Firenze Sage: Mayor of New York urges police everywhere strike for gun control

Knee jerk reaction to massacre by  NY Mayor:  Bloomberg urges that police everywhere strike until gun control is passed. 

 MAYOR BLOOMBERG:  “Well, I would take it one step further. I don’t understand why the police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say, we’re going to go on strike. We’re not going to protect you. Unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.

“And we’re doing everything we can to make their job more difficult but, more importantly, more dangerous, by leaving guns in the hands of people who shouldn’t have them, and letting people who have those guns buy things like armor-piercing bullets.”
OH!   What a great idea.  [Bloomberg urges police to strike for gun control.]  After  24 hours, even idiots like this  love the police.  


Firenze Sage: Nervous breakdown material [Jesse Jackson, Jr]

“I was tricked!” says mother of Jesse Jackson, Jr.

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s mother, Jacqueline Jackson, told a Rainbow/PUSH conference Friday that her son has suffered years of “enormous disappointment.”

“I’m not ashamed to say … he thought he was going to be a senator. He thought he was going to have a chance to run for mayor. And young people don’t bounce back from disappointment like me and my husband,” she said.

In the wake of this bizarre excuse for her son’s behavior, Mrs. Jackson has claimed that she was “tricked” into speaking out at the luncheon. The luncheon was organized by her husband’s own organization.

A new excuse for foot in mouth–“I was tricked”. But then, so were the  voters.

Monterey Bay Forum:   The main stream ABC story listed above  about Jesse Jackson, Jr. having a “mood disorder”  cites a possible genetic predisposition  per opinion of  Dr. Harold G. Koenig with Duke University Medical Center. 

Ah, another highly educated MD at a prestigious medical school dabbling  in  long distance medical diagnosis.  Do you feel in good hands with diagnosis from afar? I don’t.

As to Democrat Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s voting record,  he Did Not Vote on the Ryan Budget,  The Domestic Engagement  and Jobs Act nor on  the Conservatism and Economic Growth bill.  Why not?   Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. finished theological school so he must think about what’s required of a prophetic voice — which is not silence on important issues such as the Ryan Budget.  For straight up information on those who represent us, go to :


Aptos Psychologist: Obama ‘Opps what rule of law?’

In America the Law is key …

The Obama Moto:  Why  follow the rule of law when you can skirt it, ignore it or just plain  forget it! 


The following exerpt is from Dr. Clark Jensen titled Rule of Law.

“Let’s list some of the ways the Obama administration has ignored the rule of law in the past three plus years:

  • They have ignored the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and have refused to enforce that law.
  • They have refused to enforce our immigration law and recently Obama stated that he would not deport illegals in a certain age category as long as they had no criminal record.
  • The Obama administration has sued and threatened to sue the state of Arizona for their attempts to abide by our federal law in regards to illegal immigrants.
  • Through the NLRB the Obama administration has almost forced unions into right to work states.
  • Obama stopped the Keystone XL pipeline from going through.
  • The EPA has imposed such stringent regulations upon coal power, that many coal powered electrical plants are shutting down.  He has almost made it impossible to build new coal powered electrical plants because of those same regulations.
  • The Obama administration, with Eric Holder as the point man,is suing the state of Florida for attempting to stop voter fraud in the state.
  • They have also imposed restrictions on on shore and off shore drilling for oil and gas.

I am sure there are many other ways the Obama administration has skirted the rule of law. 

“My list is only the tip of the iceburg.  What we all need to understand is that the Obama approach is moving us backwards as a nation towards the time when people were governed not by laws but by men.  I don’t trust Obama nor do I trust any other man to by my king.  You shouldn’t either.

The rule of law is much better than the rule of men!”   written by Dr. Clark Jensen   


For more go to    and you might try email at


Firenze Sage: Frogs praise Allah! [Egypt’s first fatwa after Muslim Brotherhood’s victory]

Fatwa against eating frogs including the northern leopard frog

Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi just won the presidency in Egypt.

