$12 – 25 BILLION for a Wall built by Corp of Engineers, National Guard or private sector “shovel ready jobs”? Looks possible …


$12 to 25 BILLION for a WALL? It’s possible …

$12 – 25 BILLION for a Wall built  by Corp of Engineers, National Guard or private sector “shovel ready jobs”?  Looks possible ….

The military budget is $700 BILLION for 2018 and $716 BILLION for 2019.

Trump is   willing  to fund shovel ready jobs that  start in 90 days.

The Corp of Engineers recently moved a river.  

So, yes,   the National Guard and or Corp of Engineers can   use  a shovel, clean out a drug infested tunnel, build a road.

Trump plans to build a military base along the wall.

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is requesting that the U.S. military build walls for at least one military base along the U.S.-Mexico border, part of President Donald Trumpâ€s plan to fortify the border, U.S. officials say.

“We are looking into options for the military to build a wall on military installations on the border,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told reporters Wednesday afternoon.

Details of the plan, expected to be released later Wednesday afternoon by the White House, come days after Mr. Trump suggested the military could pay for the wall he wants to build along the southern border.

Where might the  $25 BILLION to build a WALL  come from?   The military got $700 BILLION in 2018 and 716 BILLION for 2019.

President Donald Trump and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis have discussed the possibility that the U.S. military front the costs for a border wall, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

“The secretary has talked to the president about it,” said Pentagon press secretary Dana White. “Securing Americans and securing the nation is of paramount importance to the secretary. They have talked about it but I donâ€t have any more details as to specifics.”

President Trump signed the $1.3 trillion budget into law last Friday. The bill provides $700 BILLION in 2018 and $716 BILLION  in 2019 to the Defense Department, money Mattis and the service chiefs have repeatedly emphasized is critical to rebuilding military readiness and lethality.


Aptos Psychologist:  The “caravan” of 1,200 +  coming from El Salvador provided incentive for Trump to  send the National Guard. That caravan dissolved after intervention from Mexico providing assistance.  What to do abut DACA remains.  And what about   the 12-20 MILLION illegals who live and work in the USA?

What say you?   Immigration was and remains the issue that propelled Trump into the Presidency.

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