JABS are NOT a VACCINE says 9th Circuit Court so STOP mandating “the JAB”?

The COVID vaccine was touted  to  prevent getting it and also stop the spread.   But millions have gotten COVID  and  also spread it to others.  

Our COVID  story: My husband got COVID while in hospital and spread it to me when he came home,  I’d already had two JABS because our esteemed MD wrote a newsletter saying, “ONE million will die….” No more jabs since for either of us.  But  in Aptos, CA two major pharmacies have signs outside saying GET your FREE COVID booster.   Your government wants you to keep getting the JAB.  

So what’s your JAB/ COVID story? Got the JAB  and all  boosters and doing everything government says to do?  In the news:   Maxine Waters got several boosters and now getting treatment for pancreatic cancer. 

The alarm bells are ringing:  more and more deaths are mounting up and more and more serious side effects happening.   Slow in emerging the overall damage from ‘the  JAB’ is relentless.   


Live in CA & Test POSITIVE for COVID-19 virus. What to do?

What to do when  you test POSITIVE for the  COVID-19 virus aka  the CCP virus?

This post concerns COVID-19 aka the CCP virus   and, in particular,  what’s happening in  Santa Cruz County, California.    For  general information on COVID-19   for Santa Cruz County CA, read the  Good Times  click  HERE.  For  world wide information from  The Epoch Times on COVID-19  aka CCP Virus,  click HERE.

Recently,  on  Santa Cruz California radio station  KSCO (1080 AM)   Psychologist  Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.,  asked   Health official Gail Newel,  MD what medical treatment the County  recommends  for people who test  positive for the  COVID-19 virus.  Dr. Newel  is the  Health Officer  for the county of Santa Cruz, California.  The  question and answer  interview with Dr. Newel  is available in the archives of  KSCO (1080 AM).

Gail Newel,  MD,  replied that people should rest and take lots of liquids.  In response  Dr. Jackson said.  “What you are recommending is what people typically do for the flu.   As you well know,  the CCP virus kills people by the thousands.   And   there are treatment protocols that do work.”

Gail Newel, MD  said there were some medicines are   “in the works”  but  she could not name any specific ones.

In response, psychologist  Dr. Jackson said:  “There are   treatment protocols — such as hydroxychloroquine  coupled with zinc and an antibiotic –  which are available with a prescription.  Zinc can be bought over the counter and the other two require a prescription.”    Dr. Newel replied  that research did not support those medications.  Dr. Jackson disagreed. “Will you read  the research if I send it to you?’ asked Dr. Jackson.

Dr. Gail Newel  is the top health official for Santa Cruz County in California.  In that position, Dr. Newel   makes decisions which affect Santa Cruz county residents in many ways e.g.,  which businesses can open, whether  and at what times people can go to the local beaches s and when  and where  face masks must be worn.

So what should YOU do if you get a POSITIVE diagnosis of COVID-19 aka the  CCP Virus?

For openers, don’t rely on what the Health Officer for  Santa Cruz County has to say.  Dr.. Gail Newel,   Health Officer for Santa Cruz County CA,  has not read the current research which says that persons newly diagnosed (not hospitalized, not on oxygen) can be helped  considerably by a combination of hydroxychloroquine  with zinc and an antibiotic.

What to do?  Get the required prescriptions and do the treatment with the say so of your physician.   Some persons, for example those who take Bystolic (blood pressure medication. ) cannot take hydroxychloroquine.  There’s another medicine typically given for parasites that can be used.

How to stay up to date on COVID-19 aka CCP virus? One excellent source of information is  TheEpochTimes   which has world wide coverage.  California currently leads the world  with 62,701  COVID-19  deaths and 3770,150 cases.

written by Cameron Jackson  PSY14762  Licensed Psychologist

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com



Recall CA Gov. Gavin Newsom? Why & What you can do ….? Wake up Santa Cruz County & every CA citizen

Why recall  now   CA Gov. Gavin Newsom?

Think about  our CA children:     Gov. Newsom closed all  schools.

Children need schools for social reasons, to learn from real human beings in one-to-one interactions, and to feel good about themselves.

