Election Integrity 2020 — Was your vote accurately counted? Was Dominion Voting System used?

Care about Election Integrity? Was your vote counted accurately?

All voting machines in California which use Dominion Voting Machines have a feature which allows for manipulation of votes.   Read more about Dominion’s feature to manipulate votes  it in Gateway Pundit.   

Interested in Election Integrity in 2020?   Then sign up to participate  — Click Facebook page  HERE –  to listen  Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020 for the  Election Integrity System Project with Dr. Shiva.  Lecture  starts via ZOOM at at 5 pm today.

California was flooded with mail-in ballots.  How were they counted?  CA uses Dominion Voting Systems and EVERY machine has a feature which allows for the  manipulation of ballots.  Think about that — why would EVERY Dominion Voting machine has a function built in which allows for  your vote to be changed?  Dominion says ….. that they sells to codos and schools which “need” that feature.   Hence, Gateway Pundit has written a letter asking how many machines they have sold that “need” that feature.

Do you live in California and care about election integrity in this state?  If so, contact me —   jaj48@aol.com




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