Aptos Cafe Rio music: Beach Cowboys play 70’s rock and roll 8 pm Fri. 5-22 for more www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

On Friday the Beach Cowboys play at 8 pm at the Cafe Rio in Aptos. On Friday something called the Seventh Wave plays. Will the music be low enough so I can talk to someone next to me?! That is my standard. I want to talk to whoever I went out with and not be overpowered by electronic gizmos. Of the two choices, I’m going to try the Beach Cowboys. And the fresh fish special.


Hungry in Aptos? Wish the local restaurants would “tweet” their special for the night on one TWITTER in APTOS? www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

The Sparrow restaurant. The old JJ Piza that is now Italian or continental. Carried Away. The Blue Spoon. The Cafe Rio for seafood anyway you like it cooked. Five great restaurants right in Aptos. How can I know their DAILY SPECIALS? One TWEET!! That’s what Aptos needs! www.freedomOK.net/wordpress


From an Aptos psychologist: Think you want FREE federally run health care? www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

The Cost of Free Government Health Care

By David Gibberman, in the American Thinker
Proponents of government-run health care like to point out that countries with such a system spend a smaller percentage of their gross domestic product on health care than the United States. What they don’t like to mention is how those savings are achieved. For example:

Patients Lose the Right To Decide What Treatment They’ll Receive. Instead, patients receive whatever care politicians and bureaucratic number crunchers decide is “cost effective.”

Britain’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence usually won’t approve a medical procedure or medicine unless its cost, divided by the number of quality-adjusted life years that it will give a patient, is no more than what it values a year of life in great health – £30,000 (about $44,820). So if you want a medical procedure that is expected to extend your life by four years but it costs $40,000 and bureaucrats decide that it will improve the quality of your life by 0.2 (death is zero, 1.0 is best possible health, and negative values can be assigned), you’re out of luck because $40,000 divided by 0.8 (4 X 0.2) is $50,000.

There Are Long Waits for Care. One way governments reduce health care costs is to require patients to wait for treatment. Patients have to wait to see a general practitioner, then wait to see a specialist, then wait for any diagnostic tests, and then wait for treatment.

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service recently congratulated itself for reducing to 18 weeks the average time that a patient has to wait from referral to a specialist to treatment. Last year, Canadians had to wait an average of 17.3 weeks from referral to a specialist to treatment (Fraser Institute’s Waiting Your Turn). The median wait was 4.9 weeks for a CT scan, 9.7 weeks for an MRI, and 4.4 weeks for an ultrasound.

Delay in treatment is not merely an inconvenience. Think of the pain and suffering it costs patients. Or lost work time, decreased productivity, and sick pay. Worse, think of the number of deaths caused by delays in treatment.

Patients Are Denied the Latest Medical Technology and Medicines. To save money, countries with government-run health care deny or limit access to new technology and medicines. Those with a rare disease are often out of luck because medicines for their disease usually cost more than their quality-adjusted life years are deemed worth.

In a Commonwealth Fund/Harvard/Harris 2000 survey of physicians in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom, physicians in all countries except the United States reported major shortages of resources important in providing quality care; only U.S. physicians did not see shortages as a significant problem.

According to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Health Data (2008), there are 26.5 MRIs and 33.9 CT scanners per million people in the United States compared to 6.2 MRIs and 12 CT scanners in Canada and 5.6 MRIs and 7.6 CT scanners in the United Kingdom.

Breakthroughs in Life-Saving Treatments Are Discouraged. Countries with government-run health care save money by relying on the United States to pay the research and development costs for new medical technology and medications. If we adopt the cost-control policies that have limited innovation in other countries, everyone will suffer.

The Best and Brightest Are Discouraged from Becoming Doctors. Countries with government-run health care save money by paying doctors less. According to a Commonwealth Fund analysis, U.S. doctors earn more than twice as much as doctors in Canada and Germany, more than three times as much as doctors in France, and four times as much as doctors in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The best and brightest will be encouraged to go into professions where they can earn more money and have more autonomy.