Suicide rates among  middle school and older children are rising.  Kids are killing themselves because of Gov. Newsom.   He   closed  all  schools & caved to teachers’ unions’ demands.  CA  teacher unions seek  to de-fund the police, a  moratorium on all  charter schools or voucher programs and no more standardized testing.    Newsom’s actions  by supporting the demands of teachers’ unions harms every student in CA.

Think about safety:  Newsom loosed 180,000+ violent felons back into  local  CA coumunities.

And Newsom apologized to the felons for locking them up.  What’s happening to safety of our local communities?

Think  about the idiocy of Newsom’s “essential services”:  Pot shops are open.  Churches must stay closed.

 Think about jobs:    Most of the CA  economy remains  shut-down. Gavin Newsom did it a second time!    Newsom  again shut down the economy of CA which was 5th largest in the world before pandemic.  Lockdowns don’t work.  Look at Europe which has re-opened and some European countries did not close.

Think  1st Amendment encroachments:   your right to speak your mind, freely assemble, congregate at a church and on the beach.

So, what can you do  about California  Gov. Gavin  Newsom?   Recall him!   Download a petition, get neighbors to sign it and MAIL it in.

You can help recall Newsom.  Spread the word about RecallGavin2020.com  Download Petition/ Instructions at RecallGavin2020.com   Mail Petitions to California PatriotCoalition  PO BOX 417030 Sacramento CA 95841.


Aptos Psychologist:   What world  do you  want for your children and your grandchildren?    Homelessness on every corner?  Illegal drugs used to ‘fix’ low self esteem?   No ‘beginning jobs’ for high school kids?   

Let’s do all we can to make CA a golden land with golden opportunities for all children.    So what say you?   All civil , thoughtful comments welcome!   

Writers with ‘niche’ knowledge welcome to publish on Monterey Bay Forum.   Get your ideas out there.    

What about your water?   Do you live in Santa Cruz County?  Where do you get your water?  Do you get your water from the Soquel Creek Water Board?

Worried about the new waste plant that will re-cycle water?   What about all the pollutants due to cancer treatment drugs that are part of waste water? Vote for  KATES & MARSILLO who support  clean, healthy  water for all.

written by CA licensed Psychologist  Cameron Jackson  PSY14762    drcameronjackson@gmail.com   127 Jewell Street, Santa Cruz, CA  95003   


St. John’s church & Live Like Coco share an Adopt a Beach sign at Seacliff State Beach

Perhaps some future collaboration on beach cleanup?

Two  very different entities share the same sign.  They share a new Adopt-A-Beach sign at Seacliff State Beach.

St. John’s episcopal church is  located close to Seacliff State Beach.   The Live Like Coco Foundation has its roots in  a  Watsonville elementary school, Starlight,  which has  a large Hispanic population.

The Live Like Coco Foundation, through the efforts of 125-150 individuals,   raised $5+ K to memorialize the life of Coco, a  12 year old who died in a car accident in 2015.    Coco,  loved books, cats and numerous  out of doors activities. Her parents in conjunction with Starlight Elementary in Watsonville, CA    raised  money   to provide scholarships for extra-curricular activities.  The Live Like Coco  Foundation wants   Santa Cruz County children  to have opportunities to  experience various  out of doors  activities and  ‘realize their dreams’.

The Live Like Coco Foundation plans a Beach Cleanup on Sat. July 18 at 9 am.  Take a look on Facebook for up-to-date information on the Foundation.     For some general information click Here.

Both  St. John’s and Live Like Coco  share a strong interest in the  education of youth and stewardship of the world’s resources.

For a $200 donation, various  organizations can get their name and publicity on an   Adopt-A-Beach sign  — with the proviso that they do several cleanups a year.

St. John’s episcopal  held  their  second  beach cleanup  the day  after Independence Day.

The  St. John’s  Publicity/Communications team  thought   that Save Our Shores (SOS) personnel would bring equipment  and tally sheets for the July 6 event.      SOS did not show and the church’s  Senior Warden  wrote that, therefore,  the church was   not able to tally up kind and amount of beach trash gathered.  A third  St. John cleanup is planned for September.

Beach cleanups are popular at St. John’s.  St. John’s  has a long  history of  various  enviornmental concerns and interest in  protecting the earth’s resources.  For example, at  church functions they typically  use pottery mugs instead of paper cups and, pre-Covid 19, did not use plastic.

