Aptos psychologist: at 24 months screen for autism with following six questions.

Screen 24 month old children for autism with the following questions. Does your child take an interest in other children? Use index finger to point and indicate interest in something? Bring objects over to show parent? Imitate interest in something? Respond to name when called? Follow a point across the room? These questions are the most critical items from the M-CHAT which consists of 23 questions.

If you would like a full copy of the M-CHAT, contact Dr. Cameron Jackson at cameronjacks@gmail.com


north of Aptos 10 minutes: Chrysalis Program for young children with autistic spectrum disorders

Chrysalis Program for young children with autistic spectrum disorders


The Crysalis Program which assists children with autistic spectrum disorders was started years ago and achieved a fine reputation in the community of Santa Cruz. It was an innovative and eclectic program. The woman who started the program, Fran Bussard, retired a few years ago.

Currently, the Morgan Autism Center is operating the Crysalis program in collaboration with the Santa Cruz Office of Education. This is the first year of operation through the oversight of the Morgan Center.

The Morgan Foundation in partnership with Santa Cruz County Office of Education provides one-to-one intensive services to toddlers and preschoolers with ASD. Where the Crysalis program is located:

Struck Preschool
984 Bostwick Lane
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
(831) 475-0290

Before the Morgan Center took over the Crysalis program for a while was run by the Listen Foundation. This is what I could find about that program from looking at local records:

“Two Santa Cruz County Office of Education classrooms, operated in collaboration with the Listen Foundation, integrate several methods and strategies such as TEACCH floor time, applied behavioral analysis, and sensory integration to teach social, communication, academic, and functional skills to address the needs of students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) The Listen Foundation is a private non-profit agency serving individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disroders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities since 1982. For informaiton about the Listen Foundation go to: www.listenfoundation.netListen Foundation.

The Listen Foundation Office is located at:

303 Potrero #29-103
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

“The Chrysalis Program began in September of 1996 as a result of research indicating that intensive early intervention is a critical factor in the education and treatment of young children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). It is a highly structured program that promotes the emotional, social, behavioral, and cognitive development of each child. There is a strong emphasis on choice and communication.”

For more information about autism on the PAGE at top is a video of classic autistic symptoms in a young boy. O number of blogs concerning autism are also listed on the PAGE for autism.

Cameron Jackson, Ph.D., licensed psychologist 831 688-6002


Aptos psychologist: Should California follow the lead of Pennsylvania re Autism Regional Centers?

The State of Pennsylvania has established 3 centers to serve citizens with autistic spectrum disorders. Should California follow this example?


Pennsylvania Department Of Public Welfare Unveils Regional Autism Centers

Article Date: 21 Apr 2009

“Responding to the needs of the growing number of Pennsylvanians living with an autism spectrum disorder, Secretary of Public Welfare Estelle B. Richman unveiled three new regional autism centers geared toward improving access to services, education, research and training for families and professionals in need.

“The increased prevalence of autism has resulted in a greater demand for services, but the development of new programs has not kept pace — a challenge that has left many families searching for quality services,” said Secretary Richman. “In pooling our statewide resources to create these regional centers, Pennsylvania will be better suited to continue bridging the gap to critical programs and information that can significantly enhance the lives of our families.”

Funded through the Department of Public Welfare, each center represents a partnership of medical centers, centers of autism research and services, universities and other providers of services involved in the treatment and care of adults and children with an autism spectrum disorder.

The centers, a primary recommendation of the Pennsylvania Autism Task Force commissioned in 2004, will improve regional access to quality services and interventions, provide information and support to families, train professionals in best practices and facilitate collaboration among providers of services throughout the commonwealth.

Centers will be focused in the eastern, western and central parts of Pennsylvania. They include:

— Central: Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center; Philhaven’s Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities; Vista Foundation.

— Eastern: University of Pennsylvania Center for Autism Research; Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Holy Family University; Drexel University; Lehigh University.

— Western: UPMC Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine Center for Autism and Developmental Disorders; The Watson Institute; Dr. Gertrude Barber Center, Inc.; UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Child Development Unit Autism Center; University of Pittsburgh, Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology; University of Pittsburgh, School of Education, Special Education; The Achievement Center and LEADERS program, Mercyhurst College.

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a set of five disorders that include Autistic Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Rett Syndrome and Pervasive Development Disorder. Children and adults living with autism generally have impairments in social, communicative, and behavior development that are frequently accompanied by problems with cognitive functioning, learning, attention and sensory processing.

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare


Aptos psychologist: How parents can screen for communication & language delays

How frequently does your two year old engage in the following?

Smile in response to a smile?
Initiate a request?
Make a verbal request?
Make a non-verbal request?
Respond to name?
Follow a point?
Join with adult in play?
Make eye contact?
Engage in functional play?
Engage in symbolic play?

