Mulling over Mueller’s conflict of interests

 Mueller’s conflicts of interest.

Conservative media has taken a new tack against Mueller in recent weeks, zeroing in on the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russia state-owned nuclear firm Rosatom.

Uranium One, at the time of the deal, held licenses for about 20 percent of Americaâ€s uranium production capacity. The sale was approved by nine members on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) in 2010, while President Obama was in office. Mueller was the director of the FBI at the time.

But reporting by The Hill has shown that the FBI had knowledge of bribery and racketeering schemes at Tenex, a subsidiary of Rosatom, before CFIUS approved the deal.

Republican lawmakers critical of the deal have questioned whether the FBI shared that information with other members of CFIUS before it was approved — an aspect of the controversy that conservative media has seized upon.

“Robert Mueller, I hope youâ€re watching, you need to testify under oath,” Fox News host Sean Hannity said earlier this month. “Back in 2009, he was the FBI director, this was when the bureau, the FBI so clearly had this information. He has conflicts of interest. There is no way the American people can trust Robert Mueller to investigate anything Russia-related. For him to be fair and impartial is impossible because of his past role in this. He should resign immediately, tonight.”


Comments:   What “crime” was committed and therefore Mueller investigates?   No crime has been stated.  Clearly there were and are on-going attempts of Russia and other countries to interfere in American affairs.  The General who lied did so during transition – not during the campaign.  So we should we impeach Trump …. what the mainstream media and  “the deep state” want  ….  because Trump fired FBI Comey who “knew” the General lied?

written by C. Jackson

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