Burn the Koran? No! Read it! Decide if you want that political philosophy running your community.

The Secretary of Defense called the preacher who planned to burn the Koran in protest against a mosque built at Ground Zero. And the preacher has backed down for now. No burning.

Better that the preacher and those who shape public policy in Washington D.C. and elsewhere read the Koran.

Look at the core values of the Koran and how those values shape Islamic societies.

So, is Jihad and beheading OK if you are Muslim?

Do you want religious freedom for Islamic persons to practice their religion as they choose in America? That sounds OK? General Colin Powell says so. He supports a mosque near Ground Zero.

What if the Islamic religion is not just a religion but also a political philosophy? What if Islamic religious law — Sharria law — makes you as a non-believer a second class citizen?

Do you want Islamic Sharria law to take root and spread via mosques throughout America? Do you want second class citizenship as a country?

Do you think marriage for 3rd graders is OK as Sharria law permits it? Do you want women required to wear a veil? Is it OK that a woman must have 4 witnesses to divorce and a man needs none? Do you want men to have 4 wives and multiple concubines? All of the above are integral to the political philosophy and Islamic Sharria law.

Stop thinking of Islam as a religion and think of it as a political philosophy.

How are people best organized as a political entity? Western civilization traces possible answers back to Plato and Socrates. The Middle East traces back to to Mo-hammed and the Koran.

Historically, we as Americans are tolerant. We don’t attack others. And we don’t lie down and give up when attacked.

Building an Islamic mosque near Ground zero is a provocation that should not be ignored.

Islamic terrorists are ruled by Islamic Sharria law. There is one law for Islam and another law for unbelievers which includes the West.

The events of 09-11, the day President Kennedy died and the bombing of Pearl Harbor are all defining moments for many Americans. Many of us remember where we were and what we were doing when we learned President Kennedy had been slain. And the same goes for 09-11. Only a few of us remain that personally remember the day Pearl Harbor was hit.

Without warning or provocation the Japanese killed thousands of American military at Pearl Harbor. Out of the blue, President Kennedy was slain while waving to people standing along the streets of Texas. On 09-11 America was attacked in multiple locations by Islamic extremists bent on murder.

09-11 woke America up. America had been hit before at the Trade Center but the first attack was prosecuted as a criminal act. On 09-11 America saw on TV a coordinated terrorist attack at multiple locations involving civilian and military victims.

It was some time before we learned that 14 of the 16 terrorists were young men from Saudi Arabia who shared the same political/religious Islamic political philosophy.

That on 09-11 there was dancing in the streets of some Muslim cities at the sight of the plane hitting the World Trade Center says a lot about how many Muslims view America — we are unbelievers who deserve to die.

Recently a Christian preacher threatened to burn the Koran. Bad idea!

Read the Koran! Learn about Sharria law and the political philosophy that under girds Islamic societies.

Let the words of the Koran burn into you.

After you have read the Koran, answer the following question: Do you want Islamic political philosophy and Sharria religious law organizing your local community? I don’t.

Where are the moderate Muslims?
Why have they not publicly rejected the terrorists and radical Islam? Do the moderates fear that some Iman like the Australian Fritz Mohannand might put a jehad out to be-head them?

Probably time to find out what is preached by Imams in your local mosque and Islamic community center. Islam is more than a religion, it is a political philosophy.

Building a mosque near Ground Zero has aroused many Americans. And rightly so. Americans believe in fair play.

It is not fair that a greek orthodox church cannot re-build near by and planners OK a mosque.

Mosques are built as a sign of victory. It is not right to memorialize 3,000 plus Americans killed in the name of Allah and jehad.

For a non-partisan exam of th role values play in current issues of public policy — and the issue of building a mosque at Ground Zero certainly involves public policy — take a look at The Public Philosopher found at:

written by Cameron Jackson
Monterey Bay Forum

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