Firenze Sage: You’re not you but pay … [Obama speech in Virginia]

suckers the same
suckers same everywhere

I’m Barack & where ever I am, it’s nice talking to who ever you are. Where am I anyhow? Is Prince George County, Virginia same as Pettersburg County? No? Well, thanks for paying big bucks [police, fire, emergency] for me to praise somewhere else as you folks…[This para phrases a recent Obama speech made at a car manufacturing plant in Virginia.]

Obama recently spoke in Prince George County, Virginia The huge land area that comprised Prince George County at its founding in 1702 is now home to seventeen full counties and parts of five others.

The President greeted an enthusiastic audience during his visit to the Rolls Royce Crosspointe Plant in Prince George, Virginia. Obama spoke for 20 minutes to a friendly crowd on the floor of the factory plant which manufactures precision-engineered cars.

County Board of Supervisors Chairman Henry Parker says Obama’s geographical flub is all everyone has been talking about. Most are angry that Prince George spent money for police, fire and EMS services during the presidential visit, only to have Obama mistake their county for Petersburg. County

Why is the Prince George Board of Supervisors stil receiving calls from angry residents about the commander-in-chief just a week after such a historic visit?

Seems President Obama didn’t know where he was.

Prince George and the city of Petersburg are separate geographical locations. In his speech Obama failed to mention Prince George or its county officials even once. Instead, Obama gave a shout-out to Mayor Brian Moore of Petersburg. “We’ve got your mayor Brian Moore,” Obama told the crowd. One more screw-up to add to the list as America’s least competent modern day President blunders along.

Why would Obama know where he is? To him, suckers look the same everywhere.

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