The first legal action taken, the  very first fatwa to appear by Egypt’s highest fatwa council,  addresses—not social, political, or economic issues in Egypt—but rather frogs.

Specifically, the fatwa  bans Muslims from hunting and killing frogs to sell to those nations that dine on the amphibians.
As the fatwa explains, according to Islam’s prophet Muhammad as recorded in a hadith, a frog’s “croaking is praise [to Allah].”
Accordingly, “a number of jurists [fuqaha] have relied on this [hadith] to forbid the eating of frogs, under the notion that ‘that which is banned from being killed, is forbidden from being eaten.’”

written by Raymond Ibrahim of the PJ Tatler

Now if only we could find a fatwa banning Christian killing.

For more Firenze Sage go to and find Shoveling Smoke or English Only Spoken Here, Obama.
Send email to:
Go PJ Tatler for more info on the Muslim Brotherhood’s first fatwa after victory.




Aptos Psychologist: Slay the Trojan horse of Obama-Care! Join or start a Tea Party in CA.

How to slay the Trojan horse of Obama-Care through Tea Party methods

You  want to help get rid of Obama and Obama-Care?  And live in California?   Here’s how.

If you answer YES to the following then a California Tea Party might be the right tonic for you!

Do you say YES, you want Obama and Obama-Care gone? YES, you are tired of the Blame Game that Bush did it? YES, you think it gauche of Obama to ask people to send money to the Obamas instead of spend it on wedding gifts? [Do send plenty of gravy boats to the Obamas to get the message across.]

Do you say YES, you are you for fiscal responsibility and limited government? YES, you think that free markets work?

And – this is very important — Do you pick up your own litter? And expect others to pick up theirs? Are you willing to listen –and then stand your ground?

If you can say YES to all these questions then look around for a California Tea Party to join. Or start one yourself.

Recently, June 22 and 23 a whole bunch of California Tea Party groups got together in Fresno, CA. And they had a blast!

Lots of stuff got discussed. People got acquainted. It was run with a bottom to top approach and no top down heavy approach. Speakers offered ideas, methods and apps how to build a better mouse trap, i.e., how to build better political organizations.

About 50-60 persons attended the Fresno Tea Party get together. Other groups, such as Defend Rural America, also presented strategies, tactics and long term plans how to change America from the grass roots up.

One strategy suggested: As CA is expected to go for Obama, it makes sense to walk in Nevada and Arizona to help get the conservative vote out. Caravans of cars and how and when details were hammered out.

Lots of people oppose High-Speed Rail: Coming to CA to help in the anti-High Speed rail campaign are individuals who successfully took on and defeated the Endangered Species Act in Texas. Success in one campaign may spill over to other campaigns.

The Real Story why Scott Walker won: The story told is that a wealthy conservative for 16 years supported one individual to create the environment for Scott Walker’s policies to be successful. The combination of money, time and plenty of doing what is right came together to create an environment where Walker could win. That person is now a top advisor to Scott Walker. And who might that be?

So, if you are interested in constructive change made at the grass roots level and you want a bottom to top approach as to how decisions are made — look around for a near by California Tea Party.

Or start your own tea party. You will find that other California Tea Party will reach out and help you build a better mouse trap political organization to catch those critters that have wrecked havoc in America.

Several contact links are listed below:
California Tea Party Groups: We are a large coalition of tea party groups that are making a difference in our Golden State. Brad Roltgen and Dawn Wildman are the State Coordinators for Tea Party Patriots and they help facilitate this coalition.

Written by Cameorn Jackson

P.S.   Cameron Jackson welcomes tea party persons residing in Santa Cruz County who can attend a meeting in Aptos, CA.  Send email to 


Aptos Psychologist: Useful info how to resign from the SEIU in California

SEIU goons beat up a  person attending rally

SEIU thugs beat up a person attending rally

Are you an irritated and fed up California SEIU member — and want OUT from the SEIU?

