Just the type to call for racial justice [Jussie Smollett]

Unemployed actor and hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett was spotted protesting  outside of Trump Tower this weekend.

Remember Jussie Smollett?   He staged a hate crime and lied to police.

Hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett was indicted in February on 6 charges of disorderly conduct by a special prosecutor in Chicago more than one year after he falsely claimed two white  Trump supporters attacked him with bleach and put a rope around his neck.

It turned out Jussie Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers $3,500 to help him carry out the hate hoax.

The “two white Trump supporters” were black Nigerians in white face. Jussie later claimed that drugs were responsible. 

This weekend Jussie Smollett was out protesting in front of Trump Tower in New York City.


Firenze Sage:    Jessie do get around.

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