Save Our Shores  (SOS)  was not amiss for not showing up  July 6 at Seacliff State Beach  with tally sheets  and  equipment.    The SOS   website states that all public events and all beach cleanups have been  cancelled until future notice.

Save Our Shores suggests  on their website that individuals use their  SOS app to tally up and send back information on trash gathered from CA beaches.

The app is readily available, easy to download to smart phones,  and easy to use.   Whether or not  COVID-19 is still affecting SOS sponsored Beach Cleanups  in September the app can readily be used to tally up trash removal.

So — in planning the next St. John’s Beach Cleanup  for  September  why not do it jointly with Watsonville  youth  connected with the Live Like Coco Foundation ?  Both entities could do Beach Cleanup together, and then share  hot dogs, pizza and tamales?    Socialize a bit?  It would be easy, also, to  include  the youth that are part of St.John’s education  outreach to Aptos  Junior High.  Just takes a little planning and outreach to  the Live Like Coco Foundation.  Nice way to remember and memorialize 12 year old Coco who would be age 17 now had she lived.

All  lives matter.

written by licensed psychologist,  Cameron Jackson      DrCameronJackson@gmail.com






ZOOM & Tune In at Resurrection Church 11 am Friday for Holy Hour

Stations of the Cross 

How to use ZOOM easy!   Try it out!   This is an invite from Resurrection Church in Aptos for their Holy Hour  4/3/2000:

“We invite you to join us tomorrow morning (Friday) at 11 am for our live-stream Holy Hour (Exposition and Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament) and Stations of the Cross with Women on The Way of the Cross.

“It will also be recorded and be put on our website so you can watch and pray at your convenience if you can’t join us at 11 am.

“To join the Holy Hour, click this link a little before 11 am on Friday morning: Resurrection Holy Hour   If asked, enter Meeting ID # 263-332-736 (no dashes).

If you’ve downloaded the app to your phone or tablet, simply select “Join a Meeting” and enter the Meeting ID# 263-332-736 (no dashes).

If you wish to join by any telephone to listen to the Holy Hour, call 1-669-900-6833 (a San Jose number) and when prompted, Meeting ID # 263-332-736 (no dashes).

Click this link to view and/or download the worship aid for the Holy Hour. Holy Hour Worship Aid

If you don’t want to print it out, you can open it in one window and still have the video stream open in another window, then you can look at the worship aid when needed.

For those of you who are new to Zoom, please read the instructions below to help you with the proper “Zoom Etiquette” for being a good “Zoom Neighbor”!


Better safe than sorry? Why Resurrection Church Aptos CA must remodel Markey Community Center ASAP

Better safe than sorry?  Why Resurrection Church Aptos CA  must remodel their Community Center ASAP.

Tom Hogan, a member of the parish,  spoke  at Resurrection Church 3/23/2000 on Why Now and How the Remodel of Markey Community Center will proceed.  Tom Hogan is on the Steering Committee guiding the remodel effort.  He  detailed the necessary safety issues which must be addressed.

The hub for Resurrection Church — their community center — requires extensive  changes to make it safe for volunteers, staff and the persons served. Resurrection Church provides many ministries to youth, seniors and vulnerable persons.

One vulnerable person served:  Many non-profit organizations including Boy Scouts use the Community Center to provides services used by the Aptosian community.  Click  Here for a brief  video of a Boy Scout project located on Resurrection’s grounds which, when the video was taken, provides temporary  shelter for a homeless person.

Why is the proposed remodel of  Resurrection Church’s community center so expensive?   Safety is the prime reason for the expensive remodel:  the expected  cost    $5.5 MILLION.

Safety issues:   Resurrection Church’s community center is a  55 year old building, separate from the church proper, which has asbestos in the walls and ceiling and  paint with lead in it  on the walls.  The building floods on occasion due to stormy weather.  Recently, a large tree fell one corner of Markey Community Center, disabling the Center for a few days and  ‘yellow tagging’  Resurrection Church’s  children’s playground which is currently not safe to use.   Volunteers and staff need to be able to exit safely should there be an emergency such a as  a dangerous person confronting them.  them.  Federal  OSHA law requires exit routes be mantaotry.  The ceiling requires a sprinkler system.  The bathrooms need to meet health codes and must  be safe for persons in wheel chairs.