For info how to resign membership from the  SEIU go  to this link or read below:

Don’t like that the SEIU goons beat up on people who attend Obama health care rallies?

Did you see the recent ruling by the Supreme Court about the SEIU? It’s in the Friday June 22 issue. Should you want to get out here’s how to get out.

“Enough Is Enough!”

That’s what many California State employees are saying.

Fed up with the rising costs of mediocre Union representation, and SEIU’s lack of transparancy, they have chosen to resign from SEIU and pay only “Fair Share” fees. State workers can Resign from SEIU by submitting the form in Step #1 below, entitling them to save ~2.4 % of their union dues. Continue reading “Aptos Psychologist: Useful info how to resign from the SEIU in California”


Aptos Psychologist: Try betting your spouse a BMW if can correctly name the most expensive city to live in!

Luanda, capital of Angola most expensive city in the world

And can you name the most expensive city in the world to live? No, not New York and not London. And not Tokyo. It is …. Luanda, capital of Angola.

Luanda, Angloa boat
Luanda, Angola boat

Angola has had its troubles …

And though most people are poor the cost of a hamburger is over $10.00

In Luanda, day laborers make roughly $50 per month, but a hamburger meal costs $12.62, and a two-bedroom apartment is $4,114. So how did these African outposts get so costly? The usual suspects: corruption, graft and a terrible business climate. And wars.

So if I pick up my BMW in Germany how long will it take to drive to Luanda, Angola for a hamburger? As a bird flies it is 4,337 miles from Germany to Angola. And should I want a little different night life one can head south to Nambia or north to Zambia for a little change.


Firenze Sage: Stay inside or die! [China]

yellow haze in China

A thick green and yellowish haze in China caused by straw? Young and old residents of the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan were advised to stay indoors on Monday after a thick haze blanketed the city of nine million people, official media said.
thick haze covers Chinese city of 9 million supposedly caused by straw

Described by residents as opaque with yellowish and greenish tinges, the fug descended suddenly in the morning, prompting people to rush to put on face masks, witnesses told AFP.

The official Xinhua news agency quoted the environmental protection department of Hubei province saying in a statement: “Children, the elderly and people with heart or respiratory diseases are advised to stay indoors.”

Xinhua said straw burning was the cause and denied there had been any industrial accidents in or near Wuhan, after Internet rumours suggested there had been an explosion at a chemical complex northeast of the city.




Firenze Sage: Obama cares? [Commerce Secretary Bryson]

Obama out of touch with Secretary of Commerce Bryson

Obama out of touch with his Commerce Secretary John Bryson.

On Monday morning, Washington awoke to learn that Commerce Secretary John Bryson had been involved in a series of auto accidents in southern California on Saturday evening, and cited with a felony hit-and-run by responding police. This news was of course shocking.

For several hours, the White House and the Commerce Department declined comment. In this vacuum, the rumors took a life of their own. Some speculated there was alcohol involved, despite initial police accounts that this was not the case. After official statements reported the cause of the accidents on seizures, the ire turned on that initial speculation, blaming the sardonic culture of Twitter.

Part of the blame surely lay at the feet of an inept White House communications operation, unable to provide the general public with any answers to the health and well-being of a cabinet secretary. This media stonewall continued in Press Secretary Jay Carney’s daily briefing.

In Carney’s first answer, we learned that President Obama had not spoken with Secretary Bryson. This seemed odd. A cabinet secretary is hospitalized following serious traffic incidents and a police citation and the president does not pick up the phone to check on his welfare?

Pressed for details, Carney continually directed questions to the Commerce Department. As if this matter had nothing to do with the White House. On the fifth question, Carney was asked: “So as the matter stands right now, is the Secretary healthy and fit to serve?” Carney referred the question to the Commerce Department.

C’mon big guy pick up the phone. Or is this a preview of Obama-Care?
