Firenze Sage: the flying monk

Flying monks say, You can’t sit with us.

Two Pakistani monks refuse to sit on plane next to  a woman.   Therefore,  the airline moves the woman.

 A Southern California woman said she is the victim of discrimination, CBS Los Angeles reports.

Mary Campos said her pre-booked ticket was given away by United Airlines.

United gives the  woman a new boarding pass

The reason? Sheâ€s a woman, and two men didnâ€t want to sit next to a female.

A million-mile flier, Campos, a mom who lives in Coto de Caza, said she thought sheâ€d seen it all – until a gate agent handed her a new boarding pass just before she got on a flight to Houston last Monday.

“He said, ‘This is your new seat,â€â€ Campos said, “and I said, ‘Excuse me?†And he said, ‘I donâ€t know how to tell you this.â€â€

She said she continued by saying, “Yes?”

And the agent told her, “The two gentlemen seated next to you have cultural beliefs that prevent them for sitting next to, talking to or communicating with females.”

A company spokesperson wrote to CBS Los Angeles, in part: “We regret that Ms. Campos was unhappy with the handling of the seat assignments on her flight. United holds our employees to the highest standards of professionalism and has zero tolerance for discrimination.”

Campos was told the men were Pakistani monks who were wearing long orange shirts. She said the female flight crew was not allowed to serve the men.


Firenze Sage:  Don’t dare say a prayer in public or go to a mens’ only restaurant.

Olympic Club San Francisco for men only 


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