Aptos Psychologist: ask Barbara Boxer why Obama’s appointee NRC Chair Jaczko’s ‘vicious mgt style towards women’ gets a pass


JACZKO & BOXER act like two scary JACK-IN-THE-BOXes that pop up on cue under someone else’s control? See WSJ 4-20-2012.

Obama appointed JAZCO as chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Obama appointee NRC chair Jaczko

JAZCO’S “vicious management style, [of Nuclear Regulatory Commission] abusive outbursts of rage, bullying and intimidating behavior” reduced professional NRC women to tears says WSJ 4-20-2012.

The other four NRC Commissioners Democrat & Republican complained to Obama because JAZCO: 1) withheld information from the Commissioners; 2) altered recommendations; and 3) overrode the will of the majority.

Obama ignored complaints from the Commissioners. The Democrat Party refuses to investigate.

Senate Majority Harry Reid trashes the only female Commissioner KRISTINE SVINICKI, a nuclear engineer.

nuclear engineer NRC Svinchi

Democrat Senator from CA Barbara BOXER response has been to smear all four Commissioners. Boxer claims that they on are on a McCarthy ‘witch hunt’ and she defends JAZCO.

You can contact NRC Chair JACZKO and Commissioner SVINCHI by phone at 301 415 7000 or at www.nrc.gov

What’s this all about? The progressive left’s ideology opposes nuclear energy.
And the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRC) sets the policies.

So Obama appoints someone — JACZKO — programmed to: 1) strangle nuclear energy progress; and 2) kill the Yucca mountain repository planned for Harry Reid’s state of Nevada. But JACZKO’s heavy handed style was too much for all of the other Commissioners, both Democrat and Republican alike.

The complaints about JACZKO are strikingly familiar to the complaints made about Obama.The first year after elected Obama focused on health care reform when the public in 2009-2010 was most concerned about the economy and jobs. So Obama overrode the will of the majority of Americans akin to how JACZKO interacts with the four other Commissioners of the NRC.

NRC chair JACZKO is accused of withholding information from the other Commissioners. Remember Obama claim that Obama-Care will not add one dollar to the deficit while at the same time taking 500 BILLLION from Medicare? And three years later there still are no accurate figures as to how much Obama-Care will cost. Or exactly how many millions would be added to Medicare.

JACZKO is accused of altering recommendations. Obama for sure ignores the recommendations of others.

written by ronron4848@gmail.com

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