Aptos Psychologist: What if you’re a woman, lost your job and over 50?

Lost your job and over age 50? What to do?
Lost your job? What to do?

Don’t cry over spilt milk when you lose your job and you are over fifty!

You do need to know a few important things.  Per articles that appear regularly in the Wall Street Journal the primier business newspaper:

Businesses hire people who already have jobs.  So if you lost your job — and you are a woman   over 50 –you better get employed so that  you can get a job paid by others.  Or you may decide that working for yourself works  out just fine.

Real life example:  A friend  named  Riley S. Riley  (not her real name)  worked 20+ years as a manager for various bookstores. She managed big budgets successfully. She was well liked and competent at what she did.    Then, due to the financial crash, the  bottom fell out of technical and professional  books and she lost her job.  She loves books and loved her work and has excellent references.  She has an AOL  email account and her husband’s voice, not hers,  is on their  home telephone.

Riley, who has been helping others for years, needs hypothetically a  new hair do and a  new professional appearance.  Doing so is not hard and she can actually have fun doing so.  And so can you.

Here’s how Riley  and others who recently lost a white collar management job can get another one:

  1) Riley  needs a new G-mail account just for her  New Business that will lead to a job working for someone else.

Just go to G-mail and set up a G-Mail account.    In just a couple minutes Riley Riley  or you can set up a new professional appearance.   I set one up in moments for Riley.  Riley’s s new  G-Mail lists her name as Riley.Riley @gmail.com with the password “getajobnow2″  — which by the way is a very Strong password. Do pick a strong password.  Getting your email hacked into is not fun!

Before Riley  or  you pick your new professional name check around and see who else has a name similar  to yours that might get confused with you.  As eventually as part of your new professional appearance you are going to get a small website up and running do make sure that you pick wisely a helpful professional name.  [And if you blow it — you can always go back to square one and start all over with a new G-Mail account. ]

I can just hear Riley Riley  thinking:  I’ve used my AOL  for years so why get a new e-mail account?  Because of the excellent free tools that Google offers with a G-mail account.  That’s why.  You have to try the tools out to know why a G-Mail account is an asset worth having.

2)  Once Riley Riley  — or you — have a G-mail account you can start to used all the free tools available through Google.  And they are many  tools and they are valuable. Start exploring those tools.  More on that later.

3) Next, set up a a letterhead template that fits with your new professional appearance.  Use  Word 2003 onward. Use Word and Center the following information for a letterhead.  Riley  and you can readily get separate telephone numbers and set up simple web sites to display your information.  So that you can see how this can be done I’ve illustrated it with this website.

No reason to re-invent the wheel when all these tools are out there to help you get a job.  See a hypothetical letterhead for Robin-Hood:

Riley S. Riley

Management Consultant for Bookstores

Riley.Riley @gmail.com    Telephone:  831.216.6002

website:  Monterey Bay Forum www.FreedomOK.net/category/books


By the way, the above telephone and web site address is for Aptos Psychologist.  You get the idea how to do it for yourself.

4) Now that Riley Riley and you have a letterhead, go get some inexpensive business cards. Don’t spend a bundle. I will post some links later where to go for inexpensive, good looking business cards.  And always keep a few in a plastic bag in your pocket.

5)  If you have not already done so, join Linked-In, Facebook and Twitter.  These are excellent ways to get your message out and to hear what’s going on out there.

6) Make use of the services your state provides to assist persons to get a job. In  Santa Cruz, CA there is PROFILE which is paid for by taxpayers to assist people to strengthen their job getting abilities. PROFILE will help polish your resumes so they fit the job and you are not looking “over qualified”.  And PROFILE will help you polish your ‘foot in the door’ one minute interview.  And it’s a  nice place to connect with others looking for jobs.

Any one (Riley Riley  or you)  age 50 or over who lives in the Monterey Bay Area  (Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties) is welcome to use Monterey Bay Forum  http://www.FreedomOk.net  aa platform to help re-launch your professional career.

