah. They were the mainstream media of their day. They continued to hound and heckle Nehemiah and spread false rumors while he and the Israelites were building the wall.

At one point, they said, “Nehemiah, you need to stop the project and come down from the wall and have a meeting with us.”

Nehemiah’s response was classic: “I’m doing a great work . . . why should I stop the work and come down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3)

President-elect Trump, you, Vice President-elect Pence, and your team have been called by God and elected by the people to do a great work. It is a work far too important to stop and answer your critics.

Il. Nehemiah Refused To Allow Setbacks To Stop Him

As you read through Nehemiah’s journal, you’ll find that he faced tremendous obstacles as he attempted to rebuild the nation: an economic recession, terrorist attacks from enemies, and discouragement among the citizens.

But none of those setbacks was enough to stop Nehemiah.

Some years ago two sports commentators on television were discussing the late Hall of Famer Walter Peyton, the running back for the Chicago Bears. One commentator said, “Can you believe that during his career Peyton has run more than nine miles with a football?”

The other commentator replied, “What’s even more amazing is that every 3.8 yards of those nine miles Peyton got knocked down by a guy twice his size! But he got back up every time and kept moving forward in spite of those bruising hits and hard knocks.”

President Trump, you, your team and your families are going to face some bruising setbacks. But remember . .

The true measure of a leader is what it takes to stop him. And knowing you, I believe it’s going to take a lot to stop you.


III. Nehemiah Sought God’s Help To Empower Him

Nehemiah was a gifted leader, but he knew he could not succeed without God’s divine help. And that is why as he began the great work, Nehemiah knelt before God and prayed:

“O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant who delights in revering your name. Give your servant success today . . .” (Nehemiah 1:11)

Mr. President-elect, I don’t believe we have ever had a president with as many natural gifts as you. As you know, the reason I endorsed you within weeks of your announcement that you were running was because I believed that you were the only candidate who possessed the leadership skills necessary to reverse the downward trajectory of our nation.

And beginning with Vice President-elect Pence─a great and godly man─you’ve assembled an unbelievably talented group of advisers around you.

But the challenges facing our nation are so great that it will take more than natural ability to meet them. We need God’s supernatural power.

The good news is that the same God who empowered Nehemiah nearly 2500 years ago is available to every one of us today who is willing to humble himself and ask for His help.

God says in Psalm 50:15 “Call upon Me in the day of trouble I shall rescue you and you will honor Me.”

  reagan-america-needs-godWhen President Ronald Reagan addressed the Republican National Convention in my city of Dallas in 1984 he said, “America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are “one nation under God,” then we will be a nation gone under.”

President-elect Trump, you had a campaign slogan that resonated with tens of millions of Americans because it spoke to their heartfelt desire: “Make America Great Again.”

Psalm 33:12 gives us the starting point for making that happen: “Blessed— great—is the nation whose God is the Lord.”

“May God bless President-elect Trump, Vice-President-elect Pence, their families and advisers. And may God truly bless the United States of America.


Megyn Kelly: Trump, women and leaving FOX


Megyn Kelly's question to Trump about women
Megyn Kelly’s question to Trump about women

Megyan Kelly’s question to Trump on women — remember?   Now she  leaves FOX news for NBC.

At the very first Republican debate back in August, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly posed this question to candidate Donald Trump:

Kelly: “You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals.’ Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?”

That question Megyn Kelly posed to   Trump  — akin to ‘when did you stop beating your wife?’ has ongoing ramifications.

Today Jan, 3, 2016 Megyn Kelly leaves FOX News for NBC.

Hilary Clinton hitched her campaign that theme — that Donald Trump  was not fit to be President and had no respect for women.

Who were the women whom Trump made comments about?   You read and decide.




Hilary’s kind of people — Podesta & Huma — running America?


What direction for America?
What kind of people do we want leading America?  

Do we want Hilary’s kind of people  —   John Podesta and  Huma Aberdin  —   in charge of America?  Is this the direction we want America to take?

What we are learning recently  about Hilary and her kind of people?

Where will we find  the truth?   Which reveals more?    Podesta dump via Wiki Leaks — or the emails recently found on Hilary’s top aide Huma Aberdin’s laptop — co-owned with Anthony Weiner?

Hilary distances herself from her top aide, Huma.  Hilary  now  describes her top aide Huma  Abedin  as   “one of my staffers…”   Huma is and has been one of Hilary’s closest advisers.  Just recently, 650,000 emails were found on Huma’s husband’s laptop. Anthony Weiner  — who sends sex related texts to underage girls.  Huma ‘stayed by her man’ for five years and now has left him.  Huma’s emails are on Weiner’s laptop.  And Huma has no clue. Oh?

“I have no clue how those emails ended up on my husband’s laptop” says Huma.    10/31/2016  Hey Huma, you shared a bed with him!  And a laptop.

Hilary lies when she  says recently that   Comey’s letter to Congress was sent   only tHouse   Republicans.  No — Comey’s letter went  to all members.  10/28/2016   It seems likeHilary’s first reaction is always to lie.  Is this what we want in a leader?

Nov. 1:  No connection  between Trump and Russia reports the New York Times  11/1/2016  (pg. 23) Hey Hilary — you relied on the story that Trump and Russia were in cahoots somehow. Now that’s fallen apart.

CNN dumps Brazil  — Why?   Because  Brazil was  sharing questions with Hilary.  Gee Hilary — can’t you answer questions on the fly?

Obama  as of Nov 1  totally support FBI Director  Comey .  Two days ago White House cast aspersions on Comey.   Obama first and foremost concern is his legacy of ObamaCare.  And now premiums are going through the roof.




