firenze sage— Cokie Roberts, elitist woman snob in action

Cokie Roberts elitist woman snob in action

   Elitist woman snob in action:  ABC Cokie Roberts  Suggests that  Lower Class Women Excuse Moore Because ….. get this ….  That Kind of Woman  Are Used To Being Raped. Oh?

Veteran journalist Cokie Roberts said, “One of the things to keep in mind is, in the base, even women are suspicious about these sexual harassment claims.  

She continued, “And part of the reason for that is that women who are not in fancy white collar jobs often have really awful things happen to them on the job. They are assaulted. They are raped. They have horrible things happen to them. And so when they hear women say, ‘he talked dirty to me,†or ‘he came on to me,†they think, ‘big deal. Thatâ€s not what happened to me. What happened to me is so much worse.â€Â And so thereâ€s not that same sense of affinity.”
More on  what Cokie Roberts says about women:   on how to limit the Hispanic vote.


Firenze Sage:   Or it could be that the non tv personality woman just punches the sexual assaulter –  rather than scream for a safe spot?   But this  swamp  broad wouldn’t get that.

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