Oh, and did you hear President Obama say Friday July 13th (I think)  that no successful person did it by themselves?  Successful people have failed multiple times and did not give up trying.  Successful people have a passion  and they follow their dreams.  Yes, people reach out to others to provide a helping, supportive hand.

So — go be successful at what you know you are good at doing.  Just because you are over 50 and lost your job is simply an opportunity to get a new hair do and use the tools that are readily available to assist you to succeed.

how to get a new G-Mail account: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&hl=en_us&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F%3Fpc%3Den-ha-na-us-sk&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-sk&utm_medium=ha

how to get a free word program: https://www.download-free.com/word-processor?source=ga&gclid=CKGbwqeqo7ECFQxshwodkmBJJg

how to contact Santa Cruz PROFILE   http://www.santacruzprofile.org/index.php?content=operating_guidelines

how to set up a free blog:  http://www.blogger.com/

written by DrCameronJackson@gmail.com




Aptos Psychologist: How Tea Parties, conservatives & independents can defeat the Obama-Care TAX at the ballot box November, 2012


How conservatives & independents can defeat Obama-Care TAX in November, 2012

Supreme Court Justice Roberts caved.  He  may go down in history as the Swinging Roberts –    which way does the wind blow?  And there went Roberts … Yes, ideology does matter.

Obama-Care  is a valid  TAX says the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision.    Congress   legally passed   the Obama-Care TAX.   So, remember the power of the purse.  Congress can repeal the Obama-Care TAX.

So, now it’s up to conservatives, independents and free thinkers to organize and defeat the Obama-Care TAX  at the ballot box in November, 2012.

What all of us can do:

Say a  daily prayer for the Nation to survive as the kind of nation it was when a group of patriots first founded the United STATES of America.

This July 4th, take time to read the Declaration of Independence with your family  and friends.

Think about what it means to you to be an American:  what are the freedoms you most cherish and why?

The rule of law is the basis of our freedoms.  Obama’s administration uses REGULATIONS to overturn valid laws.  As Nancy Pelosi say, you have to pass it to

Think about Obama’s response to the Supreme Court ruling concerning immigration.  Arizona can do valid Stops and inquire concerning immigration status. Obama has said that the Justice Department will not  answer phone calls from Arizona concerning immigration status. And further, Obama has set up a hot line so that those who are stopped can get through to Obama concerning their civil rights.

Consider joining  or starting a Tea Party organization which supports limited government, fiscal restraint and free markets.

Some links to California Tea Parties are listed below:




The Heritage Foundation discusses the Obama-Care TAX: 


written by Cameron Jackson   DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Aptos Psychologist: Slay the Trojan horse of Obama-Care! Join or start a Tea Party in CA.

How to slay the Trojan horse of Obama-Care through Tea Party methods

You  want to help get rid of Obama and Obama-Care?  And live in California?   Here’s how.

If you answer YES to the following then a California Tea Party might be the right tonic for you!

Do you say YES, you want Obama and Obama-Care gone? YES, you are tired of the Blame Game that Bush did it? YES, you think it gauche of Obama to ask people to send money to the Obamas instead of spend it on wedding gifts? [Do send plenty of gravy boats to the Obamas to get the message across.]

Do you say YES, you are you for fiscal responsibility and limited government? YES, you think that free markets work?

And – this is very important — Do you pick up your own litter? And expect others to pick up theirs? Are you willing to listen –and then stand your ground?

If you can say YES to all these questions then look around for a California Tea Party to join. Or start one yourself.

Recently, June 22 and 23 a whole bunch of California Tea Party groups got together in Fresno, CA. And they had a blast!

Lots of stuff got discussed. People got acquainted. It was run with a bottom to top approach and no top down heavy approach. Speakers offered ideas, methods and apps how to build a better mouse trap, i.e., how to build better political organizations.

