Elizabeth Warren re school vouchers chased to her warren?


Elizabeth Warren supported vouchers in past

Elizabeth Warren supported school vouchers — in the past.

Readers of yesterdayâ€s Wall Street Journal would therefore have been surprised to discover this Notable and Quotable passage from The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Parents Are (Still) Going Broke (2003), by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi. The Journal helpfully notes that Ms. Warren is now a U.S. senator from Massachusetts, as you may have heard a time or two before.

In 2003, while a member of Harvard Law Schoolâ€s faculty claiming Native American ancestry for some reason or other, Warren wrote:

Any policy that loosens the ironclad relationship between location-location-location and school-school-school would eliminate the need for parents to pay an inflated price for a home just because it happens to lie within the boundaries of a desirable school district.

A well-designed voucher program would fit the bill neatly. A taxpayer-funded voucher that paid the entire cost of educating a child (not just a partial subsidy) would open a range of opportunities to all children. . . . Fully funded vouchers would relieve parents from the terrible choice of leaving their kids in lousy schools or bankrupting themselves to escape those schools.”

Thus said Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Has Elizabeth Warren  now been  chased to her warren?

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