2020 elections: How many fake mail-in Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia?

Examination of  Georgia ballots happening soon.  Plan how to examine  thousands of mail-in Fulton county GA  ballots — without touching them — has to be  agreed to by GA  judge before the latest forensic examination takes place.

Press Release Contact: Garland Favorito
May 24, 2021 garlandf@VoterGA.net
www.VoterGA.org (404) 664-4044

Court Rules to Unseal Fulton Co. Mail-in Ballots

3rd Victory for VoterGA in Ballot Inspection Case
MCDONOUGH GA – On Friday, a Henry County Superior Court granted
VoterGA petitioners the right to inspect Fulton County mail-in ballots that have been in question since the November 3rd 2020 election. That includes a highresolution 600 D.P.I greyscale needed to conduct a full forensic inspection.

The court upheld Petitioners’ Constitutional rights despite an opposing Amicus Brief from Attorney General (AG) Chris Carr and Secretary of State (SOS) BradRaffensperger seeking to stop the inspection. The brief was found to have false claims by the Petitioners response brief and a second Amicus Brief filed by the Tea Party Patriots Foundation and Filipino Latino Asian Movement for Empowerment


Executive Order? Provide all 2020 physical ballots for certain counties for immediate inspection by Pulitizer’s team?

Executive Order needed?   Will President  Trump order an immediate  physical  inspection of ALL 2020 physical ballots for certain counties?

There’s still time. Start with FULTON County, Georgia.

Fulton County GEORGIA is where election officials said there was a massive water leak and STOPPED all  counting and sent everyone home — except for several persons who kept on counting and re-ran batches of ballots without poll watchers.

FULTON is where Ruby and cohorts pulled thousands of ballots out from under a table and ran the ballots, some batches repeatedly.   FULTON  is where Johan  Pulitizer recently got permission to physically examine the ballots — only for Georgia to ‘pull the plug’.  Examination was to occur to day, Jan. 4.  See the Epoch Times for details.  subsctibe for $1 for 4 months.

The physical ballot tells the story whether of MASSIVE mail-in   FRAUD or no FRAUD.  Let forensic experts examine the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE for fraud — no folding of the ballot, perfectly filled out ovals, bar codes that ‘throw out’ that ballot for ‘adjudication’.

EVIDENCE of FRAUD in Fulton County, Georgia:   106,000 of 115,000 ballots were ‘thrown out’ and required ‘adjudication’ in Fulsom county Georgia.  That’s an over 90% ERROR rate.   Unacceptable!  Un-American!   Stop the Steal!   See recent presentation by Did YOUR 2020 ballot count? Find out & what YOU can do how examination of ballots will show whether massive fraud occurred.

cameronjackson     jaj48@aol.com


Does Kamala Harris truly love you?

young people ‘stupid’ says Kamala  Harris

Are people aged 18 – 24 “stupid”?  So says Kamala Harris who seeks to be President in 2020.

During a keynote address at a symposium hosted by the Ford Foundation in 2015, Senator Kamala Harris, who at the time was the California attorney general, called people aged 18 to 24 “stupid.”

Kamala Harris  said, “What’s the other thing we know about this population? And it’s a specific phase of life. And remember, age is more than a chronological fact. What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid.” “That is why we put them in dormitories, and they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions,” she added.

In 2011 the current San Francisco  District Attorney  George Gascon  conferred Certificates of Completion of the program  to eleven (11) graduates of Back on Track.Harris states she started a  Back On Tracks program  in 2015.  No numbers are readily a available as to how many have completed the Back on Track program which  Harris refers to.


Firenze Sage   jaj48.aol.com:   

Ok, millenials,  how do you like her now?


Democrat Elizabeth Warren aka Pocahontas’ war cry on global warming

indian war cry
Indian  war cry from Elizabeth Warren nicknamed Pocahontas by Trump: spend trillions on her climate plan or we may die

Democrats – including Elizabeth Warren nicknamed Pocahontas by Trump –  war cry on global warming: spend trillions of dollars  to avert the climate crises.

Elizabeth Warren and various Democrats have various  plans to avert said crises.

Everyone’s got a climate plan; so where’s the carbon tax? inquires Washington Post writer  Catherine Rampeli. who  writes,  “We get one crack at curbing climate change… we don’t have the luxury of abandoning [carbon tax] as the most effective policy available…”


Aptos Psychologist:   The Australians recently rejected climate change alarmists by voting to open a new coal mine larger than the U.K.

In a recent Letter published in the Santa Cruz Sentinel by Jean Brocklebank, “It is bad enough that we must deal with nonsensical Save the Climate and Climate Disruption rhetoric as though The Climate is like an endangered whale….

Warren  aka nicknamed  Pocahontas claimed Indian heritage which in fact  furthered her academic carrier.  “That’s what my family told me” she says.

Don’t believe everything Elizabeth Warren claims, including Warren’s war cry that we must  spend trillions to save Mother Earth.
