Aptos starts coalition to pressure Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors to slash government salaries

Troubled by recent government spending?

Join other Aptos residents to pressure local Santa Cruz County government to cut recent HUGE increases in top county salaries. See recent letters to Santa Cruz Sentinel, April 8, 2009.

Of course administrators such as the CEO for County of Santa Cruz has her hand out for more money. You can’t blame people for asking. You can blame those who gave the huge increases. That’s the Board of Supervisors.

Contact Cameron Jackson at for information. Join Facebook and get your friends to add their two cents.

Look for APTOS SLASHER on Facebook. That is Cameron Jackson on Facebook. Together let’s SLASH those HUGE, wasteful increases! Let’s start our Aptos Tea Party opposed to huge increases in gevernment spending. Cameorn Jackson 831 688-6002