Is Government-Run Health Care Better? Proponents of government-run health care argue that Americans will receive better care despite the foregoing. Their main argument has been that despite paying more for health care the United States trails other countries in infant mortality and average life expectancy.

However, neither is a good measure of the quality of a country’s health care system. Each depends more on genetic makeup, personal lifestyle (including diet and physical activity), education, and environment than available health care. For example, in their book The Business of Health, Robert L. Ohsfeldt and John E. Schneider found that if it weren’t for our high rate of deaths from homicides and car accidents Americans would have the highest life expectancy.

Infant mortality statistics are difficult to compare because other countries don’t count as live births infants below a certain weight or gestational age. June E. O’Neill and Dave M. O’Neill found that Canada’s infant mortality would be higher than ours if Canadians had as many low-weight births (the U.S. has almost three times as many teen mothers, who tend to give birth to lower-weight infants).

A better measure of a country’s health care is how well it actually treats patients. The CONCORD study published in 2008 found that the five-year survival rate for cancer (adjusted for other causes of death) is much higher in the United States than in Europe (e.g., 91.9% vs. 57.1% for prostate cancer, 83.9% vs. 73% for breast cancer, 60.1% vs. 46.8% for men with colon cancer, and 60.1 vs. 48.4% for women with colon cancer). The United Kingdom, which has had government-run health care since 1948, has survival rates lower than those for Europe as a whole.

Proponents of government-run health care argue that more preventive care will be provided. However, a 2007 Commonwealth Fund report comparing the U.S., Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom found that the U.S. was #1 in preventive care. Eighty-five percent of U.S. women age 25-64 reported that they had a Pap test in the past two years (compared to 58% in the United Kingdom); 84% of U.S. women age 50-64 reported that they had a mammogram in the past two years (compared to 63% in the United Kingdom).

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service has been around for more than 60 years but still hasn’t worked out its kinks. In March, Britain’s Healthcare Commission (since renamed the Care Quality Commission) reported that as many as 1,200 patients may have died needlessly at Stafford Hospital and Cannock Chase Hospital over a three-year period. The Commission described filthy conditions, unhygienic practices, doctors and nurses too few in number and poorly trained, nurses not knowing how to use the insufficient number of working cardiac monitors, and patients left without food, drink, or medication for as many as four days.

Does Government-Run Health Care Provide Everyone Access to Equal Care? Proponents tout government-run health care as giving everyone access to the same health care, regardless of race, nationality, or wealth. But that’s not true. The British press refers to the National Health Service as a “postcode lotter” because a person’s care varies depending on the neighborhood (“postcode”) in which he or she lives. EUROCARE-4 found large difference in cancer survival rates between the rich and poor in Europe. The Fraser Institute’s Waiting Your Turn concludes that famous and politically connected Canadians are moved to the front of queues, suburban and rural residents have less access to care than their urban counterparts, and lower income Canadians have less access to care than their higher income neighbors.

Ironically, as we’re moving toward having our government completely control health care, countries with government-run health care are moving in the opposite direction. Almost every European country has introduced market reforms to reduce health costs and increase the availability and quality of care. The United Kingdom has proposed a pilot program giving patients money to purchase health care. Why is this being done? According to Alan Johnson, Secretary for Health, personal health budgets “will give more power to patients and drive up the quality of care” (The Guardian, 1/17/09). It’s a lesson we all should learn before considering how to improve our health care system.

For other articles from the American ThinkerAmerican Thinker


Aptos food: Try the Cafe Rio on the beach. Fresh fish delivered daily. Cooked the way you like. www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

Rio del Mar beach
Rio del Mar beach
We’re looking forward to eating sand dabs and mussels at Cafe Rio tonight. And maybe a couple of their house dinner salads that come with shrimp ( only $4). And a COOL drink for this WARM day! Beautiful day in Aptos today. Look at the great water view outside the restaurant!


Aptos psychologist: What allows people to work and love as they grow old? Employ “mature” defenses (altruism, humor etc.), a stable marriage, education, some exercise, not smoke, healthy weight and not abuse alcohol. www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

The following is from The Atlantic article on happiness. Citation at bottom.

