Autistic children cost the most but congress appropriates ONLY 14%

art by pre school children

The tension comes because the federal government sets the “free and appropriate” standard for special education services BUT congress typically funds only about 14 percent of the actual cost. That leaves the states and local districts with the burden.

For very young children in California the parents can create their own program and get it funded by a regional center. Takes work but might be worth it. Also, parents can go to their churches and places of worship and get space to start programs. No rent and the use of volunteer parents and guidance from professionals can make for very helpful programs for children with autistic spectrum disorders.

When our daughter was one I started a child care center for families in crises. Located in a church there was no rent. Church and community members provided 3/4 of the labor costs. I was a volunteer Director for years. That child care center — Calvary Childcare in Santa Cruz — still serves the community. That was 25 years ago. Now, not then, children today have to be 2 1/2 and toilet trained.

Cameron Smith Jackson 831 688-6002

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