Firenze Sage: Everything is affordable if someone else is paying [taxpayers]

everything is affordable if someone else is paying

It’s only “fair” the middle class & poor not bear, the brunt of huge down payments?

Thus, in San Francisco, middle class families can get $100 K money from Uncle Sam to buy a house.

There may finally be a solution to helping middle-class San Franciscans who cannot afford to buy a home of their own in the city.

Mayor Ed Lee on Tuesday will announce plans to create the city’s first dedicated funding stream for moderate-income and affordable housing, generating $20 million to $50 million a year for 30 years.

The plan not only would help provide middle-income residents with up to $100,000 in down payment assistance, but it also is designed to stimulate market-rate development and fund 4,500 units of affordable housing.

And who will the lucky winners of this scam be?

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