Assist Arab/ Islamic nations to absorb refugees from West Bank …

West Bank necessary to Israeil's survival

Israel is the only non-Islamic state in the Middle East. Attacked by Islamic countries Israel won in 1967. Israel won a huge area of Egypt, Gaza, and the West Bank.

Today, instead of a two state solution the Arab countries of Islamic faith need to take in the Palestinian refugees.

The West can help with money so that West Bank Islamic families can relocate to other Arabic countries of Islamic faith.

The West Bank best belongs to Israel by 2000 years of history and war. The West needs to make sure that Israel has the political boundaries it needs to survive and remain a model for democracy in the middle east.

If Islam wants to show that it is a religion of peace, then let the Islamic middle eastern countries collectively assist these refugees from the 1967 war.


Thursday night, President Obama angered both the Israelis and the Palestinians when he officially stated his support for a Palestinian state within the borders of the land Israel seized during the 1967 war.

The two-state solution is nothing new, but many Republicans are using this as an opportunity to capture the Jewish vote and support from the powerful lobby group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).

According to potential 2012 Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Obama “threw Israel under the bus.”

The position appears to be controversial to many on the right who vehemently oppose the two-state solution because they fear Israel will never be safe.

On the more left, many are angry that Obama essentially admitted that Israel needs to be protected from Palestine, not the other way around. Obama proved one thing Thursday night: Talking about the Middle East is never light.

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