Anger Grows re Huge Santa Cruz County Salary Increases

Monterey Bay Forum, Aptos, CA reprints from OPINION page of Santa Cruz Sentinel, April 9, 2009

Concerning the recent excessive increases in County govt. pay:

Tom Tehmklhl of LaSelva Beach: “County pay raises on par with AIG debacle. What happened to the concept of pay for performance?”

Bengie Canepa, Santa Cruz: “It is insane when workers are being laid off and these top-tier government employees are being compensated like this when the county projects a $25 million deficit for 2009-2010. The collapse of the real extate market and associated taxes are listed as main reasons for deficit. …salaries should decrease or freeze when taxes used to fund these positions decrease…”

Bob Willig, Felton: “The only force available is to vote the people out only to have the next batch as bad.”