Why not cut California prison guard salaries & govt union pension/ health costs instead of Medi-Cal payments to doctors & the most disabled served by regional centers & In Home Health Support?

Cuts to doctors who see Medi-Cal will result in fewwer physicians taking Medi-Cal patients. That is counter productive.

A cut of $568 million to the developmentally disabled including the regional centers and a cut of $486 million to In Home Support Services are cuts that affect the weakest and most vulnerable citizens in California.

Why doesn’t Gov. Jerry Brown cut prison guard salaries? One in five at San Quintin guards makes over $100,000 a year. State wide in California, the number of prison guards making $100+ K in 203 was 180, 557 in 2004 and 2,386 in 2005.

Jerry Brown shrinks from real reform. Real reform could occur if Jerry Brown broke with the public-employee unions that helped elect him and force the unions to accept structural reforms.

California must get serious about tax reform, spending limits and stifling regulations.

California has 12% of the nation’s people and one third of the U.S welfare load. California has the highest taxes in the nation and a higher unemployment rate higher than Michigan.

A new statewide Field poll shows that 2/3s of Democrats want state and local employees ti pay more for their retirement. And 50% of California Democrats back the Little Hoover Commissioner’s proposal that CA create 401(k) type defined contribution pension plans and pare back the defined benefit plans government workers currently enjoy.

California needs a hard spending cap akin to the Gann Limit passed back in 1979. Had a real Gann limit been in place over the last 20 years California’s budget would be balanced now.

It’s time for conservatives to get a ballot measure curtailing what unions can spend on politics out of member dues. It is time that California union members had a real say whether they want to be a member of a union.


Health and Human Services
Medi-Cal co-pay for hospital admissions of $200 and co-pay for each day in the hospital of $100 $151.2 million
A 10 percent reduction in what the state pays for Medi-Cal patients at all long-term care facilities $172.3 million
A 10 percent reduction in what the state pays to physicians who see people on Medi-Cal $567 million
A cap on Medi-Cal visits to doctors of seven per year, unless otherwise medically necessary $44.9 million
Medi-Cal co-payments of $3 (generic) and $5 (brand name) for prescription medications $140.3 million
An increase in premiums and co-pays, benefits, and elimination of vision care for the Healthy Families program $30.5 million
A broad cut to services for the developmentally disabled, including to regional centers $568.6 million
Reductions to the In-Home Supportive Services, a program that’s an alternative to nursing home care. $486 million
Eliminate Adult Day Health Care programs, which provide rehabilitation and social activities for elderly, disabled people. $90 million
General reduction for the medical supply stockpile and mobile field hospitals for major public health emergencies $5.8 million
Shift from early childhood development fund to the general fund for Medi-Cal expenses $1 billion
New Medi-Cal co-pay for physician and clinic visits of $5 per visit $152.8 million

Welfare and child care
Cut welfare grants for families by 8 percent $300 million
Reduce welfare limits from 60 months total to 48 months $171 million
Reduce all state contracts for child care, including pre-school, by 15 percent $267 million
Eliminate some child care services for 11- and 12-year-old children $38.5 million
Reduce state reimbursement for child care by 10 percent $109 million

Colleges and Universities
Unallocated cut to UC $500 million
Unallocated cut to CSU $500 million
Unallocated cut to Hastings College of the Law $1.5 million
Unallocated cut and a fee increase of $10 per unit for community colleges $510 million

Natural Resources
Reduce number of firefighters on Cal Fire engines from four to three $30.7 million
Closure of a yet undetermined number of state parks $11 million
Eliminate state funding for fairs and agricultural districts $30 million

Sources: California Department of Finance and Assembly Budget Committee

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/03/18/BA5B1IENKI.DTL#ixzz1H56Rjt2R

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