About 50-60 persons attended the Fresno Tea Party get together. Other groups, such as Defend Rural America, also presented strategies, tactics and long term plans how to change America from the grass roots up.

One strategy suggested: As CA is expected to go for Obama, it makes sense to walk in Nevada and Arizona to help get the conservative vote out. Caravans of cars and how and when details were hammered out.

Lots of people oppose High-Speed Rail: Coming to CA to help in the anti-High Speed rail campaign are individuals who successfully took on and defeated the Endangered Species Act in Texas. Success in one campaign may spill over to other campaigns.

The Real Story why Scott Walker won: The story told is that a wealthy conservative for 16 years supported one individual to create the environment for Scott Walker’s policies to be successful. The combination of money, time and plenty of doing what is right came together to create an environment where Walker could win. That person is now a top advisor to Scott Walker. And who might that be?

So, if you are interested in constructive change made at the grass roots level and you want a bottom to top approach as to how decisions are made — look around for a near by California Tea Party.

Or start your own tea party. You will find that other California Tea Party will reach out and help you build a better mouse trap political organization to catch those critters that have wrecked havoc in America.

Several contact links are listed below:
California Tea Party Groups: We are a large coalition of tea party groups that are making a difference in our Golden State. Brad Roltgen and Dawn Wildman are the State Coordinators for Tea Party Patriots and they help facilitate this coalition.




Written by Cameorn Jackson DrCameronJackson@gmail.com

P.S.   Cameron Jackson welcomes tea party persons residing in Santa Cruz County who can attend a meeting in Aptos, CA.  Send email to DrCameronJackson@gmail.com 


Aptos Psychologist: Try betting your spouse a BMW if can correctly name the most expensive city to live in!

Luanda, capital of Angola most expensive city in the world

And can you name the most expensive city in the world to live? No, not New York and not London. And not Tokyo. It is …. Luanda, capital of Angola.

Luanda, Angloa boat
Luanda, Angola boat

Angola has had its troubles …

And though most people are poor the cost of a hamburger is over $10.00

In Luanda, day laborers make roughly $50 per month, but a hamburger meal costs $12.62, and a two-bedroom apartment is $4,114. So how did these African outposts get so costly? The usual suspects: corruption, graft and a terrible business climate. And wars.

So if I pick up my BMW in Germany how long will it take to drive to Luanda, Angola for a hamburger? As a bird flies it is 4,337 miles from Germany to Angola. And should I want a little different night life one can head south to Nambia or north to Zambia for a little change.


Firenze Sage: California is broke and this is why [$1,000 per iPad for senior state workers]

California pays $1,000 per iPad

Why California is broke: California government does not ‘shop’ for best price for i-Pads for senior workers.  www.nbcsandiego.com/

Gov. Jerry Brown made a big deal of taking cell phones and cars away from most state workers last year, but over at the state Department of Insurance 31 senior staffers are getting iPads – for about $1,000 per device.

The iPad 2s were handed out as part of a pilot program to “increase efficiency” and enhance the department’s “paperless/green initiatives,” according to department spokesman Byron Tucker.

They forgot about the excess “green” it costs when they buy with other people’s money.

JAJ48@aol.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/109312


Firenze Sage: Obama cares? [Commerce Secretary Bryson]

Obama out of touch with Secretary of Commerce Bryson

Obama out of touch with his Commerce Secretary John Bryson.

On Monday morning, Washington awoke to learn that Commerce Secretary John Bryson had been involved in a series of auto accidents in southern California on Saturday evening, and cited with a felony hit-and-run by responding police. This news was of course shocking.

For several hours, the White House and the Commerce Department declined comment. In this vacuum, the rumors took a life of their own. Some speculated there was alcohol involved, despite initial police accounts that this was not the case. After official statements reported the cause of the accidents on seizures, the ire turned on that initial speculation, blaming the sardonic culture of Twitter.

