The goal of radical Islamists is to rip Western law and liberty in two says Nonie Darwish

Nonie Darwish contends there is a growing movement in this country willing to shed blood in the name of Islam. “While Americans are busy erasing Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children, the Muslims are planning a great jihad on America.”

Islamic law allows men to marry babies age one and consummate the marriage at age eight. In the U.S. this is child abuse – pure and simple.

For an Islamic woman to prove rape she has to have 4 witnesses. How likely is that to happen in the Middle East?

Muslim men in the West demand Shariah Law so the women cannot divorce.

The plan to put a mosque a couple blocks from Ground Zero should be a wake up call. For every American town and community. What do mosques spread?

Let’s find out what Islamic religious leaders teach in local mosques. Is it hatred of Western liberty? Is it the subjection of women and children to the whims of men?

Instead of the Golden Rule, Islam has two systems of ethics — one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. And the goal of Islam is to take and subjugate others. So says Nonie Darwish, an Islamic woman who converted to Christianity.

Go and attend the local mosque in your community. See for yourself what goes on. And if you don’t like what goes on — use the free speech this county has to say what you think.

Where are the local mosques? In Santa Cruz it is called an Islamic Center: Going to the local home page I see mention of a religious leader protecting Jews and Christians. This was back when Jerusalem was invaded. For more information:

Muslim Islamic Center of Santa Cruz
4401 Capitola Rd. #2,
Capitola, CA 95010
Tel: (831) 479 8982

written by Cameron Jackson

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