Trump and Biden square off on jobs — get things built (Trump) or re-regulate energy economy

Trump or Biden?  On jobs?  Which do you pick?

This is based on material  in the WSJ, Friday, July 17, 2020, The Campaign Finally Begins by Kimberly Strassel.

Trump plans ‘top-to-bottom’ overhaul of the federal environmental review process which stands in the way of nearly every infra-structure project in the country.  That would create millions of jobs, attract more business to American and make the USA more competitive.

Biden just  released his $2 TRILLION climate change plan, product of a task force co-chaired by Rep. Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez.

Biden vows to outlaw all use of coal and natural gas to generate electricity within 15 years.  He will ban oil and gas production on federal land and offshore. He seeks ‘zero emissions’ cars.  Biden is promising to delete the jobs of millions of Americans — at a times of soaring unemployment.  A ban on offshore drilling alone would cost 200,000 jobs and damage regional economies.  Basic consumer choice would disappear for vehicles, dishwashers, even homes.

Biden wants to massively re-regulate the energy economy.  Trump said,  “We want to get things built.”

Aptos Psychologist:  Let people live their lives free from as much regulation as possible.Let people go back to work when and  as they choose.    Open the schools.  Start new charter schools — which have fewer regulations –  if  teachers in union jobs  don’t want to teach.  Social distancing  issues can be worked out.  Masks and the wearing of them for long periods of time is   problematic  both in terms of cleanliness and simple breathing.

What say you?  Weigh in on the conversation about jobs, Biden and Trump.

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