Aptos Psychologist: What to do about Obama’s latest temporary fix [Dream Act executive order]? Support Rubio’s proposed legislation …

Rubio’s Dream Act imitated by Obama is highest form of flattery & now’s the time to implement immigration reform through LAW not temporary executive order

Let’s tell Rubio that it’s time to ‘strike while the iron is hot’. America does not need another Obama temporary fix. We need long term solutions.

Go forward, Rubio, with your proposed Dream Act legislation. America needs long term solutions on immigration — not another temporary fix.

Now is the time for conservative voters and Rubio to briefly THANK Obama for imitating the proposed Dream Act legislation.

After all, imitation is one of the highest forms of flattery. And Obama has flattered Rubio and the Republicans through his end-run implementing the proposed law before it becomes law.

Now is the time also for Rubio and Romney to remind Obama that it’s the President’s job to implement the laws made by congress. Mr. President — do your job and stay withing the confines of your job. And let congress do their job — which is to make the laws.

It’s also a fine time to remind Obama that all of his TEMPORARY FIXES [temporary pay roll taxes, dollars for clunkers, first time home owners get one time cash] cause uncertainty as the rules can always be changed.

We need long term solutions not one temporary fix after another. Certainty comes through the Rule of Law not by executive fiat.

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