JABS are NOT a VACCINE says 9th Circuit Court so STOP mandating “the JAB”?

The COVID vaccine was touted  to  prevent getting it and also stop the spread.   But millions have gotten COVID  and  also spread it to others.  

Our COVID  story: My husband got COVID while in hospital and spread it to me when he came home,  I’d already had two JABS because our esteemed MD wrote a newsletter saying, “ONE million will die….” No more jabs since for either of us.  But  in Aptos, CA two major pharmacies have signs outside saying GET your FREE COVID booster.   Your government wants you to keep getting the JAB.  

So what’s your JAB/ COVID story? Got the JAB  and all  boosters and doing everything government says to do?  In the news:   Maxine Waters got several boosters and now getting treatment for pancreatic cancer. 

The alarm bells are ringing:  more and more deaths are mounting up and more and more serious side effects happening.   Slow in emerging the overall damage from ‘the  JAB’ is relentless.   


It’s No Longer Democrats vs Republicans its Communism vs Freedom?

Democrat President  Biden uses his pen and mouth to reverse  policies put in place by  Republican President Trump. 

Than includes Afghanistan.   Biden recently reversed Trump’s policy agreements with the Taliban and betrayed   our Afghanistan allies.  Democrat military  leaders had  no EXIT plan in place  before leaving. We all saw people falling from the sky and chaos at the airport.

Some people think that there is no real difference between Democrat politicians and Republicans.

Brian Raney   of Santa Cruz, CA wrote on Facebook  that “there is no significant difference between Democrats and Republicans other than the ideology to which they give lip service.” He further writes,   “The leadership of both parties are fascists and reactionaries. “   Oh, really?

Let’s look at what t Democrat and Republican politicians actually  DO and not just what they SAY.

There are some  HUGE differences between Democrats and Republicans.

Let’s compare two politicians one Republican and one Democrat.  Andrew Cumeo is Governor of New York.  Ron De Santis is Governor of Florida.  Both are regularly in the news because of their policies.

Long time Democrat politiican, Andrew Cumeo  recently resigned.  What policy is   he known for?  Nursing home deaths.   Cumeo  is directly  responsible for the deaths of thousands of nursing home patients. It was his specific policies which he signed  that killed older adults. Protecting life for the elderly  was not and is not  Cumeo’s policy.

Now let’s consider Ron De Santis,  the  Republican Governor of Florida  and a  known  supporter of Republican  President  Donald Trump. What policies is he known for?  DeSantis is known for his  policies with respect to COVID.    DeSantis  sends the  kids back  to school and  supports no mask policies.  DeSantis  recently  set new speech rules for Twitter. DeSantis’ policies support freedoms  for individuals to make decisions for themselves.

Next question:    Are Democrats more supportive of  communism and Republicans more supportive of  freedom?  Yes …

Communism is an ideology  with policies which demand and enforce control of  ALL   human behavior in the interest of the  state.  Religious freedom and worship of God are stamped out by the  communists.

What did Democrat politicians do during the COVID pandemic?   They limited freedom.  Democrat run states such as CA   closed the churches and kept open the Big Box stores.  Materialism was fine for the Democrats.   Go buy stuff  in BIG BOX  stores without wearing  masks was fine. And it was fine to buy alcohol.   But no,  you cannot go to church except under strict regulations.  CA does this as did many other states run by Democrat politicians.

President Biden  — a Democrat –  says 8/18/2021 that  there must be mandatory vaccination and mandatory wearing of masks. He says this though according to JAMA there are randomized studies showing “no significant difference in transmission of flu” comparing those who wear and those who do not wear masks.

The Gold standard science does NOT support mask wearing.  Democrats such as Biden demand mask wearing.  Why?  Control of behavior.  Create and enforce isolation.  Masks prevent people from seeing  highly important non-verbal communication.  Masks spread fear.  Masks separate people.

Back to the question — is there a real difference between Republicans and Democrats?

The Democrats chose the outcome unwinding  in the middle east.  The Democrats run from freedom and support communism  and the  Taliban.   Advanced communication equipment today  is being dismantled and sent over the border to Pakistan.

The terrorists are on the move thanks to Democrat policies.

written by  Psychologist Cameron Jackson      JAJaol.com    8/18/2021







COVID protection you can do NOW — Dr Vladimir Zelenko’s protocol

What you can do NOW  for COVID virus  protection?   Get prepared now.  

