Aptos psychologist: How parents can screen for communication & language delays

How frequently does your two year old engage in the following?

Smile in response to a smile?
Initiate a request?
Make a verbal request?
Make a non-verbal request?
Respond to name?
Follow a point?
Join with adult in play?
Make eye contact?
Engage in functional play?
Engage in symbolic play?

The above is based on research to identify early signs of delays in children. Early intervention with an appropriate program tailored to your child is best for chiildren exhibiting delays. Be sure to have your child’s hearing and vision abilities checked by your pediatrician.

If you have questions about the above or like to discuss how your child is progressing, you may contact Cameron Jackson, Ph.D., J.D. Dr. Jackson’s practise is in Santa Cruz, CA. She is available for consultaiton in California.

Licensed Psychologist PSY 14762
FAX 831 688-7717
831 688-6002