Ohio State jehad attacks: head scarfs in solidarity says CNN

      In response to the Ohio State jehad killings, CNN Camrota  wants non-Muslim women to wear head scarfs  in solidarity with Muslim women.  Really?  Why the Burka and head scarfs  according to Muhammand?

“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies that they may thus be distinguished and not molested,” Allah tells Mohammed.

The context of Koran chapter 33 verse 59 is even grimmer if you put it in the context of verse 50 which allowed Mohammedâ€s army to enslave and rape captured women and the use of the Burka to distinguish between wives and slaves.

But CNN’s Alyssa Camrota followed the usual habit of buying into Muslim fantasies of victimhood by suggesting that non-Muslim women adopt this degrading symbol of rape and subjugation.

“Maybe there will be a movement where people wear the head scarf in solidarity. You know, even if youâ€re not Muslim,” Camerota said during an early-morning broadcast on CNNâ€s “New Day.”

“Maybe itâ€s the way people shave their heads, you know, sometimes in solidarity with somebody who is going through something,” she added.

Camerota was responding to a CNN segment about Muslim women who say they live in fear of being verbally or physically attacked for wearing head scarves.

It’s time for Camerota to read books as to how Islam badly harms women.  Try A God Who Hates.

Firenze Sage:  This comes after the Ohio State attack which has nothing to do with women’s apparel and much to do with the religion of peace. 
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