Part of the blame surely lay at the feet of an inept White House communications operation, unable to provide the general public with any answers to the health and well-being of a cabinet secretary. This media stonewall continued in Press Secretary Jay Carney’s daily briefing.

In Carney’s first answer, we learned that President Obama had not spoken with Secretary Bryson. This seemed odd. A cabinet secretary is hospitalized following serious traffic incidents and a police citation and the president does not pick up the phone to check on his welfare?

Pressed for details, Carney continually directed questions to the Commerce Department. As if this matter had nothing to do with the White House. On the fifth question, Carney was asked: “So as the matter stands right now, is the Secretary healthy and fit to serve?” Carney referred the question to the Commerce Department.

C’mon big guy pick up the phone. Or is this a preview of Obama-Care?

JAJ48@aol.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/109312


Aptos Psychologist: The State of Maine gives hope that ObamaCare damage can be reversed.

Maine gives real HOPE that damage of ObamaCare can be reversed

Maine has reversed the damage of ObamaCare. So maybe the rest of the states can avoid going down the ObamaCare path? Romney promises to get rid of ObamaCare on the first day of office. Below article is from the Wall Street Journal.

“One tragedy of the Affordable Care Act is that we already know what its regulations will do to insurance markets, because the states have been conducting policy experiments since the 1990s. But we also know from the states that the damage is reversible, as shown by Maine’s emerging insurance turnaround.

In 1993, Augusta passed coverage laws that resemble those that ObamaCare is about to impose nationwide: Insurers could only vary premiums within narrow bands regardless of age or health status, a regulation known as community rating. Four of Maine’s five insurers in the individual market stopped offering coverage and fled, and the state entered an insurance “death spiral” in which premiums don’t cover underlying medical costs. That leads to higher premiums, consumers dropping coverage as a result, and still higher premiums in turn.

Enlarge Image
Getty Images

Then the 2010 electoral wave carried in Republican Governor Paul LePage and a GOP legislature, and they took modest steps to deregulate the insurance market. Insurers are now allowed to sell policies for premiums that range from 3 to 1 on the basis of age, rather than the prior 1.5 to 1, and to offer incentives or discounts for consumers to choose high-value providers.

The state also created a reinsurance fund that taxes all health plans by $4 a month. If someone ends up requiring extremely expensive care, the fund picks up some of the costs, which means insurers can better manage their future liabilities and pass the savings on to individuals.

The returns are now rolling in for the new coverage that can be offered starting on July 1, and premiums are falling by as much as 69% for Maine’s dominant insurer, Anthem.

According to the Maine Bureau of Insurance, a married couple age 40 to 44 with one child will pay $1,919 a month for a policy with a $2,250 deductible in 2013 if they choose to re-up their current policy. If the same family switches to the new health plan, or buys the plan for the first time, their premium will fall to $920, a 52% decrease. A couple over 60 could buy the same policy for $1,290, down from $2,466 under the old system. Or a young adult 25 to 29 could buy a high $10,000 deductible plan for catastrophic expenses for $232, previously $665.

The old and new products are not identical, so the comparison isn’t perfect. On top of the rule changes, the benefits are slightly different, such as separate deductibles for in- and out-of-network services. And many of the year-over-year reductions are less dramatic, in the range of 10% to 20%, while a few older consumers will see rate increases.

Still, any premium decrease is remarkable on the U.S. health cost escalator, which is being accelerated by ObamaCare. Maine consumers who choose to stay with their current policy (same benefits, old rules) will see an average premium rate increase of just 1.7% from 2012 to 2013—compared to an historical trend of about 10%. Some 46% of the existing book of business will see a rate decrease.

The major irony is that Maine’s reform merely brings its community rating rules into compliance with ObamaCare, which is actually less restrictive than the rules the state passed in 1993. The new national health law will block a further Maine liberalization that is due for 2016.