I am a stupid, biased CNN media info babe re Trump and term limits

CNN info babe wrongly says Congress already has term limits

‘I am a stupid, biased media info babe’ what CNN Brook Baldwin should say about her recent comments about Trump and term limits.

It’s   another another example where the press editorializes rather than reporting.

Most people know — and anyone who works in Washington D.C. must know that:

There are no term limits on Congress.  Our elected representatives  stay for decades. Way too long.    term-limits-get-out-not-a-retirement-home

Outsider  candidate Donald Trump calls  for reform.  Reaction by CNN info babe shows bias.

Donald Trump announced a proposition to institute term limits for all members of congress:  A constitutional amendment for six years in the House, and twelve years in the Senate:

There is another major announcement I am going to make today as part of our pledge to drain the swamp in Washington. If I am elected President, I will push for a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.    term-limits-tired-of-career-politicians

Decades of failure in Washington, and decades of special interest dealing, must come to an end. We have to break the cycle of corruption, and we have to give new voices a chance to go into government service. The time for Congressional term limits has arrived.  ~ Donald Trump



Quick as a flash, CNN rushes to the microphones and typeset.

In what can only be described as the current intelligence customarily found amid the Clinton News Network,

CNN host and info babe  Brooke Baldwin looks at her panel, smugly and condescendingly replying:

 …. “there are already term limits, so what does Trump  mean”?


  ginsburg-biasFirenze Sage:  
Quick, put her on the supreme court.
How about term limits on the media?

Who will check the checkers? Liberal fact checkers wrong re Trump

Trump and Hilary
Trump and Hilary first debate:  who checks the fact checkers?

So who checks the “fact checkers”?  

Holt: Stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York…

Trump: No, you’re wrong. It went before a judge, who was a very against-police judge. It was taken away from her and our mayor, our new mayor, refused to go forward with the case.

Fact Wreck rating: Trump is 100% right, according to the New York Times and Holt’s collusion with Clinton is becoming hard to ignore.


Firenze Sage:  The case of the immoderate moderator, again.


Say it isn’t so: Activist critical of Trump rapes Hispanic illegal

Yapias rapes Hispanic illegal

But it is so — An Hispanic activist critical of Trump rapes an undocumented Hispanic female and then deletes text messages from her cell  phone.  She pressed charges the next day and the man, activist Yapias formerly of Peru/ Mexico  was arrested.

You might remember a Hispanic political activist named Tony Yapias, who was extremely critical of Donald Trump’s assertion that some illegal Mexican aliens were rapists.Tony Yapias is the director of ‘Proyecto Latino de Utah’.  Mr. Yapias also coordinated numerous protest events against Donald Trump including a rather violent display in Salt Lake City, Utah.

tony-yapiasThis week Tony Yapias has been arrested for rape.   However, not only was Yapias arrested for rape – his victim was, …wait for it…, yep, an illegal alien.

Yes, it appears Mexican rapist Tony Yapias felt additionally empowered by the fact his victim was less likely to be able to contact law enforcement.

However, as Fox13 in Salt Lake Cityreports:

[…]  Despite the woman’s fears concerning immigration issues, court documents state, she reported the assault the day after it happened. She was also examined by a forensic nurse who found she had multiple physical injuries consistent with her explanation of what happened(link)

Mr. Yapias threatened, raped and blackmailed his victim specifically because of her undocumented illegal immigration status


Firenze Sage:  And, somewhere, the major media found this —  and left it there.



Damn liars! Democrat biased media cut camera as Trunp given prayer shawl


All news feeds lost the feed when Reuters cut the feed …

Hot Mic – Reuters Intentionally Cuts Camera Feed During Positive Bishop Jackson Remarks To Trump in Detroit…

 During a visit to Detroit today candidate Donald Trump was blessed and given a prayer shawl by Bishop Wayne T. Jackson.   However, as Bishop Jackson continued his remarks the operators of the Reuters news feed began speaking uncomfortably about the power of the positive optics for the Trump campaign – Via YouTube.

It appears the camera operator was initially reluctant to cut the feed saying:

“I’m shooting this, I don’t care what they say,… I’ll take a demotion for this…. you?”

Moments later you can hear the intensity of the voice off camera increasing: “Shut it down” followed by the a voice asking “shut this down?” and the response “yeah”… “blackout“.  Seconds later in the middle of Bishop Jackson’s remarks the feed is cut.

Hot Mic – Reuters Intentionally Cuts Camera Feed During Positive Bishop Jackson Remarks To Trump in Detroit…

Firenze Sage:  Was it Stalin or Hitler or Mao who censored the press. Now the press censors the press and calls Trump Stalin.



Barbara Streisand: “People, people who hate people” to leave USA if

Barbara Streisand: “People, people who hate people” to leave USA  if Trump  elected.  She goes to a very large house elsewhere.

Add Barbra Streisand to the list of celebrities who will be moving out of the United States if Donald Trump is elected president in November.  

Moving out of the USA
Moving out of the USA  if ….

The 74-year-old singer and actress told 60 Minutes correspondent Michael Usher on Sunday that she will leave the country if Donald Trump is elected president.

“I worry,” Streisand said during the  interview that aired Sunday, according to the Daily Mail. “I don’t take anything for granted. I want Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States. But there is still a lot of sexism, and ‘A woman being president?’ you know, and making fun of her, the way [Donald Trump] insults her right and left, and has no facts.”

Streisand is just one of nearly a dozen celebrities who have publicly vowed to move out of the United States in the event that Trump is elected.

Other stars who have made the same pledge include Whoopi Goldberg, Miley Cyrus, Samuel L. Jackson, George Lopez, Raven-Symoné and Cher.

Firenze Sage:  This means they will spend more time in their overseas mansions. Boo Hoo.

one celebrity home
one celebrity home …