Whether you are in total lock down as  in Sydney, Australia or confused by the most recent flip flopping by Washington D.C. politicians such as Dr. Fauci   whether to wear a mask indoors or outdoors –  do what you can to be prepared.

Now is the time  to keep other drugs in your medicine cabinet should  you or family members  develop  symptoms of the CCP virus aka COVID-19 or some variant.   Be sure to have Zinc, vitamin C (1,000 mg tablets),  one of the ionophores that open the door so  that the zinc can  do its work,  and  appropriate antibiotics.

Ionophores — they  are necessary to  transport  the zinc  into the cells –  they include Ivermectin, Quercetin and Hydroxychoroquine (HCL).   You need ONE of the ionophores.   HCL is treatment of choice for people over age 45.

Whether you are  fully vaccinated or not — get prepared.

Hydroxychoroquine (HCL) plus Zinc for over age 45 OR Quercetin plus Zinc for under age 45 & no major health issues.  

Start  Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s protocol ( if possible)  within 5 days of symptoms.  Yes — get a PCR test but don’t wait for results to start treatment.

Click  the  link  below detailing what medicines, how long to take and in what strength  to  utilize  per  Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol.



Tell Biden to secure the Border & give law enforcement tools it needs

See that out of control top line on graph which is  headed upward?  That’s Biden’s illegal aliens flooding the country.

See the gray line at bottom of graph?   That was the number of illegal aliens who came in   under Trump’s administration. Trump  secured the border and gave law enforcement the tools it needed.

from the Daily Wire:  Democrat President Joe Biden’s border crisis significantly worsened during the month of June after nearly 190,000 illegal aliens were apprehended on the U.S. southern border in what was the fifth consecutive month of rising numbers.

“CBP said that 188,829 migrants were encountered at the southern border, an increase from the 180,034 encountered in May,” Fox News reported. “It is also a sharp rise since when President Biden took office — there were 78,442 encounters in January.”

“The number of unaccompanied children encountered increased by 8%, with 15,253 encounters in June compared to 14,137 in May,” the report added. “Encounters of family units, meanwhile, surged by 25% to 55,805 from 44,746 in May.”


10 Books Every Conservative Should Read In 2021

10 Books Every Conservative Should Read In 2021

By Sharif Khan

‘A Pernicious, Insidious, Awful Practice’: How The Biden Administration Is Editing Our News

By Ben Johnson

The Founding Fathers: 6 Prophetic Warnings That Are Coming True

By Rikki Schlott

5 Stars Who Stood Up To Cancel Culture, And 5 Who Bowed Down

By Rikki Schlott

Women Shouldn’t Accept Third Place In A Race They Won

By Kelley Paul

5 ‘Racist’ Biden Quotes The Media Swept Under the Rug

By Gabe Kaminsky
SHAPIRO: Debunking Pro-Abortion Propaganda

SHAPIRO: Debunking Pro-Abortion Propaganda

By Ben Shapiro
Comparing Trump And Biden’s COVID Relief Bills

Comparing Trump And Biden’s COVID Relief Bills

By Ben Zeisloft
Boston Public Schools Suspend Advanced Class Enrollment Test; Say Too Many Students In Them Are White Or Asian

Boston Public Schools Suspend Advanced Class Enrollment Test; Say Too Many Students In Them Are…

By Ashe Schow
School-Wide Email Condemns Student For Calling ‘Racist’ Candace Owens A ‘Black Trailblazer’

School-Wide Email Condemns Student For Calling ‘Racist’ Candace Owens A ‘Black Trailblazer’

By Chrissy Clark

Former top Department of Homeland Security officials blasted the Biden administration in response to the latest numbers on its border crisis.

