Aptos Psychologist: High cost of housing drives families out of CA. It’s time CA voters tell planners to take a hike. Kids need backyards & space to run …

CA backyards not balconies

Tell CA planners to take a hike! Stop squishing families together in smaller and smaller spaces.

Not 3 feet wide condo balconies, kids need backyards and space to run around and kick balls. Because of new regulations in California, if planners have their way all new metropolitan housing will be 20 to an acre rather than the traditional 5 to an acre.

It’s time that CA voters wake up and repeal the 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act and the 2008 Sustainable Communities and Climate protection Act.

Over the last 40 years, median house prices have doubled relative to household incomes in California.

Look around your community. In our area of Aptos, CA for example, all new “affordable” [taxpayer paid for] housing is 20 or more to an acre. And those condos have no back yards.

Planners must think kids can get all the exercise they need at school during recess and lunch. Not so.

The high cost of housing in CA is a major reason why 1.6 million have left California since 2000.

For more info, see The Wall Street Journal, April 7, 2012, California Declares War on Suburbia

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