Firenze Sage: Big Brother is here [trash checking]

chips in garbage cans so Big Brother catches& fines those who don't recycle

Big Brother puts computer chips in garbage cans to catch and fine people who don’t recycle.

Audi’s infamous ‘Green Police’ Superbowl commercial may not be far off coming to fruition. Miami Beach has passed an ordinance that makes recycling compulsory from July 2013, with those who fail to comply under threat of fines up to $2500 dollars.

“In a growing number of cities across the U.S., local governments are placing computer chips in recycling bins to collect data on refuse disposal, and then fining residents who don’t participate in recycling efforts and forcing others into educational programs meant to instill respect for the environment,” reports Fox News.

Such programs are already in place in major cities such as Charlotte, N.C., Cleveland, Ohio, Boise, Idaho, and Flint, Michigan.

In Cleveland, people who fail to recycle are flagged by the RFID chip embedded in their trash can, added to a database and then targeted by green cops who are dispatched to intimidate homeowners.

If a resident fails to bring their recycling cart to the curb for as little a period as three weeks, a “trash supervisor” rummages through their regular trash to check if the resident is throwing away recyclable materials (glass, metal cans, plastic bottles, paper and cardboard). If the regular trash can contains more than 10% of these items, a $100 dollar fine is immediately issued.

“We’re going to run reports on who this particular truck picked up from today and if it indicates on a consistent basis that your household hasn’t been recycling, then we have officers that I will send out … to check and see what’s going on,” Waste Collection Commissioner Ronnie Owens told ABC News.


It is now clear that global warming is an excuse to control every facet of our lives.

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