Trump keeps promises to Deplorables? Yes!

Were you one of Hilary’s Deplorables who voted for Trump?  Guess what:   Trump is picking key players who have your interests at heart.

Strategy:  Trump listens to Obama and then picks who he wants.  A brilliant strategy.  Listen to who was in power and then do something else.

Very important:  When foreign dangers threaten, the generals will be awake.  Remember how Secretary of State Hilary Clinton responded to Bengazi?  Who knows who did what that night. In contrast,  Trump’s picks include  several command generals to fill key cabinet positions related to security.

Does Trump keep promises to Hilary’s ‘Deplorables’?

Were going to get regulations off the backs of people.  That was something Trump talked a lot about.  Trump’s key appointment for the top post at Enviornmental Protection Agency will bring law back to a lawless agency.

The jobs Trump has filled: Defense (Mattis), Treasury (Steve Mnuchin), Transportation (Elaine Chao), Health and Human Services (Tom Price), Commerce (Wilbur Ross), Education (Betsy DeVos), United Nations ambassador (Nikki Haley), Housing and Urban Development (Ben Carson), Central Intelligence Agency (Mike Pompeo) and attorney general (Jeff Sessions).

So far, Deplorables, President-Elect Trump’s picks have your interests at heart:  safety of the USA, get regulations under control, create jobs for Americans.

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