Maine learned the hard way that the most heavily regulated insurance markets are the most expensive. But the more ominous lesson out of Vacationland is for the 33 states that had the wit never to make the Maine-ObamaCare mistake. They’re the ones that are about to see premiums spike under the Affordable Care Act—perhaps by as much as 69%, and likely by far more.

A version of this article appeared May 31, 2012, on page A16 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: ObamaCare in Reverse.


Firenze Sage: Everything is GREEN [according to Obama’s definition]

"GREEN" jobs defined by Obama include sellers of old books, all bus drivers and kids working in bike shops

“Green” jobs according to Obama’s administration include all employees in antique shops, people who sell rare books and persons working in bike shops. For more:

Here’s an exchange between House Oversight Committee chair Darrell Issa and Bureau of Labor Statistics Acting Commissioner Josh Galvin and Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Jane Oates on how the administration is counting “Green Jobs.”

Daily Caller:

If you sweep the floor in a solar panel facility, is that a green job?
REP. ISSA: Thank you. If you drive a hybrid bus – public transportation – is that a green job?
MR. GALVIN: According to our definition, yes.
REP. ISSA: Thank you. What if you’re a college professor teaching classes about environmental studies?
REP. ISSA: What about just any school bus driver?
REP. ISSA: What about the guy who puts gas in the school bus?
REP. ISSA: How about employees at a bicycle shop?
MR. GALVIN: I guess I’m not sure about that.
REP. ISSA: The answer is yes, according to your definition. And you’ve got a lot of them.
What about a clerk at the bicycle repair shop?
REP. ISSA: What about someone who works in an antique dealer?
MR. GALVIN: I’m not sure about that either.
REP. ISSA: The answer is yes. Those are – those are recycled goods. They’re antiques; they’re used.
What about someone who works at the Salvation Army in their clothing recycling and furniture?
MR. GALVIN: Right. Because they’re selling recycled goods.
REP. ISSA: OK. What about somebody who opened a store to sell rare manuscripts?
MR. GALVIN: What industry is that?
REP. ISSA: People sell rare books and manuscripts – but they’re rare because they’re old so they’re used.
REP. ISSA: What about workers at a consignment shop?
MR. GALVIN: That’s a green job.


This is a huge clue, Watson, that the green job craze is totally phony!!

SmJAJ48@aol.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/109312


Firenze Sage: Big Brother is here [trash checking]

chips in garbage cans so Big Brother catches& fines those who don't recycle

Big Brother puts computer chips in garbage cans to catch and fine people who don’t recycle.

Audi’s infamous ‘Green Police’ Superbowl commercial may not be far off coming to fruition. Miami Beach has passed an ordinance that makes recycling compulsory from July 2013, with those who fail to comply under threat of fines up to $2500 dollars.

“In a growing number of cities across the U.S., local governments are placing computer chips in recycling bins to collect data on refuse disposal, and then fining residents who don’t participate in recycling efforts and forcing others into educational programs meant to instill respect for the environment,” reports Fox News.

Such programs are already in place in major cities such as Charlotte, N.C., Cleveland, Ohio, Boise, Idaho, and Flint, Michigan.

In Cleveland, people who fail to recycle are flagged by the RFID chip embedded in their trash can, added to a database and then targeted by green cops who are dispatched to intimidate homeowners.

If a resident fails to bring their recycling cart to the curb for as little a period as three weeks, a “trash supervisor” rummages through their regular trash to check if the resident is throwing away recyclable materials (glass, metal cans, plastic bottles, paper and cardboard). If the regular trash can contains more than 10% of these items, a $100 dollar fine is immediately issued.

“We’re going to run reports on who this particular truck picked up from today and if it indicates on a consistent basis that your household hasn’t been recycling, then we have officers that I will send out … to check and see what’s going on,” Waste Collection Commissioner Ronnie Owens told ABC News.


It is now clear that global warming is an excuse to control every facet of our lives.
SmJAJ48@aol.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/109312
