What conservative citizens can do: Obama, Pelosi, Democrat Party & now Sandra Fluke want churches to pay for birth control. What about Freedom of Religion? Why it’s time Issa asks the Congressional Black Caucus 3 questions!

reproductive rights

First free government paid birth control pills.

Later, govt paid free treatment for ovarian cysts?

Sandra Fluke’s story: Law student Fluke has a student friend with an ovarian cyst who lost an ovary due to Georgetown University’s no birth control coverage. But what about coverage under parents’ medical policy until age 25?

And after free government paid birth control pills, what about free cervical caps, free IUD’s, free diaphragms, free treatment for sexually transmitted disease, free abortions and free after abortion care …

These women related birth control costs can sky rocket. And what about the cost of contraceptives for men? “It’s only fair…” will say Obama …

A woman, Sandra Fluke, knowingly chooses to go to a Catholic law school, Georgetown University. Ms. Fluke spends the next 3 years as a law student fighting Georgetown’s policies. Ms. Fluke researched Georgetown’s policies on contraceptives and knowingly choose to enroll.

Georgetown University does not pay for birth control contraceptives.

Recently, President Obama mandates free birth control pills for all women. Obama’s mandate requires Catholic churches, charities and religious institutions — and perhaps Georgetown University — to provide all forms of contraception at no cost to women. [Clearly all health premiums will increase as there is ‘no free lunch’.]

Congress held hearings as to whether President Obama violated the Constitutional right of religious freedom. Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke tried to testify before Darrell Issa’s congressional hearing.

California Republican Darrell Issa is the Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Ms. Fluke was denied the right to participate on the panel or to testify as an expert witness by Congressman Issa as she described herself a reproductive rights activist [what law classes has she taken in reproductive rights? What field studies? what basis for expertise?]. Fluke has no expertise regarding religion and she is not a priest, preacher or other religious leader.

Democrat Nancy Pelosi held a hearing Feb. 23, 2012. Pelosi called Sandra Fluke to testify. Ms. Fluke testified before Pelosi that government should pay her the $1,000 a year that Fluke and other Georgetown female law students have to pay for birth control pills.

Ms. Fluke testified that woman at Georgetown University Law School cannot afford the $1,000 a year which contraceptives cost. [Georgetown’s tuition is $40,000 and room and board costs $20,000. Checking around, birth control pills can be purchased for as little as $5 and about $50 a month through Planned Parenthood.]

Is all of this orchestrated by Obama’s reelection committee? Done so that more women are likely to vote for Obama in 2012?

Clearly, Obama and Pelosi and the Democratic Party are not concerned about reducing disease and sexually transmitted diseases.

It is well known that condoms and foam are the best methods to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. And it is also well known that birth control pills are related to blood clots in woman. So, to protect women’s health other methods such as cervical caps or diaphragms can be used by women and do not pose health risks.

What about men?
The cost of birth control methods by men [vasectomies, condoms] is not mentioned by Obama, the Democrats or Nancy Pelosi. So, it appears that this is all about dangling a carrot before women.

Dangling the carrot of free birth control pills for women is all about the continuing saga that Obama, Pelosi and the Democrat Party want more control of people’s lives. Democrats like Pelosi and Obama want control over sexuality, reproduction and who has babies.

Elijah Cummings of the Congressional Black Caucus, criticizes Congressman Issa for not allowing Ms. Fluke to be on the panel — nor allow her to testify But law student Fluke has no known expertise in areas relevant to religious freedom. Law student Sandra Fluke had a story to share: a fellow student at Georgetown suffered an ovarian cyst which was not covered.

Republican Darrell Issa is Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Democrat Elijah Cummings from Maryland’s 7th district, is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

It’s time that Congressman Darrell Issa asks that Elijah Cummings answer the following questions:

1. Does the Congressional Black Caucus, of which you Cummings are a member, support the U.S. Constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion?

2. Do you Congressman Cummings support legislation passed by former President Clinton and currently the law which protects religious freedom?

3. Answer yes or no Congressman Cummings, Congress has the authority and can and should question the constitutionality of President Obama’s recent mandate to require religious institutions –such as Georgetown University — to provide free contraceptives?

So, why not cut and paste the above three questions and send them along to Democrat Congressmen Cummings with a cc to California Republican Congressman Darrell Issa? It’s easy to do.

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