Boys will be boys. Nyet. Playing soccer at Harvard Univ.


Harvard soccer girls get rated by boys based on their appearance.  What’s new?  

No more soccer for Harvard boys this year.  The Harvard soccer boys were caught ranking the Harvard  girls —   girl soccer team members  — based on their appearance.  

The Harvard menâ€s soccer team, which is currently ranked first in the Ivy League, will be forced to forfeit the final two games of their season in addition to any postseason play. Concerns arose after Harvard lawyers found a “scouting report” conducted by members of the 2012 menâ€s soccer team, which ranked the members of the schoolâ€s womenâ€s soccer team based on their physical appearances.

“I was deeply distressed to learn that the appalling actions of the 2012 menâ€s soccer team were not isolated to one year or the actions of a few individuals,” Harvard President Drew Faust offered in a statement regarding the incident.


Firenze Sage:   Meanwhile,  the woman players are hastily destroying their male rankings.


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