America’s CHINA Class (Nike, Apple) harms working Americans & enriches themselves enormously

Why GOOGLE, Amazon, Apple and Nike fear Trump and spend millions to get rid of him.   Read Lee Smith’s The Permanent Coup.

“By the time the Clinton White House granted China most favored nation trade status in 2000, all of Washington knew that America was running a vast trade deficit that was destined to increase with accession to the World Trade Organization.

“The price for lifting tens of millions of rural Chinese peasants out of poverty through favorable trade arrangements would be tens of millions of American lives ruined, even as large American companies like Apple and Nike and bankers like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs got richer.

The elite reasoned that they had no choice: The rise of China was inevitable. Why fight it?”

“American political and corporate elites didn’t choose decline.

“They chose to get rich. By shipping America’s manufacturing base off to China, they seized a business opportunity the likes of which had never been seen before—an enormous captive labor force controlled by an authoritarian regime that guaranteed the steady production of goods at a fraction of what it would cost at home. American cultural elites (Hollywood, sports, art, etc.) who exploited the increasingly large Chinese market for their products provided cover for the China Class cohort with messaging that dovetailed with CCP propaganda.


What can you  do? 

Stop buying Chinese anything.  Find out about  and oppose the Chinese slave labor camps that produce tennis shoes for Nike and goods for BMW, Apple and 80 other large companies.

Understand and oppose  the censorship policies of YouTube, e.g.,  why you can’t see  Trump’s health advisor  Atlas as he was removed supposedly because what he says contradicts the CDC — which is  largely controlled by the Chinese.

Read widely about China and what the Chinese Communists are doing to the world. China now takes on Germany for advanced manufacturing jobs.  

China  un-leased a horrible virus made by scientists  in their virus lab.  Mmmmm?

written by  Psychologist  Dr.Cameron Jackson

Monerey Bay Forum

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Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
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ANTIFA is no Lone Ranger with black mask who helps people. Unmask those bad ANTIFA persons!

Remember the Lone Ranger who wore a black mask and helped people?   A man who, with his sidekick Tonto, sought freedom and justice for all?

ANTIFA,  no lone ranger, hides their identity behind black hoods. ANTIFA is   a bunch of violent persons who beat up journalist Andy Ngo in Portland. No arrests were made.Ngo suffers permanent injuries.  Many thousand in Germany lend support to ANTIFA.

Take off those masks from ANTIFA.  Bring justice to Portland and journalist  Mr. Ngo.  Stop this lawlessness in Portland before it spreads.

How control ANTIFA?   Make the wearing of masks and hoods at demonstrations illegal.  Let people assemble and express their views freely   — without masks.

written by Cameron Jackson




Call the Red Cross! It’s a New Year …[Safe zones at Brandenburg Gate]

Safe  zones to protect women on  New Year”s Eve  2017 at Brandenburg  Gate in Germany

Safe zones to protect women  on New Year’s Eve, 2017, when partying at Brandenberg Gate in Germany.

New Years Eve in Berlin

   Out of fear for a replay of what happened two years ago in the city of Cologne  — when groups of migrant men abused dozens of German women celebrating the arrival of the new year –  the city of Berlin has decided to create “safe zones”  for women at the New Year’s celebration at Brandenburg Gate.

On New Year’s Eve 2015, about 1,200 women became victims of sexual assault in several major German cities, with more than 600 women attacked in Cologne and about 400 victims in the northern German city of Hamburg.

Prosecutors established that more than 2,000 men were involved in the assaults, but only a tiny fraction — about half of them foreign nationals who at the time had only recently arrived in the country — had been identified a year later.

It took months for the full scale of the 2015 assaults to emerge, but when prosecutors released their final estimates, Germans’ attitude toward refugees changed dramatically:

To many, New Year’s Eve 2015 is the night Germany’s welcoming attitude toward newcomers ended. Leading politicians called for tougher deportation laws soon thereafter.

In Berlin on New Year’s Eve 2017, women can go to the safe zones when they are harassed or simply don’t feel safe.

The safe zones are guarded by members of the Red Cross. There will also be psychologists present to help the women deal with the abuse they might suffer.

The safe zones were created at the request of Berlin’s police department. Earlier, the October Fest in Munich experimented with these safe zones, which proved to be very useful.

In addition to creating safe zones, the police have also informed would be partygoers that they are not allowed to bring their own alcoholic drinks to the party at Brandenburg Gate, or even to carry a backpack with them. They can go to the celebrations with their wallet and smartphone, and that’s about it.


Firenze Sage:   Why go out if you end up in a group therapy session surrounded by the Red Cross?