The above is based on research to identify early signs of delays in children. Early intervention with an appropriate program tailored to your child is best for chiildren exhibiting delays. Be sure to have your child’s hearing and vision abilities checked by your pediatrician.

If you have questions about the above or like to discuss how your child is progressing, you may contact Cameron Jackson, Ph.D., J.D. Dr. Jackson’s practise is in Santa Cruz, CA. She is available for consultaiton in California.

Licensed Psychologist PSY 14762
FAX 831 688-7717
831 688-6002


Aptos psychologist says unionize now the students in PVUSD

Teachers’ unions harm student achievement expecially in large districts with large minority enrollment. PVUSD is large and has 78% minority. So lets unionize the students to advocate for student achievement.


unionize students?
unionize students?
The teachers’ unions seek to maximize teachers’ wages, benefits, hours and working conditions. Student achievement, higher test scores, more minorities taking Honors classes, a lower absentee rate — these are not goals sought by the teachers’ unions.

So who represents the students’ interests? The administrators? Half the people employed by California schools are not in the classroom. The administrators cannot unionize. They do have their own interests: to keep their jobs.

So, who really cares about the students’ interests? Parents of course. Well, most parents, not all parents. But parents have little power relative to the teachers’ unions. What collective power has the parents ever exerted over Pajaro Valley Unified School District? None.

The school board Trustees are supposed to represent the students. But if the Trustees, or some of them, are in the hip pocket of the unions, then the students are not represented by those Trustees.

One solution might be to unionize the students. Yes, I’m serious. Every student could be represented by one parent (or other adult of their choosing) and those adults choose representatives to sit down collectively with the teachers’ union. At the same table with the administrators. Together they could create “goal focused cooperation” – necessary in school districts where systemic change has lead to impressive advances in student achievement.

Bruce Woolpert, home grown in Santa Cruz County and President and CEO of Graniterock, wrote an article titled, “Unions exists to support teachers, not students”. Woolpert cites an article by Terry M. Moe published in the current issue of the American Review of Political Science. Moe’s article argues that unions are detrimental to student achievement particularly so in large districts that are predominantly minority. Pajaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD) is large (about 20,000 students) and predominantly minority (78 percent).

In response to Woolpert’s article, Sandra Nichols, 8 year school board Trustee for PVUSD, wrote 4-19-09 in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. Her article is ” Teachers are in it for the good of society”. Yes, Sandra, some individual teachers do seek the good of society Whatever that is.

But, the PVUSD teachers’ union does not seek other than what is good for their members. Sandra, over the last 8 years have you ever seen as a union priority that teachers’ salary increases will be tied directly to student achievement increases? What a novel thought.

Sandra Niichols side steps Bruce Woolpert’s thesis that collective bargaining harms student achievement particularly in large districts with large minority enrollment. Districts like PVUSD. Nichols has been on the PVUSD board for 8 years. What objective evidence does she offer that the PVUSD teachers’ union has helped students to excel? Had she any objective evidence she would have offered it.

Since it is highly unlikely we can get rid of collective bargaining in the near future, let’s unionize the students and have parents sit across the table from the teachers’ union. And together let them work towards “goal focused cooperation”. Let them work together that all students achieve regardless of family income.

written by Cameron S. Jackson, Ph.D., psychologist living in Aptos
(831) 688-6002 P.O.Box 1972, Aptos, CA 95001-1972
Monterey Bay Forum, www.freedomOK.net/wordpress


Aptos psychologist opines: Applied Behavior Analysis cannot create spontaneity in children

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) cannot create spontaneity in children. Becuase spontaneity is something that comes from within the child, not elicited from without.

ABA is a popular technique for treatment of autism and autistic spectrum disorders. Remember Pavlov? He taught a dog to salivate when a bell is rung. With ABA, a stimulus is presented with goal of eliciting a particular response. The goal is that when the trainer does X the child will do Y.

ABA can jump start the beginnings of language. For children who have no verbal language and are around 18 months it can be quite helpful. ABA can shape behavior. It is a powerful technique.

But, Simulus-Response techniques have major limitations. They cannot make your child to spontaneously hug you and say you are the greatest Mom and Dad. ABA techniques cannot teach a child to spontaneously relate with another child.
Check out carefully the techniques that are applied to your child who has autistic specrum issues.
written by licensed psychologist Cameron S. Jackson, Ph.D., J.D.

Below comes from Neurodiversity blog concerning a book by Stanley Greenspan on Floortime approach:

Research Support for a Comprehensive Developmental Approach to Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Other Developmental and Learning Disorders by Stanley Greenspan
“Current research suggests that modern developmental, relationship-based approaches to working with children with ASD and their families focus on the goal of strengthening or constructing the functional developmental capacities for relating, communicating, and thinking. To accomplish this goal, modern approaches work on creating emotionally meaningful learning interactions that are tailored to each child’s and family’s developmental profile.”