“What allows people to work, and love, as they grow old? By the time the Grant Study men had entered retirement, Vaillant, who had then been following them for a quarter century, had identified seven major factors that predict healthy aging, both physically and psychologically.

“Employing mature adaptations was one. The others were education, stable marriage, not smoking, not abusing alcohol, some exercise, and healthy weight. Of the 106 Harvard men who had five or six of these factors in their favor at age 50, half ended up at 80 as what Vaillant called “happy-well” and only 7.5 percent as “sad-sick.” Meanwhile, of the men who had three or fewer of the health factors at age 50, none ended up “happy-well” at 80. Even if they had been in adequate physical shape at 50, the men who had three or fewer protective factors were three times as likely to be dead at 80 as those with four or more factors.

What factors don’t matter? Vaillant identified some surprises. Cholesterol levels at age 50 have nothing to do with health in old age. While social ease correlates highly with good psychosocial adjustment in college and early adulthood, its significance diminishes over time. The predictive importance of childhood temperament also diminishes over time: shy, anxious kids tend to do poorly in young adulthood, but by age 70, are just as likely as the outgoing kids to be “happy-well.” Vaillant sums up: “If you follow lives long enough, the risk factors for healthy life adjustment change. There is an age to watch your cholesterol and an age to ignore it.”

The study has yielded some additional subtle surprises. Regular exercise in college predicted late-life mental health better than it did physical health. And depression turned out to be a major drain on physical health: of the men who were diagnosed with depression by age 50, more than 70 percent had died or were chronically ill by 63. More broadly, pessimists seemed to suffer physically in comparison with optimists, perhaps because they’re less likely to connect with others or care for themselves.

For more information about “mature defenses” and what allows people to work and love when old, go to


Eight miles from Aptos resides artist Roberta Ruiz in Mid-Town. She writes of Eduardo Carrillo paintings and upcoming show www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

Artist Roberta Ruiz writes:
“The amount of work and the breath of images that Eduardo Carrillo created were not apparent to all of us who knew him at the university. He was understated, nurturing, and easy in his demeanor. When looking at his work I “get” the outrageousness of living, while recording your thoughts and impressions in paint and being totally committed to doing it. His paintings have modesty, humor and a biting reserve.

‘Eduardo’s color comes out of his involvement with the paint. It produces a sense of light as well as time and an abundance of pattern. Color plays off color in creating context and image. He paints mythology, history, and everyday life here and in Mexico transforming it with his personal vision and craft.

“In Las Tropicanas, a painting with a complex structure, Ed creates an unexpected clash of figures embedded into their environment within his own personal mythology. It’s like the Aztecs meeting Las Vegas in LA. Pattern is everywhere. Color is acidic. The toad is central in the image, holding the space. With one limb raised, it looks unflinchingly at the viewer. There are beautiful women, with patterns all over their bodies. One blows smoke out of her mouth in the form of lines to conjure up ten skeletons formed by the same kind of lines. Another stands facing a hummingbird. An archer lies on the ground, the eyes, two white dots of paint, seer at the viewer.

“In the Flight of Sor Juana, Sor Juana is flung over the chair; the color – hot pastel. She is in ecstasy beneath the Crucifix. The shadow on the cross above the chest holds the space for Christ’s head, but instead we find his face on the chest of the crucified like a tattoo of a modern day Chicano….

“A similar humor surfaces in El Chinaco. Historically, a Chinaco was a mestizo of humble origins, a guerrelliero who fashioned a place for himself of personal independence and culture. Here in Ed’s painting, the figure in its entire splendor rides a strong steed into the sunset….

Reaching for Coatlique. In the myth of the Aztecs, Coatlique is the earth and loving mother producing and consuming everything that lives. In the painting the two figures are lying, twisting horizontally, she with a snake wrapped around her arm, reaching out. He goes for the snake. His fingers almost touch it’s head. The patterned cloth sets the space. Simple?

More of Roberta’s writings can be found in a forthcoming catalogue on Edwardo Carrillo.


