Obama is the greatest according to Obama’s last speech

So what did Obama really  accomplish?  To listen to Obama he thinks he’s the greatest.   You can listen to all of it below.

Obama got the largest applause  — very lengthy — when he said that he opposed discrimination against muslims.

Crime? What’s the Obama legacy on crime?   How about  black crime in Chicago  where Obama delivered his farewell address to America?  In 2016 there’s some 3000+ dead blacks killing blacks in Chicago, Ill.

Obama’s wonderful qualities?  Obama mentions himself 80+ times in his  last speech.  Just a tad narcissistic?

Race relations?  How many people voted for Obama thinking that  race issues would improve?  That flopped.

Reach across the isle? No.   ObamaCare was created by Democrat Nancy Pelosi and who ignored Republicans and ultimately zero votes were cast by Republicans for ObamaCare. Obama spent the last 4 years spewing out one Executive Order after another. Those may evaporate just as quickly as they were created.

Here’s Obama’s speech:



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