A Tangled Web at Berkeley – forwarded to you from Aptos, CA

Aptos, CA 831 688-6002
send comments to Cameron Jackson THIS IS FROM

A Tangled Web At Berkeley
By John Ellis
Minding the Campus | Wednesday, April 08, 2009

In his Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer distills the betrayal of trust by corrupt public servants into a memorable expression: “If gold rust, what shall iron do?” This is the metaphor that his honest parson lives by, and it reflects on the venal churchmen among the pilgrims who betray the ideals of the church and set a terrible example when they should be a guiding light.

This theme—one of high expectations for integrity cruelly disappointed—is timeless: it is exemplified yet again by the sorry tale of malfeasance in the Chancellor’s office at UC Berkeley that follows. Yet Chaucer’s miscreants are not cardinals and bishops, but only a lowly monk, friar and pardoner, while Chancellor Robert Birgeneau of UC Berkeley is the leader of the flagship campus of the greatest public system of higher education in the world.

And while Chaucer’s folk cloak their transgressions in the mantle of devotion, Birgeneau wraps his in the mantle of diversity. Already in late 2007 California’s deteriorating budget led to reductions in UC’s state support, and President Robert Dynes announced that his system-wide staff would be reduced. A severance pay incentive was offered to those who retired voluntarily, but when the Regents were asked by recently appointed President Mark Yudof in November 2008 to approve severance pay of $100,202 for Linda Williams, alarm bells went off: Williams had transferred from her job as Associate President in system headquarters to the position of Associate Chancellor at nearby UC Berkeley without missing a day’s employment. She sought severance pay though she had never been severed. Astonishingly, President Yudof recommended it and the Regents approved the recommendation.

It said much about the entitlement mindset at UC that top administrators were surprised by the outcry that followed. The public easily grasped that it was offensive for Williams to ask for $100K of public money as a “severance package,” but that simple point seemed lost on UC’s leadership. President Yudof hid behind the notion that the rules for UC’s buyout program were not his responsibility, having been written before he took office. That left an obvious question unanswered: why didn’t he tell Williams that what she was asking was unseemly, and that it would be an embarrassment to the university if he sought regent approval of this payment when a deepening financial crisis was forcing an increase in student fees? The culture of administrative self-serving in the President’s office that had brought down the presidency of Bob Dynes was apparently still in place—a great disappointment for those who hoped that Yudof would be a new broom.

Evidently feeling exposed in an indefensible position, Williams released a statement saying that the Berkeley job opportunity came up after she had applied for the buyout from her UCOP job and had “therefore played no role whatsoever in my decision making.” In other words, she had not arranged a transfer from one office to another within UC, but instead resigned one job and later found another. This was not true.

Williams applied for the severance payment on January 22, 2008, a day after the Daily Californian, the campus newspaper, reported the announcement of her new job.

A request by the San Francisco Chronicle’s Jim Doyle under the Freedom of Information Act produced additional damning evidence. Already on January 18, a UC Berkeley organizational chart had shown Linda Williams as Associate Chancellor. Chancellor Birgeneau had discussed the position with Williams as early as November 7 of the previous year. The FOIA material included a January 18 memo from Williams saying “The news is all over the place… getting the announcement out will be helpful.” Doyle’s material also confirmed that the Berkeley post was filled without competition—it was indeed a transfer without an application process.

Much more serious for the campus was how the FOIA material implicated Chancellor Birgeneau in the deception. Birgeneau had backed Williams’ false account by telling the SF Chronicle in December of 2008 that Williams “applied for the severance program before the Associate Chancellor position became available and before I offered her the position.” This was not true. The material in the stories in the Daily Californian and the SF Chronicle made it clear that the Berkeley job was essentially a done deal well before Williams’ application for severance.

Worse yet, more disinformation came from Birgeneau’s spokesman Dan Mogulof. In December 2008, rejecting the suggestion that Williams’ new position had been created specially for her—one acutely embarrassing for the official version—Mogulof told Jim Doyle that she took the job of retiring chief of staff John Cummins. That also was not true. Cummins’ position as Associate Chancellor and chief of staff was assumed by someone else, and Williams’ job was created by making a new position out of some of the less central functions of Cummins’ job. That’s right: during a budget crisis Birgeneau beefed up his administration with an extra Associate Chancellor position at a $200K salary.