Aptos psychologist: melatonin for sleep helps children with autistic spectrum disorders per large poll of parents. Tell your doctor first. Do not give with over the counter pain medications. www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

Melatonin helps children go to sleep and sleep better per Autism Research Institute’s poll of over 1200 parents. Find out about other over the counter supplements such as cod liver oil and vitamins. For more complete information, go to the web site for Autism Research Institute.

Autism Research Institute
4182 Adams Avenue
San Diego, CA 92116 USA

“The parents of autistic children represent a vast and important reservoir of information on the benefits-and adverse effects- of the large variety of drugs and other interventions that have been tried with their children. Since 1967 the Autism Research Institute has been collecting parent ratings of the usefulness of the many interventions tried on their autistic children.

“The following data have been collected from the more than 26,000 parents who have completed our questionnaires designed to collect such information. For the purposes of the present table, the parents responses on a six-point scale have been combined into three categories: “made worse” (ratings 1 and 2), “no effect” (ratings 3 and 4), and “made better” (ratings 5 and 6). The “Better:Worse” column gives the number of children who “Got Better” for each one who “Got Worse.”

“There are three sections: Drugs, Biomedical/Non-Drug/Supplements, and Special Diets. Download a one-page Adobe (.pdf) file containing all three sections.


Special Diets
Note: For seizure drugs: The first line shows the drug’s behavioral effects; the second line shows
the drug’s effects on seizures.

Possible Adverse Effects of Prescription Drugs

WorseA No
Effect Got
Better Better:
Worse No. of
Aderall 43% 25% 32% 0.8:1 775
Amphetamine 47% 28% 25% 0.5:1 1312
Anafranil 32% 38% 30% 0.9:1 422
Antibiotics 33% 53% 15% 0.5:1 2163
AntifungalsC: Diflucan 5% 38% 57% 11:1 653
AntifungalsC: Nystatin 5% 44% 50% 9.7:1 1388
Atarax 26% 53% 22% 0.9:1 517
Benadryl 24% 50% 26% 1.1:1 3032
Beta Blocker 17% 51% 31% 1.8:1 286
Buspar 27% 45% 28% 1.0:1 400
Chloral Hydrate 41% 39% 20% 0.5:1 459
Clonidine 22% 31% 47% 2.1:1 1525
Clozapine 37% 44% 19% 0.5:1 155
Cogentin 19% 54% 27% 1.4:1 186
Cylert 45% 36% 20% 0.4:1 623
Deanol 15% 57% 28% 1.9:1 210
DepakeneD: Behavior: 25% 43% 32% 1.3:1 1071
DepakeneD: Seizures 11% 33% 56% 4.8:1 705
Desipramine 34% 35% 31% 0.9:1 86
DilantinD: Behavior 28% 49% 23% 0.8:1 1110
DilantinD: Seizures 15% 37% 48% 3.3:1 433
Felbatol 20% 55% 25% 1.3:1 56
Fenfluramine 21% 52% 27% 1.3:1 477
Haldol 38% 28% 34% 0.9:1 1199
IVIG 10% 44% 46% 4.5:1 79
KlonapinD: Behavior 28% 42% 30% 1.0:1 246
KlonapinD: Seizures 25% 60% 15% 0.6:1 67
Lithium 24% 45% 31% 1.3:1 463
Luvox 30% 37% 34% 1.1:1 220
Mellaril 29% 38% 33% 1.2:1 2097
MysolineD: Behavior 41% 46% 13% 0.3:1 149
MysolineD: Seizures 19% 56% 25% 1.3:1 78
Naltrexone 20% 46% 34% 1.8:1 302
Paxil 33% 31% 36% 1.1:1 416
Phenergan 29% 46% 25% 0.9:1 301
PhenobarbitalD: Behavior 47% 37% 16% 0.3:1 1109
PhenobarbitalD: Seizures 18% 43% 39% 2.2:1 520
Prolixin 30% 41% 29% 1.1:1 105
Prozac 32% 32% 36% 1.1:1 1312
Risperidal 20% 26% 54% 2.8:1 1038
Ritalin 45% 26% 29% 0.7:1 4127
Secretin: Intravenous 7% 49% 44% 6.3:1 468
Secretin: Transdermal 10% 53% 37% 3.6:1 196
Stelazine 28% 45% 26% 0.9:1 434
Steroids 35% 33% 32% 0.9:1 132
TegretolD: Behavior 25% 45% 30% 1.2:1 1520
TegretolD: Seizures 13% 33% 54% 4.0:1 842
Thorazine 36% 40% 24% 0.7:1 940
Tofranil 30% 38% 32% 1.1:1 776
Valium 35% 41% 24% 0.7:1 865
Valtrex 6% 42% 52% 8.5:1 65
ZarontinD: Behavior 35% 46% 19% 0.6:1 153
ZarontinD: Seizures 19% 55% 25% 1.3:1 110
Zoloft 35% 33% 32% 0.9:1 500