  • Chad Wolf, former Acting DHS Secretary and Heritage visiting fellow, said: “These numbers show that the Biden border crisis is not going to stop until the Biden administration reverses course on its open-borders policies. Recently, an MSNBC host claimed during a conversation with me that the border crisis actually began under the previous administration, a misleading claim on many levels. This unfortunately is the reaction by far too many on the left when challenged about the facts of the Biden border crisis. It’s time to get back to policies that were working: securing our border and giving law enforcement the tools they need. While the mainstream media chooses not to cover the crisis any longer, I can tell you that local and federal law enforcement officers that I have talked to have never seen conditions so dire. I urge all Americans to stand up for our system of law and order. Stand up for our law enforcement and do not become numb to this crisis.”
  • Mark Morgan, former Acting CBP commissioner and Heritage visiting fellow, said: “This month we celebrated our nation’s independence from a government that treated the law as an inconvenience and put the goals of the elites above the interests of the common man and the rule of law itself. In similar fashion, the Biden administration has turned the rule of law on its head in sparking this border crisis. It has willfully advanced policies to open our borders, reinstitute catch-and-release, and create an unprecedented flood of illegal immigration on our southern border. Make no mistake, the Biden administration has sparked a constitutional crisis in pursuit of what it perceives to be a political benefit. At this point, what other logical explanation is there? This is no longer a time just for words—it is a time for action. It is time for the people’s representatives to take meaningful steps to hold this administration accountable for its blatant and willful disregard for our laws. Federal, state, and local leaders should use their considerable authority to thwart this administration’s open-borders agenda at every turn. Texas is already leading the way here, and I’m glad to see other states stepping up to support them. Leaders in Congress are also not powerless. They can withhold funding that is directed only at facilitating the crisis instead of truly stopping it, refuse to approve any nominees who will implement this agenda, and support states forced to respond to the Biden administration’s inaction. It cannot be ‘business as usual’ when the White House is violating its most sacred duty to protect this country. Every point of leverage, whether directly immigration and border-related or not, should be used to force the Biden administration to end this constitutional crisis.”

This is a breaking news story, refresh the page for updates.

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.


How to free Cuba? LOON balloons provide Internet & can break Communist firewall

Can Biden muster  the political will to tear down Cuba’s cyberwall?  The Florida Gov. says that he wants to do so. Radio Marti has helped for decades & could be re-tooled.

LOON balloons have been used elsewhere and can open up the Internet so Cubans — who desire freedom from Communist brutality –  can communicate freely with  each other.

The tennis court-sized balloons float 20 km above sea level, twice the altitude of commercial aircraft. On board solar panels power the balloons, which will provide 4G coverage to regions  such as Kenya.  And,hopefully,  possibly Cuba if Biden can muster the political will.

The most likely to do something fast ?  Let’s hope that  the Gov. of Florida will step up to the plate and provide Internet access.  He says he wants to.




How CA citizens can protect their vote & better prevent non-citizens from voting in CA elections?

How  can  California  citizens better   protect their vote and better  prevent non-citizens from  voting?  The Supreme Court recently upheld Arizona laws for election integrity which  put an end to “ballot harvesting” and require that people vote in their own prescient.

Learn about the Election Integrity Project and support it as you see fit. For more info, go to www.eip-ca.com   

For starters,  understand the magnitude of the problem. Molly Ball in Time Magazine details how Big Tech, Big Labor and other interest groups opposed Trump successfully by suppressing and shaping information and making agreements. All sorts of powerful groups wanted — and succeeded – to get  Trump gone.

For example, articles report that Trump’s Attorney General William Barr  put out a directive to do  nothing to investigate potential election fraud in Pennsylvania.  A U.S attorney working for AG Barr received written orders not to intervene.   That attorney, William M. McSwain,  is currently running for Gov. in Pennsylvania.  McSwain says  that  William Barr turned a blind eye to election fraud.   That ‘blind eye’ is  now changing as various states — Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan –  investigate.

So what are some of the actions  taken by Democrats in CA  that needs substantial  correcting?  As in a number of states, the CCP virus was used by the  Democrats to change  various election laws, regulations and election  procedures.  These changes  diluted  the value of your your vote and probably  encouraged massive CA fraud.

The following  facts  about the 2020 Election in CA that are  documented by  the Election Integrity Project (EIPCa) and entity with  10+ year history for carefully detailing their findings:

there were close to  2 MILLION  (1.8 m) more VOTES  than ELIGIBLE VOTERS in the Nov. 3, 2020  CA elections.     Given that not all eligible voters  ever actually vote  — that MILLIONS more votes were counted than available  eligible voters  –  that suggests possible  massive fraud committed by the Democrats in CA.   This is likely one reason  why some southern  CA elections were “flipped” to the Democrats  with their use of  ballot harvesting;

  1. 700  CA persons signed affidavits concerning irregularities which  they observed during the elections;
    The  records for more that one  MILLION  persons (33,000 foreign born and 76,000 USA born in a state other than CA) were changed to say born in CA or born in the USA.   This is just one way that  CA  Democrats throughout CA  increased the number of “voters”;

In California,  116,000 persons with NO HISTORY of voting did  vote in the 2020 Nov. 3 election;

7,700 persons voted twice.

