IRS Scandal Obama Knew

IRS scandal and Obama knew


The IRS Scandal and that Obama knew is  just one reasons to get involved  in the 2014 elections. Don’t let what happened to the Tea Party and conservative groups happen again. This is  what we know about the IRS Scandal:  

The chief counsel for the IRS, William WILKINS,  is one of two appointees made by Obama. And of course Obama talked and talks to his appointees. 

Typical Obama tactics:  We know that Obama’s typical technique is to wipe out or eliminate the opposition. Obama did so in his elections to become a U.S. senator. Obama understands and uses Chicago style politics. So we can readily guess that Obama does  and did communicate to his appointee at the IRS what Obama wants:  muzzle the  conservative and Tea Party opposition by delaying their ability to get 501 c 4 tax exempt status.  So, did Obama know? Of course he did.

Obama’s appointee, the IRS chief counsel WILLIAM  WILKINS,  sought information about Tea Party and conservative groups. Obama  appointee   WILKINS specifically wanted “information about political activities leading up to the 2010 elections”.  This has come out  in testimony given before Congress.

What we know:   IRS employees Ms. HOFACRE  was so frustrated by the delay tactics that she asked for a transfer. HOFACRE  says it was like working in lost luggage as she  had to send specific cases up for review.   HOFFACRE’S supervisor  Carter HULL said that Lois LERNER told him to send the cases up. Whoops!  Another lie for Lois LERNER.

 Hull’s supervisor Ronald SHOEMAKER says Lois LERNER said to send them to the chief counsel WILLIAM WILKINS.

Overview:   Lois LERNER planted a question & lied about planting a question. LERNER  then blamed the Cincinnati office as being the only office involved. But other offices have been implemented and testimony given that cases were sent to Washington.   Then the defense was that the IRS was too badly managed to pull off a sophisticated conspiracy. Remember President Obama saying that he only heard about the IRS scandal from the evening news? Then the defense  shifted to say that progressive & liberal groups were also targeted.  But no progressive or liberal groups have come forward to say that they too got targeted by the IRS.

So what to do:  get involved. Request that Lois Lerner be given immunity so that she must testify under oath and “spill all the beans”

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