Trump’s Tax Cuts – Make permanent? Yes! Support ICE & defund “sanctuary ciites”

Democrats want to abolish I.C.E. and support “sanctuary cities”– 

Democrats want to abolish I.C.E. and support “sanctuary cities”.  Lots of people benefit from Trump’s tax cuts. So — let’s

Make permanent last year’s middle class tax cuts? Yes! Rep. Kevin Brady, the Ways and Means Committee chairman, has introduced legislation to do exactly that. Make Trump’s middle class tax cuts permanent.

Now’s the time for Republicans to schedule votes. Even though Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may not have 60 Senate candidates the Republicans can use Democrat “no” positions to huge effect in their races.

Now — two months from mid-term elections — is the time for you  to speak out in support of  I.C.E. and to de-fund “sanctuary cities”.



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