Aptos, CA psychologist: Israel’s 2011 political boundaries may need to expand in self defense to terrorism…

Israel's boundaries under King Herod, 40 BCE to 4 BCE

What are correct political boundaries for Israel? To the left is a picture of Israel during the reign of King Herod (40 BCE to 4 BCE) roughly at the time when Jesus of Nazareth was born.

One might argue, set Israel’s political boundaries no larger than they were defined roughly 2,000 years ago. However, a country such as Israel has the right of self defense to strike back and take territory from terrorists and aggressors.

I disagree with President Obama who wants Israel’s political boundaries set much more narrowly, i.e., as they were before the Six Day War. No American President has ever agreed to what Obama suggests.

As Israel was not the aggressor in the Six Day War, there is no reason to concede Gaza or the West Bank which they took as a result of that war.

From 2000 to July 2006, terrorists organizations such as Hamas based in Gaza have terrorized, killed and wounded hundreds of civilians in 90+ attacks.

How does Israel today reasonably define its political boundaries when attacked by terrorists from the disputed territories — by Hamas in Gaza — and various other terrorists organizations in the West Bank?

In 5 1/2 years (2000 to 2006) more than 90 separate deadly attacks on Israel occurred. From 2006 to July 2006 Hamas, the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine, Islamic Jihad and Fatah al-Agsa Martyrs Brigade launched 92+ separate deadly attacks against Israeli civilians. Some by rockets, most attacks have been by suicide bombers.

The various terrorists organizations are quick to say that they committed the attacks.

What about a 2 for 1 rule, for every civilian wounded or killed the Israeli government will go after 2 terrorists plus land from all or any of the known terrorists organizations?

So when Hamas located in Gaza lobes rockets then Israel goes after both physical territory and Hamas members or other known terrorists in a two for one basis. That kind of policy means that when terrorists from Jordan, Syria or Iran attempt attack then Israel will retaliate going after both territory and the lives of terrorists.

Radical Islam which includes Hamas has as its goal the destruction of Israel as a nation. All Islamic radicals need to know that Israel and those who support Israel’s existence will not tolerate terrorist acts.

From this perspective, Israel’s boundaries may continue to expand in response to terrorist aggression. Stop the aggression and the expansion of political boundaries stops. Peace brings stable political boundaries. Jehad by terrorist organizations or any country may, if deemed necessary, result in the expansion of Israel.

Obama’s lawful ability to wage a war in Lybia without the consent of Congress ends shortly. (Obama must get the consent of Congress after 60 days.)

It’s time that the United States stood behind and with democratic Israel against all terrorist organizations operating in or near Israel. As the middle east seeks change and freedom it’s wise for the United States that we stand strong in defense of existing democracies.

Put our missiles and rockets and drone planes at the disposal of Israel. Let Israel decide what it’s political boundaries need to be to remain a viable, strong democracy.

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