Resurrection Church has THE PLAN which it has been following to gather the necessary money needed prior to start of construction.  For information on Resurrection Church’s website click HERE for the Resurrection Catholic Church 2020 Campaign.


  1. Identify  prospects  who can make  large  Leader Gifts.   So far, parishioners have given large and smaller gifts totaling  $1 MILLION of the $5.5 needed. About 1/2 the Goal towards Leader Gifts has been met.   
  2.  Identify  prospects for Foundation Grants.  This is ongoing.  As of 3/15/2000 no Foundations have said Yes.
  3. Identify prospects for Community (business) Gifts.
  4. Contact the parish members who have not yet given

This post will be updated when more information becomes available.

In response to the coronavirus pandemic  Resurrection Church was required by the Diocese to cancel   the  meeting for Volunteers scheduled for today 3/14/2000.   Also,  the Church was required to cancel various fundraisers including Sunday Icecream Social and Eat, Drink and Give.

Resurrection Church’s grounds include places for repose,  places  to sit and enjoy the beauty  of the setting. One such spot I call Art from the Heart located in front of the Handicapped Parking.  Click Here for a brief video of Art from the Heart.

Like more information?   Go to  www.renewmarkeycommunitycenter.org

written by Cameron Jackson




It’s time to update your resume — your Life Resume — your ‘brand’ ….

  Yes, it’s a good time to update your resume.  Your Life Resume.  Your ‘brand’ ….

How to update your Life Resume?    Ask yourself  these five  questions:

 What important  experiences formed and shaped you?

What achievements have you accomplished over your life time?

What qualities and gifts are unique to you — that you know of or others say about you? What are your skills?

What are your Passions?  What do you love to do?

In summary, where are you?  Where have you  been?  And, where are you going?

As you look back, where has God been leading you  — then  — and now?

   A great book to read is Being Mortal.  It’s about End of Life Care and it asks  four questions:

  1. What is your  understanding of your situtation?
  2. What options are available?
  3. What are your Goals?
  4. What are you going to Do?


   Many years ago people put all their prized possessions in a wagon and set off westward for a new life.  They pressed on.  And when they came to swollen streams and difficulty moving their wagons they left behind all sorts of prized possessions.  They pressed on.  They did not look back.   The Oregon Trail was littered with prized possessions left behind.

 Similarly, the apostle Paul regarded all his ‘possessions’  — his personal life  resume of being circumcised, of the tribe of Benjamin, his great zeal as a prosecutor for righteousness, that he did it all ‘perfectly’…. Paul viewed all his ‘resume’ as ‘rubbish’ aka ‘excrament’ … Paul viewed all of his accomplishments as dead weight.  Paul’s goal was to press on …. with the goal of Christ Jesus.

 So — are your ‘accomplishments’ dead weight?  Is it time to leave behind those accomplishments as dead weight and press on?    Is it time to ‘pray and let God worry’ as Martin Luther said 500 years ago?    


The above is based on a sermon by Pastor Dale Sollom-Brotherton,  October 8, 2017 at Christ Lutheran Church, Aptos, California.  Services are at 10 AM on Sundays.

To hear Pastor Dale’s  sermons, go to YouTube and search under Christ Lutheran Church Aptos — look for  the Sermon for October 8.

Want to catch some great organ music played at Grace Cathedral  and learn about the Reformation?

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)-affiliated organization Reformation 500 is holding an ecumenical celebration that includes a social justice event, a Eucharist, splendid music and a festive reception. See how the Reformation looks today.


written by Cameron Jackson   DrCameronJackson@gmail.com 


Rent 3 bedroom in Santa Cruz? Ouch!

cabin with treeCost to rent a 3 bedroom in Santa Cruz is now  $2,285 a month says  ATTOM Data Solutions and recently reported in Santa Cruz Sentinel March 4, 2017.  Ouch!

Santa Cruz Planning staff state  that more accessory dwelling units (ADUs) might ease housing shortage.  Owners respond  that local government fees between $12 to $21 K are  an obstacle to ADUs.  That’s just the government fees.  Current regulations require the owner to live in the main house or the ADU.