For more information go to he Election Integrity Project California  www.eip-ca.com




2020 elections: How many fake mail-in Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia?

Examination of  Georgia ballots happening soon.  Plan how to examine  thousands of mail-in Fulton county GA  ballots — without touching them — has to be  agreed to by GA  judge before the latest forensic examination takes place.

Press Release Contact: Garland Favorito
May 24, 2021 garlandf@VoterGA.net
www.VoterGA.org (404) 664-4044

Court Rules to Unseal Fulton Co. Mail-in Ballots

3rd Victory for VoterGA in Ballot Inspection Case
MCDONOUGH GA – On Friday, a Henry County Superior Court granted
VoterGA petitioners the right to inspect Fulton County mail-in ballots that have been in question since the November 3rd 2020 election. That includes a highresolution 600 D.P.I greyscale needed to conduct a full forensic inspection.

The court upheld Petitioners’ Constitutional rights despite an opposing Amicus Brief from Attorney General (AG) Chris Carr and Secretary of State (SOS) BradRaffensperger seeking to stop the inspection. The brief was found to have false claims by the Petitioners response brief and a second Amicus Brief filed by the Tea Party Patriots Foundation and Filipino Latino Asian Movement for Empowerment


Stop wearing a face mask for Covid-19 protection when?

Will you stop wearing a face mask  for Covid-19 protection simply  when you decide?

Or will you  stop wearing  when  certain politicians tell you that  its OK to stop?

Or  will you  stop because Science says that fully vaccinated persons can safely do all normal activities without masks?

Maybe you will stop wearing because you have young children and kids cannot read non-verbal communication when parents’ faces are covered.

Some people  simply stop wearing face masks  because they choose to stop.   For example, In Santa Cruz, California, students of RitaRivera.com -   who teaches restorative motion -  choose not to wear face masks.  Since  2016  Rita Rivera offers Restorative Movement & Dance classes and workshops throughout the county of Santa Cruz, California.     Rita Rivera’s  desire is  to keep the body moving so people  age gracefully.With Covid-19 restrictions easing, Rita Rivera is expanding  classes and workshops in Santa Cruz, CA.

Various protests over  wearing masks have erupted around the USA, e.g., Lee County, Palm Beach county.

The  face mask protest of a fourth grade, 10 year old boy living in Florida  went viral recently. He protested that the rules are not fairly enforced.  The story is covered in depth  5/19/21  by The Epoch Times.  

Recently, a group of GOP lawmakers refused to wear a mask on the House floor.   A fine of $500. can be imposed for the first offense and $2,500 for the next offense.  See The Epoch Times coverage.  

What we do know is that  some  politicians and policy makers (which include  Dr. Fauchi  and Gov. Newsom)   continue to advocate for face masks contrary to what SCIENCE says, i.e., that fully vaccinated persons are free to go back to normal life and do not need to  wear face masks  whether  inside or outside.

Check out the website for the Center for Disease Control which says that all persons fully vaccinated do  not  need to wear face masks. Despite the CDC guidelines,  California Gov. Newsom   requires   face masks for all  California residents  until June 15, 2021.  Gov Newsom  recently signed a $316 million contract for 429 million face masks. A Chinese manufacturer will supply the face masks  to California.

When you see Dr. Fauchi  on television he typically  wears a face mask — even though he is fully vaccinacted. Senator Rand Paul, a medical MD before becoming a politician,  thinks  Dr. Fauchi acts “like an ignoramus” concerning wearing of face masks.

Check the research which says that for over a year i.e., since  March and April of 2020, it’s well documented that  fully vaccinated persons do not infect others and are highly unlikely to become infected.

Per report of the C.D.C., roughly 60% of adults in the USA have received at least ONE dose of the Covid-19 aka CCP  Virus vaccine as of 5/17/21.

