Aptos Psychologist: About the ObamaCare individual mandate– If you must buy X then you can be required to buy Y and Z


force pork?

Conservatives can do things that support getting rid of ObamaCare, Obama’s regulations and Obama’s policies. One way: Read the opposition’s arguments and comment back via blogs and email. This is a comment back on ‘Broccoli and bad faith’ written by Paul Krugman, with New York Times.

Replace broccoli with pork and see what happens to Krugman’s weak argument.

Dear Mr. Krugman: Do you know that …..

1) Americans overwhelmingly dislike 2 to 1 ObamaCare. It was not popular before and overall it is still unpopular.

2) If the Supreme Court throws ObamaCare out entirely, then Congress gets a fresh slate to make health care reform with bipartisan support. Not one Republican voted for ObamaCare. Any change of such massive proportions requires bipartisan support and public input through hearings. Thus, a fresh start is the best way to go.

3) Americans want health care reform that respects individual freedom of religion per the Bill of Rights. Obama recently Jan 20, 2012 told the Catholic bishops there was no waiver for any church organizations. Under Obama-Care, all organizations must provide for free a wide variety of contraceptive choices including abortion, sterilization and birth control pills. Many organizations are affronted at this lack of respect for individual conscience and by the one size fits all approach taken by Obama and his Health Secretary Sebelius.

4) People want & should be able to get individually tailored plans. A gay man does not need or want pregnancy care whereas a gay woman who plans to give birth may. Health care reform must include tort reform to reduce malpractice costs and allow and encourage competition across state lines.

5) If you Mr. Krrugman don’t like Justice Scalia’s comparison of health care with broccoli then how about comparing health care with the purchase of pork? Say there is just one store and it’s located in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood. And Jews don’t eat pork or bacon or products with pork. How long will the store owner offer pork for sale? As the demand is zero he will stop offering it for sale. So when Jews choose not to buy pork in fact their actions make pork unavailable to the few who do want to buy pork.

6) But what if the government requires all stores to offer pork for sale and requires all shoppers to purchase pork no matter what the individual’s religious or culinary habits? When the government can require all to purchase X then the government can require all to also purchase Y and Z.

6) The essence of a legal contract [based on Western laws] is that both parties enter into it voluntarily. But if one side is forced then there is no lawful contract.

7) You Mr. Krugman have got it flat wrong when you say, “people don’t buy health insurance until they get sick…” Wrong. Most people get health insurance as part of their benefits from their employer. Some individuals that work by the hour and have several children will get health care for their children via Healthy Families and other government paid for programs. And, if in CA, via Medical.

Insurance is based on risk. What is the risk of a 20 year old dying from a heart attack compared to a 70 year old? The risk is far less for the younger person and hence the insurance cost is less.

Yes Mr. Krugman, Americans want health care reform. But they do not want ObamaCare. Americans do not want to be told that they must purchase health care insurance or pork or anything for that matter.

In January, 2008, instead of focusing on the weak economy, creating actual ‘shovel ready’ jobs, the huge homes ‘under water’ Obama and Pelosi and the Democrats focused on creating a one size fits all government health care program for all. The priorities of the working American are — and remain — far different from Obama’s priorities.

And what are Obama’s priorities?
Giving Russia what it wants concerning missile defense? Protecting ‘green’ energy and choosing supposed winners and losers? Stopping the Canadian- Gulf oil pipeline? Adding 1 TRILLION to the national debt to be paid by our children and grand-children? Stopping all oil drilling in the Gulf even though his commission said re-open bids?

Americans are far smarter than Obama and apologist Paul Krugman think. And yes, health insurance can be compared to the purchase of broccoli or any product. If the government can force you as an individual to buy health insufance, it can force you to buy all sorts of of things.

Way back in 1775, the individual states agreed to create and give limited powers to the federal government.
All powers not given remained with the individual states. All powers over the individual citizen [pay a property tax, get a drivers license, pay sales tax] come from the power of the state where you live.

Up until now — except for conscription into the army and serving on a federal jury
— the federal government has only limited, specific powers. It has no police powers over any individual. If the individual mandate of ObamaCare is found by the Supreme Court to be constitutional and legal, then the basic relationship between you and your government changes drastically.

So the answer is yes, if the individual mandate is legal then Obama can force Jewish grocery stores to sell bacon and pork and Obama can force all shoppers to purchase bacon and pork.

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