Crises? Problems? Try healing prayer …

  prayer man on kneesSo some bomb shell shakes up your life? Maybe you have not been in church in years. Or never. Wonder where to start?

Various Aptos, CA churches have resources that may help.  Try prayer  …..

Some  resources for healing prayer  in Aptos, CA include:

Twin Lakes Church: a prayer  phone call  request  on a weekday morning  is fielded  immediately to  either or all:    1)  the woman’s prayer chain;  b) the   ‘green sheet’ with names and prayer requests available to all members to pray over;   c) prayers  by   clergy and prayer team members  held each Thursday at noon.  Issues of immediacy, privacy issues and clinical issues are managed thusly.

St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church:  St Johns offers prayers for healing   in   the early evening  on week days (5 PM on Wed. & Friday, 5:15 on Thursday, 5:30 on Monday, 7:00  PM  on Tuesday.)    Individuals are encouraged to drop in and participate.  Click here  concerning a  recent evening prayer service and prayer for healing as night comes.

For on-going prayer needs,   contact the church office.  (831 708 2278)   St. John’s has an   email prayer chain for immediate requests and publishes   prayer list available Sunday AM and  individuals listed on it  are prayed for during the week.

A  world wide ministry for healing prayer, the Order of St. Luke (Andrea Seitz, junior warden for St. John’s, is the convener  for  St. John’s ) plans a healing event for  this fall, 2017.  Plans include the  Rev. Hugh Bromily

Hugh Bromily, Order of St. Luke
Hugh Bromily, Order of St. Luke

as the principal  speaker.  The Rev. Bromily is the North American Director for the Order of St. Luke ( Hugh Bromily has a healing ministry based in Texas.

So far, several churches are involved in the healing event planned for Fall, 2017.   The prayer line number for Order of St. Luke is 310 521 9178.  New members are always welcome to join. Connect with Andrea Seitz  through St. John’s church office for more information.

Resurrection Catholic Community

 offer a Healing Services  several times a year. Father Romeo is the recently  inducted priest.    These are  specific Masses  for individual healing  which include the  laying on of hands by clergy and members collectively.    The most recent service was  held  a couple weeks ago.  During the week, there’s an  8:30 am prayer service.  The Sanctuary part  of the church is open for daily  prayer from 9 – 5. The weekly church bulletin contains a list of persons asking for prayers.  Contact the office to get on or off the list.

Christ Lutheran Church

each Sunday   reads names on their   prayer list (members and friends of members)   each Sunday   There is a prayer chain.   Currently, during the week on Wednesdays there’s Taize prayer at 7 pm.     For immediate crises, contact the pastor Dale Sollom-Brotherton 831 688 5727.

The Coastlands Church:  

Crises? Bomb shell? What about prayer?    Come find out about  the Coastlands  Church   via services at 9 & 11 am on Sundays.  As many as 300 may show up.  To further connections of community, individuals  are encouraged to  join a small group.  Groups  held most days of the week at different times, some in homes and some at the church or a restaurant. There’s a Bible Study held every Friday at 6:30 am at the church. Crossroads has sister churches in Soquel and Santa Cruz.  The ‘mother’ church is located in southern California.

So — when you are in crises — reach out to God and seek Him who cares.  There are many resources that can help.


Healing prayer night time

angels watch over you Healing prayer:    “Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep.

 “Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary,   bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted,     and all for your love’s sake.  Amen

The Book of Common Prayer

More on Healing Prayer …. 



Healing Prayer and Aging gracefully …

   healing prayer pink colorAging Gracefully with the Graces of Healing Prayer written by Anglican priest William DeArteaga.

“At a conference we attended at Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville Florida, Dr MacNutt spoke about healing and aging. He is among the most distinguished figures of the Christian healing renewal, and is now 90 years old. He observed that it is more difficult to pray for the healing of certain age related illness. Thus for instance, it is usually not effective to pray over a bald man in his 60s and expect his hair to grow back as if he were in his 20s. It seems that we are designed to run down in the body even as we continue to grow spiritually (2 Cor 5:1-5).

Dr MacNutt at 90 years old.
He now uses a cane to assist in walking

Prayer cannot nullify aging. But on the other hand it can make aging a gentle process, with much less pain and discomfort and less medications than normal. I became aware of this personally in my last check-up at the VA. I noticed men my age and younger go off with bagfuls of prescriptions for high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. I have two prescriptions that help control my enlarged prostate – that is all.

Prayer enables the Christian to transit into “elders” of ministry with grace and ease, as in my case, from  pastor to writer and conference speaker.

Yours truly on the job as an OSL speaker

My wife Carolyn was at first skeptical of MacNutt’s theory about the difficulty age related healing prayer. But we both came to understand its wisdom when we began a ministry at an assisted nursing home. The folks there naturally had all sorts of medical problems, some quite serious. Our ministry had some successes, but less than at our normal church healing missions. Many of the older people had various stages of arthritis and we were able to pray relief to many of them. Carolyn has always had a gift of praying against pain, and was very helpful in this area. But only a few major healings were accomplished. One  woman had Tourette syndrome, which causes involuntary movements and vocalizing.  She was was healed of this affliction after repeated prayers over many weeks (Carolyn has the gift of divine stubbornness in prayer.). Another lady with rapid macular degeneration had the disease stop, but not reversed.
Carolyn praying over one of the people at the assisted living facility.

But now let me share some of the ways that prayer has softened and graced our aging processes. We use healing prayer on ourselves with great success. Even before we married we prayed for each other regularly. When I first met Carolyn she suffered regular bouts of headaches. After several times praying over her, and teaching he how to pray for herself, they stopped completely.[1]  There is no cessationist obstruction in our home (the theology that wrongly affirms that healing prayer ceased with the death of the Apostles).[2] Besides continuously praying for one another, supplements have also played a role in our “graceful aging.”


Aptos Psychologist:  The above is written by William DeArteaga.  Find more on his blog.  Yes, healing prayer helps people to age gracefully.