But the FOIA material had still another effect: it shredded President Yudof’s defense of his actions. Birgeneau and Williams were now in an acutely embarrassing position. Campus spokesman Dan Mogulof then told a story to tell which insulted the intelligence of his listeners. The impression created by Williams that she was unaware of future Berkeley employment was “unintentional,” said Mogulof. But what she had said was clear and categorical: the Berkeley position “played no role whatsoever (my italics) in my decision making” because it was not open at the time of the severance application. What could be unintentional about that? Mogulof went on to say “We had no reason to be intentionally misleading.” Another of Mogulof’s gems was this: “We sacrificed clarity and detail for the sake of brevity.” By telling that story, presumably at the behest of Birgeneau, the spokeman destroyed his own credibility.

Birgeneau’s next move was exceptionally sordid. He wrote an op-ed for the Daily Californian touting his dedication to equity and inclusion, then complained of lingering racism on campus: “Most recently, there have been scurrilous attacks with outright misrepresentation of facts by print media, bloggers and even some of our own faculty and staff against Associate Chancellor Linda Williams, the first African-American woman to serve on the Chancellor’s Cabinet in Berkeley’s 141-year history…. Many members of our African-American community are rightly outraged by the media harassment of a successful and accomplished black woman and see these actions as creating a chilling climate for all African-Americans on campus.” No details of the alleged “misrepresentations” were given and an email asking for examples was not answered.

Desperate to save himself from the consequences of his duplicity, Birgeneau was willing to whip up racial strife on campus to create a smokescreen. But throughout this story, administrative self-serving, bloat and deceit were always entwined with the issue of diversity.

In the Latin mottos of the nation’s great universities, one word appears again and again: Veritas, meaning truth. Yale’s motto is Lux et Veritas (Light and Truth), Harvard’s is Veritas. Northwestern elaborates: Quaecumque Sunt Vera (Whatever is True), as does Miami University: Magnus est Veritas (Great is the Truth).

Universities put the concept of Truth up front for a reason. General Motors should be truthful about its cars, but its business is cars. Truth is our business. That’s what we academics deal in. Whether in the classroom or in research, knowledge is only knowledge if it’s based in truth. One lesson of this story is that the concern with diversity must never trump the academy’s core value, Veritas.

A university that stops caring about truth will soon be of no use to anyone, minorities included. When a great university is led by someone who misleads seemingly without compunction, contrition, or consequences, it is sick at its core.

Each year, thousands of fresh-faced undergraduates come to UC to be initiated into a campus culture that is dominated by the idea of Veritas. It is painful to picture this innocent young flock being watched over by Chancellor Birgeneau. Once again, Chaucer captured the essence of the situation in another memorable line in his Prologue, one which, in the interest of delicacy, we’ll leave in Chaucer’s Middle English original:

For if a preest be foul, on whom we truste,
No wonder is a lewed man to ruste;
And shame it is, if a preest take keep,
A shiten shepherde and a clene sheep.


What works educating young children with autistic spectum disorders

Aptos, California
(831) 688-6002

* Begin educational services as soon as a child is suspected of having an autistic spectrum disorder.

* Services should include a minimum of 25 hours a week, 12 months a year.

* What constitutes those 25 hours will vary according to the child’s chronological age, developmental level, specific strengths and weaknesses and family needs.

* Each child needs sufficient individualized instruction on a daily basis so objectives are implemented effectively.

* Objectives include achieving functional spontaneous communication, social instruction delivered throughout the day in various settings, cognitive development and play skills, and proactive approaches to behavior difficulties.

Source: Educating Children with Autism, Natioal Academy Press, 2001


Educating Children with Autism

Below is an excellent review of a book on autism I just bought through Amazon. A good read for a rainy day in Aptos, California.

Title: Educating Children with Autism
Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academy Press

A profound and arresting analysis of interventions, January 30, 2003
By John Harpur

My contact with autistic children and teenagers is primarily through research into social skills teaching. I have a assembled a small library of key texts and until I read this one, I found my library incomplete in one area – a review of intervention programmes. This book is simply superb is its coverage of the various principles that inform current interventions, its analysis of the outcomes of several commonly cited progrmmes, and the scope for future work.

However, this book is not ‘selling’ any particular intervention and that may dismay some parents particularly. It is geared more towards informing professionals in the field about options, choices and consequences associated with interventions. And boy is it thorough!

There is a huge amount to be gained from this book. I found reading it to be very stimulating but pleasurably slow, since every page has thought provoking observations.

I would certainly recommend that anyone pursuing interventions not pass over this book, be they parent, teacher or health professional. I genuinely cannot see this book disappointing an interested party. Parents of children with Asperger Syndrome may feel a little let down however, given the lack of attention their special requirements. Other books, such as Succeeding with Interventions for Asperger Syndrome Adolescents, may be of help to them.

To see other reviews go to Amazon.
