She talks about privilege!

politicians condescend without knowing it

She talks about privilege!

Hilary on white  privilege:  Monday in Cincinnati at the 107th NAACP convention, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “recognize our privilege and and practice humility.”

bad education common in USA

Clinton said, “We white Americans need to do a better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face everyday. We need to recognize our privilege and and practice humility, rather than assume our experiences are everyoneâ€s experiences.”

Hillary Clinton responded to the Dallas shooting of five police officers by essentially blaming white people – that we just simply donâ€t understand the suffering in black communities and the “systemic racism,” that still resides in America. So she plans to lecture us on it.


Firenze Sage:  We all but the very privileged, white or black, experience low paying jobs, lousy educations, and racial dividing pols who condescend w/o even knowing it.

low paying jobs
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