Biomedical/Non-Drug/Supplements Got
WorseA No
Effect Got
Better Better:
Worse No. of
CalciumE: 3% 62% 35% 14:1 2097
Cod Liver Oil 4% 45% 51% 13:1 1681
Cod Liver Oil with Bethanecol 10% 54% 37% 3.8:1 126
Colostrum 6% 56% 38% 6.1:1 597
Detox. (Chelation)C: 3% 23% 74% 24:1 803
Digestive Enzymes 3% 39% 58% 17:1 1502
DMG 8% 51% 42% 5.4:1 5807
Fatty Acids 2% 41% 56% 24:1 1169
5 HTP 13% 47% 40% 3.1:1 343
Folic Acid 4% 53% 43% 11:1 1955
Food Allergy Treatment 3% 33% 64% 24:1 952
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 5% 34% 60% 12:1 134
Magnesium 6% 65% 29% 4.6:1 301
Melatonin 8% 27% 65% 7.8:1 1105
Methyl B12 (nasal) 15% 29% 56% 3.9:1 48
Methyl B12 (subcutaneous) 7% 26% 67% 9.5:1 170
MT Promoter 13% 49% 38% 2.9:1 61
P5P (Vit. B6) 12% 37% 51% 4.2:1 529
Pepcid 12% 59% 30% 2.6:1 164
SAMe 16% 63% 21% 1.3:1 142
St. Johns Wort 18% 66% 16% 0.9:1 150
TMG 15% 43% 42% 2.8:1 803
Transfer Factor 10% 48% 42% 4.3:1 174
Vitamin A 2% 57% 41% 18:1 1127 Vitamin B3 4% 52% 43% 10.1:1 927
Vitamin B6 with Magnesium 4% 48% 48% 11:1 6634
Vitamin B12 (oral) 7% 32% 61% 8.6:1 98
Vitamin C 2% 55% 43% 19:1 2397
Zinc 2% 47% 51% 22.1:1 1989

Special Diets

WorseA No
Effect Got
Better Better:
Worse No. of
Candida Diet 3% 41% 56% 19:1 941
Feingold Diet 2% 42% 56% 25:1 899
Gluten- /Casein-Free Diet 3% 31% 66% 19:1 2561
Removed Chocolate 2% 47% 51% 28:1 2021
Removed Eggs 2% 56% 41% 17:1 1386
Removed Milk Products/Dairy 2% 46% 52% 32:1 6360
Removed Sugar 2% 48% 50% 25:1 4187
Removed Wheat 2% 47% 51% 28:1 3774
Rotation Diet 2% 46% 51% 21:1 938
Specific Carbohydrate Diet 7% 24% 69% 10:1 278

A. “Worse” refers only to worse behavior. Drugs, but not nutrients, typically also cause physical problems if used long-term.
B. No. of cases is cumulative over several decades, so does not reflect current usage levels (e.g., Haldol is now seldom used).
C. Antifungal drugs and chelation are used selectively, where evidence indicates they are needed.
D. Seizure drugs: top line behavior effects, bottom line effects on seizures.
E. Calcium effects are not due to dairy-free diet; statistics are similar for milk drinkers and non-milk drinkers.

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