Firenze Sage: Obama does not know geography either [Cartegena, Columbia speech about Falkland Islands]

Obama refers to Falkland Islands as off coast of India

Two wrongs make a right? No. The first wrong is Obama’s attempt — unsuccessful — to snub Britain and undermine U.S. ‘special relations’ with Britain. The second wrong is Obama’s reference to the Falkland Islands as the Maldives — which are 8,000+ miles away from Malavinas aka the Falkland Islands.

Venezuela continues to dispute Britain’s sovereignty of the Falkland Islands.

President Obama erred during a speech at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, when attempting to call the disputed archipelago by its Spanish name.

Instead of saying Malvinas, however, Mr Obama referred to the islands as the Maldives, a group of 26 atolls off that lie off the South coast of India.

The Maldives were a British protectorate from 1887 to 1965 and the site of a UK airbase for nearly 20 years.


It wasn’t Bush who apologized for not speaking Austrian, or thought there were 56 states or….

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