Firenze Sage: Why stop at soccer? How about ballroom dancing? [a third recreation field for Gitmo detainees]

Gitmo P.E.

What happened to breaking up rocks and push-ups for POWs? Instead, taxpayers pay for another — the third — recreation field for Gitmo prisoners.

This is the third recreation facility at Camp 6, which houses “highly compliant” detainees who live in a communal setting, the report stated. Other facilities include an indoor recreation field and an outdoor recreation field.

The new field will afford the detainees “maximum access” — about 20 hours a day, via special passageways to allow passage into the new recreation yard without military escort.

A military police representative who asked not to be identified by name told the reporters that allowing high levels of activity outdoors helped reduce behavioral problems at the camps, and limited the amount of interaction between detainees and the guards, Fox reported.

Why not just give them ball room dancing? It would certainly be cheaper.

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