As a licensed California  psychologist, I advocate that parents pay close attention to how their children react  to you and others who are  wearing masks.  Look at the research literature as well as what other parents report.   Masks hide non-verbal communication which is critical for children learning language.  Masks promote fear.  Children drop their masks and may be recycling bacteria the dropped masks pick up.   Be careful, parents!

written 5/19/21  by  Psychologist Cameron Jackson   PSY14762





Live in CA & Test POSITIVE for COVID-19 virus. What to do?

What to do when  you test POSITIVE for the  COVID-19 virus aka  the CCP virus?

This post concerns COVID-19 aka the CCP virus   and, in particular,  what’s happening in  Santa Cruz County, California.    For  general information on COVID-19   for Santa Cruz County CA, read the  Good Times  click  HERE.  For  world wide information from  The Epoch Times on COVID-19  aka CCP Virus,  click HERE.

Recently,  on  Santa Cruz California radio station  KSCO (1080 AM)   Psychologist  Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.,  asked   Health official Gail Newel,  MD what medical treatment the County  recommends  for people who test  positive for the  COVID-19 virus.  Dr. Newel  is the  Health Officer  for the county of Santa Cruz, California.  The  question and answer  interview with Dr. Newel  is available in the archives of  KSCO (1080 AM).

Gail Newel,  MD,  replied that people should rest and take lots of liquids.  In response  Dr. Jackson said.  “What you are recommending is what people typically do for the flu.   As you well know,  the CCP virus kills people by the thousands.   And   there are treatment protocols that do work.”

Gail Newel, MD  said there were some medicines are   “in the works”  but  she could not name any specific ones.

In response, psychologist  Dr. Jackson said:  “There are   treatment protocols — such as hydroxychloroquine  coupled with zinc and an antibiotic –  which are available with a prescription.  Zinc can be bought over the counter and the other two require a prescription.”    Dr. Newel replied  that research did not support those medications.  Dr. Jackson disagreed. “Will you read  the research if I send it to you?’ asked Dr. Jackson.

Dr. Gail Newel  is the top health official for Santa Cruz County in California.  In that position, Dr. Newel   makes decisions which affect Santa Cruz county residents in many ways e.g.,  which businesses can open, whether  and at what times people can go to the local beaches s and when  and where  face masks must be worn.

So what should YOU do if you get a POSITIVE diagnosis of COVID-19 aka the  CCP Virus?

For openers, don’t rely on what the Health Officer for  Santa Cruz County has to say.  Dr.. Gail Newel,   Health Officer for Santa Cruz County CA,  has not read the current research which says that persons newly diagnosed (not hospitalized, not on oxygen) can be helped  considerably by a combination of hydroxychloroquine  with zinc and an antibiotic.

What to do?  Get the required prescriptions and do the treatment with the say so of your physician.   Some persons, for example those who take Bystolic (blood pressure medication. ) cannot take hydroxychloroquine.  There’s another medicine typically given for parasites that can be used.

How to stay up to date on COVID-19 aka CCP virus? One excellent source of information is  TheEpochTimes   which has world wide coverage.  California currently leads the world  with 62,701  COVID-19  deaths and 3770,150 cases.

written by Cameron Jackson  PSY14762  Licensed Psychologist

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com



How Biden was INSTALLED –not elected — in 2020

The Art of the Steal


“For every American, the fallout from Democratic control of the presidency and both Houses is to be slowly dispossessed of their freedom to choose, speak, assemble, bear arms, and to be assured that your children will be given a proper education free of political animus, gender confusion, and allegations of racial privilege.  Putting 52 stars on the flag, overstuffing the Supreme Court, and loading up the voter rolls with illegal aliens will usher in a permanent political class exercising one-party rule.  Apart from a bit of moaning and groaning, there seems little backbone from the Republican political establishment to hold the hill.  As for the working class, COVID has been instructive to the far left on how fearmongering and shaming can bring Americans to heel and condone the theft of their rights and privileges.

For the entire country, the legitimacy of the past presidential election remains an open wound that will not soon heal.  Tens of millions are concerned that Biden was installed, not elected, and that Democrat majority rule will set the stage for an encore in two years’ time.

To stir the coals, Nancy Pelosi secured passage of House Resolution 1.  It would extend the use of mail-in ballots to all 50 states, trample federalism underfoot, destroy state’s rights to regulate the conduct of their own elections, and codify forthcoming fraud.

