Aptos Psychologist: outdated govt. regulations killed Titanic passengers & harm working women today

outdated govt regulations killed Titanic passengers

Outdated govt regulations caused the Titanic tragedy & harm married working women today.

Those out dated government regulations must be updated for a world in which 60% of all women work outside the home.

And now is the time for women to raise a roar as Republicans control the House where all bills involving money must start.

“Flex time” is a good government regulation to fix in place. “Flex time” allows the worker to work the same number of hours packed into fewer days.

Senate Democrats blocked “flex time” back in the 1990’s. Now it’s time for Ann Romney and husband Mitt to make the case for “flex time”

The Titanic sank because the owner said follow the law as to how many life boats to equip it with. And the outdated Board of Trade law required only enough boats for half the number of people aboard. The accepted premise was that if a ship was in trouble it would always be possible to have 4-6 other boats near by who could provide additional life boat assistance.That was a wrong premise for the Titanic.

And it’s a wrong premise today that woman are the same as mem so treat them exactly the same. Women have babies and move in and out of the work force. Women need flexible hours, opportunity and choice.

Women working for the Obama White House make roughly 18% less than the men. Probably moving in and out of the work force and taking jobs with fewer hours are a big part of why women working for Obama are paid less.

Repeal the marriage penalty and add “flex time” to Romney’s reforms — that’s the message to send to Ann Romney and Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

Look at Ann Romney’s page on and tell Ann what women working outside the home need. Ann is approachable. And Ann Romney in my view will become as popular as Jackie Kennedy was in the 1960’s. And someday Mitt Romney will introduce his wife to the French people as ‘this is the person you came to see…”

Here’s an outdated regulation that must be changed: A married woman working of an assembly line keeps less of her pay check than the unwed man who does the same job.

Today, 60%o of all women work outside the home and are penalized by outdated laws.

Start with the premise that many women, because they have babies, are different from men.

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