Aptos Psychologist: Here’s how to repeal the Trojan Horse of Obama-Care …

Obama-Care a Trojan Horse

Everything Obama can do we as voters can do better.

And do so with more honesty, courage and consistency than Obama has shown as President.

Obama has the bully pulpit. And he already is spending Obama-Care billions:

“The Obama administration will announce soon as much as $1 billion in funding to hire, train and deploy health-care workers, part of the White Houseâ€s broader “We Canâ€t Wait” agenda to bolster the economy after President Obamaâ€s jobs bill stalled in Congress.”

Voters likewise can take up the bully pulpit. And, very importantly, join together with other like minded souls.

How voters can use their bully pulpit: First of all, start a blog and join other blogs who oppose Obama-Care. Use either or blog religiously — that means regularly.

Make the blog’s title clear that you oppose Obama-Care: No More Obama & repeal Obama-Care is the message. There are political Web Rings which you can join.

Several years ago, the conservative talk show host Rush Linbaugh started a campaign to slow down the crowning of McCain as the Republican candidate. That strategy is still valid for 2012.

As long as there is more than one candidate in the race Obama and his crew cannot focus a negative campaign on just one person. So, do what you can do so Rick Santorum and Ron Perry remain as viable candidates for as long as possible And they are viable, strong candidates. And they just might even win though considerably behind right now as of Feb. 2012.

Second, whatever your political leanings, if you oppose Obama-Care, go register as Republican. That way your vote counts in the primary.

Third, write (after appropriate professional consultation with your doctors)an End of Life Medical Directive stating that: a) you reject and want no part of Obama-Care; b) that you reject Obama-Care’s method of the rationing health care for the elderly; c) that you reject the use of ‘death panels’ making medical decisions for you or your loved ones.

Fourth, put a brief statement up on your blog stating that you oppose Obama-Care in its entirety. Send a copy to your Congresspersons.

Fifth, take a liberal/progressive neighbor out for coffee. And tell them how you as a neighbor feel about Obama-Care. Converse and listen to what they have to say. Get the message out to your neighbors and friends. Send e-mails.

Sixth, if you have not already, join a religious/ spiritual group in your community which has evangelism — the zealous advocacy of a cause — as an integral part of its’ Judeo-Christian mission. It’s easier to spread the word when you join with other who are like minded. And through that group, start a Health Care discussion which includes discussion of books and speakers.

Have you noticed that liberals/ progressives vilify ‘the evangelicals’ as an entity with extreme ideas which are out of keeping with modern values? Newspaper columnists typically talk about ‘the evangelicals’ as if they were one coherent group.

You might find “The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind” an interesting read. It’s available on and elsewhere. Written by Carl Trueman, a conservative theologian, Trueman pokes holes in the notion that there is any coherent evangelical mind. So, Carl Trueman a conservative theologian thinks that the entity does not exist what the progressives and liberals vilify.

In my view, evangelicals are part of many if not most religious groups.

Some newspaper columnists poke fun at Rick Santorum for holding core values which include opposition to homosexual marriage. For those who oppose Obama-Care it’s important that Santorum has core values and that he is willing to state what they are.

Think about where Obama formed his core values: Obama spent twenty some years in Rev. Wright’s congregation wherein the Rev. preached many ‘god damn America’ sermons.

Different from evangelism, the definition per Google of ‘evangelicalism’ is “the missionary, reforming or redeeming spirit evident throughout the history of Christianity in various guises or emphasis”.

Obama seems to lack the core beliefs in the Judeo-Christian principles that under gird America’s basic political documents — the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Voters via blogs can focus on Obama’s core values which are antithetical — opposite to — the core values of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Whereas our political documents look to God as the source of our freedoms, Obama looks to government as the source of people’s freedoms. And what government gives — government can take away. Obama never uses the words “endowed by their Creator” when he talks about basic individual freedoms.

Christian morality is steeped in belief and adherence to the Ten Commandments which include: ‘thou shalt have no other gods before me’ i.e., the worship of God is primary; ‘honor thy father and mother that thy days may be long ‘ i.e., that the children who honor their parents will themselves live to be elderly and frail; ‘thou shalt not bear false witness” i.e., don’t lie and ‘thou shalt not steal thy neighbor’s wife or ox’.

Obama’s behavior as President does not show adherence or belief in these basic Commandments.

Does Obama honor the elderly and infirm? No.
Obama puts no value on the life of a 95 year old grandmother who wants a pace maker. Obama said its better to just give old people pain pills rather than quality health care that is expensive.

Does Obama steal? Obama’s low interest money policies hurt savers and those living on fixed incomes. Who is that? The old. Obama in effect ‘steals’ from the old who saved for their retirement. Obama took [stole?] $500 million from Social Security to fund Obama-Care. That is taking from the elderly.

To summarize: Yes we can repeal the Trojan Horse of Obama-Care.

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