Aptos Psychologist: How to find out which Teacher(s) told parents that home made lunches are not OK per federal food guidelines & sent 4 year olds to cafeterria for chicken nuggets …

Kristin Ross 910 709 1211

One child’s homemade lunch rejected by a Teacher & replaced with chicken nuggets from the school cafeteria may be “a misunderstanding” as West Hoke Elementary School (WHES) officials opine.

But, when this happens to the parents of two children from the same school — and the same Teacher appears involved — then it begins to look like a pattern.

Here’s how the press and public can find out who how many Teachers are involved:

The following information is from the home page for West Hoke Elementary School (WHES), North Carolina:

There are roughly 25+ Teachers at West Hoke Elementary School
Address: 6050 Turnpike Road, Redford N.C, 28576 910 875-2584

There are three (3) Site Administrators for West Hoke Elementary School. See name, picture and telephone above for one of the Site Administrators.

Kristin Anderson Ross teaches First Grade and is also a Site Administrator.

The other two Site Administrators — the Principal and Vice Principal — do not list contact information. That’s odd. Why no contact information for 2 of 3 Site Administrators?

The Press might contact the North Carolina administrators for the elementary schools. Probably someone called West Hoke and told the school to remove contact information for the Principal and Vice Principal. But, if someone did so they did not think — or check — how many Site Administrators the school has.

All the 25+ Teachers — except one — list some information about their background, education, interests and how to contact them. Each Teacher has a personal greeting and talks a little about themselves. Again, it’s odd that there is one and only one Teacher — a Pre-K Teacher — for whom there is no information.

There are three Pre-K Teachers per the home page for the school:

Kerry Locklear — a Pre-K teacher — is the only teacher for whom there is no information listed on the home page for West Hoke Elementary. That’s odd.

Was Ms. Locklear’s information up and then pulled by the school authorities? It’s a possibility. News reports said that school authorities were not answering phone calls. Perhaps school officials have been busy tidying up?

Shanarra Wacker is another Pre-K Teacher at West Hoke Elementary. Take a close look at what Shanarra Wacker writes to parents: Shanarra Wacker writes, “I will be your son or daughter teacher this year. This is my second year teaching Pre-k at WHES…

Whoops! Note Shanarra Wacker’s grammatical errors?
Ms. Wacker is a relatively new teacher, i.e., this is her second year, at West Hoke Elementary School.

The third Teacher listed as a Pre-K Teacher at West Hoke Elementary is Margaret Maynor who has an assistant teacher, Bonita Thomas. Concerning her background, Mrs. Maynor writes that she worked for Head Start for 18 years and has worked at the elementary school since Sept. 2007. Mrs. Maynor is married to Rev. Jack Maynor, has three children and three grandchildren. Mrs. Maynor probably has made many, many home made lunches. But what about Bonita Thomas, her assistant. Perhaps Ms. Thomas inspected the lunches?

So who to ask? Kindergarten Teacher Barbara Beason has worked at West Hoke 19 years. She has 3 children and 6 grandchildren. More than likely she has made many home made lunches. She is a good contact person as Mrs. Beason probably knows what goes on with the Pre-K teachers. Those Pre-K children will soon go to her room.

Jackie Samuels is the Principal, room 405 and teaches grades 3 and 4.

Principal Samuels

There is no contact information listed how to reach Principal Jackie Samuels via the Internet.

Audrey Noble is the Assistant Principal.

Vice Principal Noble

All Audrey Noble says on the home page is, “Go Dolphins!” Similar to the Principal, there is contact telephone for the Assistant Principal, Ms. Noble.

One person to contact is Site Administrator and First Grade Teacher Kristin Anderson Ross. Teacher Ross has 12 years experience at the school. Room 205. Her cell phone is 910 709 1211.

Beside phone, teachers and site administrators can be contacted by e-mail. Listed below is one email and it’s easy to figure out how to contact any of the Teachers or Site Administrators:

One Teacher’s e-mail address and other information that is listed: (910) 875 2584 and mobile 910 797 7081. She writes that she is the proud daughter of a service veteran.

OK, press, do your job: inform and educate the public.

Is there a pattern of rejecting home made lunches by this school or just by one particular teacher? Does the school get more money from the federal government if more children are counted as getting a school lunch? What’s in it for who?

Perhaps it’s best to ask more parents who have or had children in the three Pre-K classes at West Hoke Elementary School, North Carolina.

So which Teacher or Teachers at West Hoke Elementary told children that their home made lunch was not OK and sent the children to the cafeteria for chicken nuggets instead?

The 2011-2012 Pre-K Teachers at West Hoke Elementary School in North Carolina are Kerry Locklear (the only Teacher for whom there is no public information listed), Shanarra Wackker (who cannot write correct English), and Margaret Maynor (wife of a Reverend, 18 years experience with Head Start and who has an Assistant Teacher, Bonita Thomas).

So, press and public. Figure it out.

Check out the home page for West Hoke Elementary School, North Carolina.

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