Congress has also introduced H.R. 127, a broadside on gun rights through the creation of a federal firearms registration system.  The database would be accessible at all levels of government, as well as the military and the public.  With retroactivity, gun owners would be ordered to federally register all legally owned weapons, where they are stored, require costly insurance, and subject owners and their families to a psychological interview.

While a fearful nation spent a whole year locked down and beholding to the doyens of pandemic science, state lawmakers and the high courts of the land turned a blind’s eye to the straightforward and immutable laws of mathematics.  A bit of wizardry in five swing states gave immaculate conception to a statistically impossible number of Democrat voters.  State legislatures held unproductive hearings that gave lip service to whistleblowers and number crunchers armed with irksome statistical and technical proofs.

Voter fraud started early in the election year by co-opting COVID fears to unleash a salvo of intimidating lawsuits that effected changes to state voting protocols and left unlocked the backdoor to political hijinks by blue state governors.  Since the election, we have been browbeaten daily to accept the outcome and all evidence to the contrary as extremism.

No federal court wanted to touch the third rail of state-controlled elections.  Good men and women in black robes dispatched plaintiffs without further discourse and cleared away all roadblocks to the greatest deception in American political history.  The Supreme Court trotted out brusque statements to deny standing to serious challenges from Pennsylvania and Texas, sounding the death knell to a continued Trump presidency.

On December 3, less than a month after the election Attorney General Bill Barr essentially shut down Justice Department inquiries by claiming no evidence of election fraud that would affect the outcome.  That was two days before the Atlanta ballot suitcases fiasco was revealed, and two weeks after data was provided by the White House that a late-night Trump election lead in Michigan had been instantly erased by an early morning dump of ballots for Biden in a Detroit counting center.  Considering that the FBI has had the Hunter Biden laptop for over a year and the Durham Russia hoax investigation has dragged on for two, the hurried assessment by Barr on his way out the door and before a fair vetting of the evidence shortstopped a probe into a deeper and more dangerous political reality.

While any challenge to the election is now written off as delusional, it’s open season for left-wing abuses of free speech.  Social media has wiped the online slate clean of any mention of election fraud and shut down or pressured conservative blogsites to follow suit.  Democrat martinets have persecuted Republican lawmakers and their donors in the public square and television commentators have invoked battle cries to cleanse America of any conservative orthodoxy.

Where is the investigation of security camera videos of suitcases stuffed with ballots being dragged out from under a table by a mother/daughter team of poll workers in Atlanta?  Purportedly, they produced thousands of Biden votes in the wee hours as a nearby leaky urinal in the guise of a burst water pipe dripped away, and Republican poll observers were made to flee in fear of the approaching tsunami.  A half hour after the building was evacuated, the suitcases were fetched to several workstations and their contents run several times through the voting machines.  Both poll workers have turned down media interviews and lawyered up, with the mother claiming, “I need an attorney. This is bigger than me.”  There is no word of an FBI investigation into that event.

And what will come of the 24 pallets containing upwards of a quarter million completed ballots illegally transported overnight by a USPS truck from Long Island to Pennsylvania, only to disappear shortly thereafter from a Lancaster postal terminal?  The postal driver, Jesse Morgan, came forward, got airtime, and swore out affidavits exposing the activity.  With Trump receiving two-thirds of the vote on election night, Biden somehow snatched victory from insurmountable defeat by capturing four-fifths of all late arrival ballots counted over the next three days.

The FBI’s missing-in-action response to plain view evidence of massive vote fraud in the presidential election seems poles apart from the agency’s enforcement priority to bring to justice the Capitol rioters.  It is more reminiscent of slow-walking White House declassification efforts in the matter of Crossfire Hurricane, or stonewalling the release of subpoenaed documents requested for Senate hearings into the Russia hoax.  One wonders little that Biden is pleased with the work Wray has been doing and would be keeping him on as director.

On November 3, we went to bed in America. On November 4, we woke up in Venezuela.  But simply rigging the election in soft coup style through bloodless machinations to deny a second Trump term doesn’t end the vendetta.  Election Day was but the opening salvo in the Democrat game plan to dupe Americans into abdicating their own liberties.  Through dozens of executive actions, our freedoms are being purloined in plain sight and over the lethargic objections of Republican lawmakers.

Image: Thomas Nast
